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a m ole

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Everything posted by a m ole

  1. It’s that or cancel the Euros, to be fair. We could do without giving Danny Murphy or whoever a ticket, but it does come in the package.
  2. Now everyone’s had the opportunity to have the vaccine and it doesn’t come with storing using and selling any of my personal data for other purposes, yeah sure.
  3. If the account is locked and anonymous, why would they need to make it cryptic in the first place?
  4. Well, there’s… I mean he’s always been pretty good at… Yeah I’d **** both of them.
  5. Can we talk about his abilities as a player please?
  6. I think that particular song during the game is fine, it’s not particularly necessary but it is in reaction to what’s happening on the pitch. The anthem bit just isn’t part of the pantomime to me and I find it strange. When the tribalism bleeds off the pitch is where it it starts to feel like ‘chill out’ territory.
  7. This, they don’t give a shit. It’s more embarrassing than anything.
  8. It’s not about being offended, it’s just finding it unnecessary. No need to try to turn it into a ‘being soft’ issue. My emotional response to people booing another country’s anthem is “lol ok calm down dickhead”
  9. The line for me is the difference between making noise and putting the opposition off during the game and booing the fact that they’re from somewhere by targeting the anthem. It’s where it stops being banter. Like play wresting with your mates as a kid, then some dickhead gets someone in a choke hold and spoils the fun.
  10. Luke on Football Ramble had the same dumb opinion and basically said people who disagree don’t know about football. This idea that playing Grealish over Sterling or Saka for example means that England suddenly couldn’t keep it tight and defend is **** ridiculous. He’s got better defensive stats than most the forwards and has had to do it all the time at Villa. How often is Sterling in a Man City side that sits back and keeps it tight?
  11. Sancho is a very good signing, they need a goalkeeper, centre back, centre midfielder badly though. Not sure he alone is gonna make them title contenders.
  12. Sentiment kinda spoiled by the huge TikTok logo also thought “what has Jack got to do with mining in Wrexham?”
  13. FWIW I think it’s harsh because there was clearly no intent and I’m finding it hard to blame him for the coming together. I don’t think it’s outrageous that it was given, because I can understand the sentiment behind “he has to go”.
  14. He was stationary, stood up, took two steps and side footed the ball directly upwards while the Ukrainian player was sprinting in at full speed.
  15. He was standing still, not sliding
  16. I think that’s the wrong decision.
  17. That’s a complete accident, he’s stationary.
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