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Everything posted by Wezbid

  1. With all the excitement of the Weetabix factory discussion I just thought I'd let you know that I live 5 minutes from the 2nd of 2 Kellogg's factories in the UK. The site was officially opened by HRH Princess Alexandra on 28th April 1978, 2 years before they launched Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes and a whopping 6 years before they launched Fruit and Fibre. I may take a picture when I finish work if I'm feeling brave enough to go head to head with the security kiosk.
  2. He better still have his blonde cornrows!
  3. I'm fine, I just need some water! I won't kiss you goodbye. I'll kiss you later, and the rest. Phwooaarr!
  4. Elmo won't be going anywhere. I'll try and eat a jar of Coleman's mustard and upload it if he leaves this transfer window
  5. Werner banged in 16 in 30 and Poulson banged in 15 in 27, tough to try and break through them 2. Any signing is a risk but also focusing on 3 league goals is also mis-leading. He scored 8 in 30 in all competitions according to Wiki which isn't a bad return considering most of those 30 weren't starts.
  6. Giving up prematurely on the podcast like they give up too soon on Jokanovic. You've done a Fulham.
  7. That's reassuring. If your YouTube highlights vids make you look a bit gash, you know you're in trouble. The sort of signing Sunderland would make when they were in the Prem.
  8. When I first looked him up and saw the goal record I got a semi, then the more you read up and watch him in action the more and more he seems to go against the sort of player we're after. Perhaps it's a bit of lazy journalism with the Trezeguet association or perhaps he's actually good and looked worthwhile when we were scouting Trezeguet. It does seem a bit of a curious one though.
  9. Looking at the vid he looks more like back/competition to McGinn rather than a holding DM. Not that he couldn't play there and McGinn stays if Nakamba goes on a run. With 14/15 leaving in the summer I could still see us signing someone like Santamaria along with a striker and winger with Thor, Tishbola and Lansbury leaving with Hourihane as Grealish back-up. Maybe that's just being greedy.
  10. Also tripping someone up, shooting wide, over and misplacing a pass. I guess if you put a dance song over the top it makes us believe it's good.
  11. How do you feel about the link to Diagne? He scored 23 in 29 for Bra.
  12. According to Transfer Market, he's valued at 200 Th. Now, I thought that there was only one son of Asgard so unless we can develop a replicant machine quickly, this player looks unattainable to me. We can offer Bjarnason in exchange but I feel like they would be expecting another 199 of him.
  13. He looks exciting, really good goals/assists to mins ratio and a sensible price along with looking good through the middle with the pace to cause damage out wide. I approve.
  14. Or he gets a little bit more on it, it goes a foot wider and he's off on an attack rinsing Ben Davies for pace. Just as feasible.
  15. All the players feed off him. I thought that was pretty evident
  16. Of course but 2 wins would cover 6 draws, that's huge. Spurs lost 13 last season, just 4 less than 16th placed Southampton and still got 4th place. Thankfully, I don't see Dean Smith as one to cling for a point. It's nice not losing many but pointless (almost) if you're not picking up many 3 points.
  17. Eh? He was up against top notch opposition today, he's going to be up against it. If we're lambasting Taylor for his lack of forward play then it's pretty brutal to be expecting Targett to be a full on attacking wing back (in a back 4) and then expect him to be in a mighty fine defensive position too. It's when he's out of position defensively and not providing any attacking threat that we should worry. These players aren't robots and can't be in multiple places at once. If we want Guilbert and Targett providing chances then we're going to have to accept they can't just simply be sprint back and be in place to defend moments later. This is where Heaton, Engles and Mings really have to earn their corn.
  18. It's worth it. I'd rather gain 3 points as a result of going for it than trying to hold on to a point/lose a point holding back.
  19. Struggling with the quick passes. Quite sloppy at times but this is the sort of test that's needed. We'll get better and we're still holding our own against a top team.
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