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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. Yes, hopefully Whelan was struggling today because of the team setup rather than because he is past his sell-by date...
  2. I think the presence of Terry and Elmo has lifted a weight off his shoulders. He was linking up with Elmo terrifically in the first half. He still does odd things, and often telegraphs his intentions, but I was impressed today.
  3. Bacuna and Whelan... They were so poor...
  4. Instantly changed to the game as soon as he came on. Eased the pressure on our midfield and defence, allowed Elmo back into the game because Hull suddenly had another target to mark, and if he'd come on earlier I'm sure we would have won. Shame he didn't score but to me it seemed like a surprise that the ball came through to him but I haven't seen any replays so am just going from my immediate reaction to the miss.
  5. Not sure myself. He looked weak and unable to win any challenges and couldn't engineer any space for himself, both things a decent striker needs to do otherwise how can other players provide him with any decent service? One or two decent runs that didn't lead to anything aren't enough to convince me.
  6. Very poor. I pin that loss totally on Bruce. He was the one who started Bacuna, he was the one that sat and watched Hull tear us apart for half an hour until they finally scored and did nothing until after that, and he is the one that still hasn't managed to work out how to link up play with our strikers. Bacuna was awful, Whelan was poor, I am not sure what so many saw in Hogan today because all I saw was a small guy who failed to win a single challenge and couldn't make any space for himself at all. Good points? Elmo and Hutton linking up well, Terry was class, Green and Onomah changed the game when they finally came on. I don't blame Green for the miss - I was sitting in the Doug Ellis and I was surprised that ball came through to him so I can only imagine he was surprised too. I also thought Gabby put in a good shift and looked a real handful for most of the game.
  7. Hmm. I got the following error message: "Divide by zero error at IsSteveBruceBetterThanTimSherwood.cs line 1"
  8. The British guy who disabled the WannaCry malware by registering a killswitch domain has been arrested whilst returning from America where he was attending a computer security conference. The indictment claims he was arrested under suspicion of being responsible for the Kronos malware of 2015. Article on Ars Technica: British slayer of WannaCry worm detained after attending Defcon There is a *lot* of interest in this case with conspiracy theories and accusations abounding. The sudden emptying of the WannaCry bitcoin wallets shortly after the arrest is only fuelling the speculation. This story is going to rumble on for a long long time I expect.
  9. Oh no! Hope he recovers well. Was really hoping he'd push on this season and improve his all-round game. Dammit.
  10. Just over two years ago. I got it direct from Oneplus and it came with a supposedly not-released developer build of Cyanogen on it which meant their update servers didn't recognise it for updates. Because their customer service was useless I tried to root and install the latest build myself, but something went wrong and I bricked the phone. Fortunately, some dodgy Chinese software was available that allowed you to reinstall the factory image through the Qualcomm modem and luckily I managed to sort that out. The phone then lasted about two years before having a major screen redrawing crisis, and then got stuck in a boot loop and wouldn't get of recovery mode. As a general phone though it was decent enough as a day-to-day driver but having seen my mate's Oneplus 5 (coupled with my experiences) I can't say that it seems worth the extra £300 or so over my P2. Not for my usage purposes anyway.
  11. Not a lot, don't tend to watch a lot of video,, and most of the day I am on WiFi anyway. I'd say as rough rule of thumb you can add another 75% to your existing phone's battery life, which if you currently get down to say 20% by the end of the day means you could probably go through the next day too without charging with this phone. I often find myself going three days without charging. I am currently on 51% having last charged the night before last. Oh, it is a quick charger too, so it doesn't take a lot of time to refill.
  12. What do we make of today's performance then? As we see so often, a few bits of magic (such as his work leading up to the corner that Samba scored from) coupled with some terrible decision making and occasional bouts of laziness. For me, he is worth persevering with because of his game-changing moments, but I don't think the lesser side of his game has improved sadly.
  13. That trophy... We're gonna need a bigger cabinet.
  14. Jack gets tripped, and whilst stumbling controls the ball perfectly to set up a shooting chance. Little things like that are why I really wish he could up his all-round game. Resulted in a corner from which samba scored too.
  15. Erm... Yes it is a friendly but Micah Richards? I mean really? We could at least try to win something for a change...
  16. So, my Lenovo P2 then. £200 from Three. Giffgaff SIM in it. Amoled 1080p screen, decent processor, 4gb ram, 32gb storage, SD slot, dual SIM, and.... 5100 mah battery that can last me THREE DAYS! Flippin' the best phone I ever bought and it was only £200! So much better than my letdown of a Oneplus one.
  17. I wish the 'other' cameraman would get out of the way of 'our' cameraman
  18. This second half has been utterly diabolical. I just can't see anything good at all since we came back out, except weirdly for Samba who has been doing well.
  19. Oh no! Terry has been turned into a hoofballer already!
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