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Everything posted by Wezbid

  1. Then if he signs, they'll just claim Villa came back in with a new and improved offer. Easy.
  2. Thanks to @ciggiesnbeerfor bringing these guys to my attention. I've been really enjoying their podcasts over the summer. I look forward to hearing how their show is during season time. Football Weekly and Totally Football Show got a little stale for me last season and even the Football Ramble lost my interest. Ready to get going again though now we're back in the big time. The Villa View episode with Stan was great and I'm glad it wasn't just heavily focused on his illness, as huge a deal as it was. I think he'd make a good manager or coach at the very least. If Di Matteo had kept him in and around the place he might have had the season at least.
  3. Tifo have done another episode on Villa, along with the other promoted sides. Loving their sensible transfers episodes. I'm saving it to listen to in work this evening.
  4. Maybe he's just got a stutter.
  5. The way that commentator screams Grealish is beautiful. You can almost hear his testicles emptying.
  6. The Birmingham Mail will make about 64 'articles' out of this over the next week. Great interview though, he's miles ahead of pervious managers in terms of clarity, self-confidence without being cocky, knowing what he wants to do and how to do it, preparation etc etc. Same with O'Kelly, which was another great watch/listen. I'm glad the both of them now have the opportunity to really show what they can do at the highest level when the likes of Mark Hughes and Tony Pulis kept getting top flight managerial positions for years despite being absolute stains.
  7. A childhood photo of Dave (David) has emerged.
  8. Hey now, I'm sure he has a special place in his mother's heart and hearing that would crush her.
  9. I'm in for the league. I play with mates for cash by the gameweek. 20 of us split into 4 divisions with promotion and relegation. Serious business. We rent a holiday home for a the final gameweek of the season and try and get Shola Ameobi to present the trophies for the leagues and cups (paid of course), so far without success. There looks to be plenty of value with Villa this season!
  10. I spent my paper round money calling someone across the UK from a BT phone box to wheel and deal some transfers, then selotape coins down to my game card and hope it made it. M & E sports I think it was called. Found the advert in Match magazine where you could also draw and colour in your own kit design. Sounds pants but it was so good at the time.
  11. I don't know if I forgot what he looks like or if he's one of them who can morph into various looks.
  12. Who's that giving the finger at 10 seconds?
  13. You don't think he's done well there? If managers played him consistently and more through the middle they'd have a 20+ goal a season striker. He rarely gets 90 and is shoved out wide because he's fast despite arguably being the best finisher they have in front of goal. I agree with you that you can't call it value for money until the player's played and shown what he can do. I agree it looks expensive but there's also huge potential too.
  14. God damn! I forgot how much of a crush I had on Leslie Knope. I see she's also playing the Somali game...
  15. Utd spent similar on Martial with a similar/worse record with Monaco, and that's before the fees went utterly mental and Monaco went completely turd.
  16. A big signing could be done as a loan with a need to buy next summer. FFP is calculated over 3 years though isn't it? So we could get a lot more sorted this summer and ease off next. From a podcast episode I heard with a financial guy he said it was 3 years and we're now in year 1. Also the cost is based on the transfer fee, split over the years of the contract. So £20 fee over 4 years would show up as £5m for this season. The risk is, we go back down and it could be a clusterfeck but at the same time, we also have a huge amount to play with if we really want to. Signing someone for £20m this summer does not show as £20m for this year if I'm understanding it correctly. Happy to be corrected. Wages are also a factor too if course.
  17. Sad git, and that's coming from a loser like me!
  18. Where's Captain (Kalvin) Phillips when you need him?
  19. Genk aren't fans but at Gent, they hold the door open for you as you leave.
  20. We were making signings by Wednesday
  21. Racism? A Somali pirates reference is racist? I used to get called a sheep shagger when I worked in Coventry, being Welsh. I never in a million years would have classed that as racist. An easy stereotype that's a bit of a laugh but not racism. I think it's quite dangerous throwing that term around seriously. Now I'm off to go eat rarebit and then round 2 with Dolly. Thank god they've cloned her as she's the best in the business.
  22. No real idea about this one. He looks to have decent end product. A bit like El Ghazi in terms of being quick, direct and whilst also not being a dwarf. Intreguing.
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