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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. Thor hasn't quite got his targeting system online but so far he has looked much better playing in the middle than out wide.
  2. Suddenly we have two moments of craziness in the space of a few seconds... lucky not to be behind.
  3. Interestingly I think they were, but only in 'bits'. Things like the horror outro to Disturbance, the riffing in the song I linked to above, the demonic ending to Open Up Said The World At the Door. But they tended to mitigate the heaviness with the tunes and harmonies and subject matter and often ended up with a weird heavy rock/flower power hybrid thing. And of course they used to chop up cars with axes on stage. Roy Wood carried some of that proto-metal stuff across into Wizzard as well - Wizzard Brew is called 'easily the loudest record of its era' and 'sonic terrorism' by All Music, even though all the Harvey stuff is accompanied by jazz saxophones! Roy Wood is a crazy genius.
  4. Following on from the previous post, been listening to Shazam tonight. Oh my god The Move were a heavy band. I gotta wonder how much Roy Wood influenced the Sabbath guys (and vice versa) - they must have crossed paths in the late 60s.
  5. I am seeing a strange little floating 'x' button in the screen that stays fixed toward the lower right corner as you scroll, and when i look at the source using developer tools there seems to be an empty iframe just below holding a page that loads some javascript from here: "//ap.lijit.com/www/delivery/fpi.js?z=491390&width=728&height=90" which itself seems to be 0 bytes in size. I don't know how legitimate these are (I think 'lijit' is some kind of advertising company) but the floating 'x' button is annoying and it is concerning if something is being injected into the page. Further info: I am talking about the full desktop site here, and I'm using a recent build of Chrome on a windows 10 machine. It is possible that something is being blocked somewhere and not showing on my machine hence the empty iframe.
  6. Exactly which of Germany's two extremely brilliant teams should play in the world cup? The experienced senior team who are better than everybody or the youthful B-team who are also Bette than everybody? Such a conundrum...
  7. Tony Tony Tony... You sure know how to do this 'internet' thing don't you?
  8. What a goal by Alves. Juve look unstoppable at the moment.
  9. Probably the most intelligent footballer we have had in the last decade in terms of his movement and passing. I was so impressed watching him earlier in the season. Sadly nobody else in our team was on his wavelength. If he can get over his undoubted issues and integrate with the rest of the squad (and if Bruce can work out how to use him) he will be an absolute star. However I remain pessimistic and do not think this will happen.
  10. Broken ribs? How did that happen?
  11. Anybody heard these rumours that Steve Bruce was in an altercation with players? I have no idea if there is any basis in it, but it seems fairly widespread. Edit: guess it may be related to the injury on his head, so quite possibly it is all completely made up
  12. This is a fair point - it is terrible, but hey, I guess if they had fun making it then it does make it less dislikeable than many Hollywood films. If we are talking about overall dislike for any reason rather than just for technical or quality reasons, then I would have to put The Force Awakens up there for me. Yes it was extremely well-made, yes a lot of people liked it, but to me it was a cynical second-rate remake of a classic film (or two) with utterly abysmal dialogue, awful scriptwriting and some terrible acting. I was so annoyed watching that film... it could have been so so so much better. I had really high expectations for it (stupidly I suppose) and felt massively let down by it.
  13. Manos The Hands Of Fate. An endless series of utterly incomprehensible nonsense. If you can get through it in one sitting I am impressed.
  14. Such a shame. I remember watching him in the nextgen tournament the year before we won it and thinking he would be our next Gareth Barry. Looks like it will not be the case now. Real shame - the injuries he had must have really affected his development.
  15. Feel sorry for him in a way. We are looking so terrible right now it must be difficult to know what to do for the best. I guess this is why he has billions and and I do not.
  16. Fingers crossed he recovers fully. Was a really good player for us.
  17. The perfect thread for this Atletico Madrid performance :-)
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