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Everything posted by shaggy

  1. We've been poor with or without Benteke this season and if we go on another poor run of form then Benteke's injury will be used as an excuse by both the manager and fans alike. No-one is saying that it isn't a blow to lose him, of course it is but he hasn't been at his best this season probably due to previous injuries so it's up to the manager to show what he is made of in changing the system to get the best out of what is available and get us safe.
  2. Bacuna was £800k so yes. Westwood and Lowton were like £2m each so I don't believe either has quadrupled in value or even tripled. Were they? I was thinking they were both less than that, but if it's the case then I agree. Maybe doubled in value though, and I wouldn't think either have dropped. I don't think many, if any, of Lambert's signings will have dropped in value if we decided to sell them. That's one huge positive in the types of players he signs. Even if they don't work, they won't lose us tonnes of money and will be much more saleable than our previous "bomb squad" It's not something you can really praise the manager for though since the majority of players he has bought in the first place have cost so little. That type of theory put forward to defend Lambert is nothing short of having your cake and eating it.
  3. It's not often a character nic name (Dirty Den) can be applied in real life.
  4. Fulham is a much bigger game for us now because if we lose and are without our talisman then I can see the jitters setting in. We are by no means safe yet.
  5. I don't see the reasoning behind putting Holt in now as first choice. He won't be retained in the summer and with good reason so we must plan ahead for the start of next season without Benteke. Helenius must be given his chance now if we are not to purchase yet another striker as I'm not sure we should be relying on Kozak to pull us through. Bent will also be available but I don't think Lambert will play him.
  6. This now really puts Lerner behind the 8 ball for investment in the summer. There may have been a suggestion that the sale of Benteke was going to fund the summer window without the chairman having to dip into his pockets. This can no longer be the case and Lerner will now have to give the manager 20m plus wages just to secure our Premiership status next season. Anything less and it simply won't wash with the fans and probably Lambert.
  7. Holy shit man now you got me worried. I thought because the skin had been pulled back on my J Arthur was the reason for the spray hose affect. There's no itchiness or anything like that just a lack of control at the moment but if it doesn't get any better then I will go to my GP. How in the hell am I going to explain this one to him and if I don't get my usual GP I bet you I get one to the two female GPs in the practice.The more I think about this the worse it gets. Going to bed and **** knows what I'm going to dream about.
  8. shaggy

    General Chat

    I did shelf stacking for Tesco's (night shift) and while it sounds boring it really wasn't as you were kept at it for the duration of your hours. They are hard to work for though. Just before you finish your shift you have to make sure that all products are fronted up (labels to the front). What we did as you can get stare crazy was to get your workmates to check the stock you have been working on before the manager came around to give it the once over and if anything was set backward then you got vicious stick. For once my aisle was fine and then inspected by the store manager. The store manager then got a set of steps and climbed to the top of the aisle and came back down again shaking his head looking very disgruntled. I then received a lecture from my line manager telling me that at the very top of my aisle the stock was placed in a curved line and not straight. Not having a set of steps to check this and having not seen any customers requesting a set of steps to see whether the very top of the aisle was straight when you look down from a great height left me more than slightly pissed off which the line manager soon found out. I was given a verbal warning for the outburst and left weeks later. Maybe this should have been posted in the boring thread after all?
  9. Or me really Eames. Purely from a marketing point of view and most of us willing to fork out for the best gadget available would probably influence the gadget freak. I still think though that it would cut out the choice for a lot of people going either for a better camera or better sound system and design. If you could have all three in one phone that would certainly influence my purchase.
  10. He does seem to lack hunger. He looks like he's been on a two month eating spree. I'm not going to go so far as to say he's got nothing else to his game, but Gabby's pace is obviously his biggest threat. He's looking overweight and well off the pace at the moment. I'd bench him for the next match (Albrighton in his place and KEA back in the midfield) and I'd have him running a few extra sprints in training too. We need to have a good April. Let's start with Fulham, please. The problem with Gabby is that he knows and we all know when fit he is guaranteed his place in the team not only due to the injury to Kozak but the way in which we are set up to play. I'd give him a mighty kick in the bollocks by dropping him and playing Albrighton in his place. Tonev would be the other alternative but, well, he just isn't very good is he. I really don't know what to expect against Fulham after our last two performances. If we lose and other results go against us then we're definitely back in the shit again. If we win then bar a catastrophic collapse we should be safe. Maybe a draw to keep us all on edge for another week or two.
  11. I think HTC have got it bang on. People who are superserious photographers by SLRs... they don't generally clearing in the woods around with camera phones (yes pedants I am aware there are exceptions to the rule, our own B23 for example) MOST camera phone users do so as casual on the go snaps, low light selfies or nightclub shots. They want higher resolution in lower light rather than super high resolution for example. When the S4 and HTC One came out generally in reviews of both phones the HTC One came out on top for its design but the camera was better on the S4. The camera on the m8 still hasn't improved much and those who don't want to take expensive SLRs on holiday or at concerts but still want photographic quality may have chosen the S4 for exactly those reasons since there's very little operating difference between both phones. Consequently I think HTC have missed a trick here. Those who have purchased the S4 or now S5 rather than the HTC One due to a better camera would have certainly been influenced by a better camera in the m8 and thus HTC would have practically cornered the market in flagship mobile phones with being more aesthetically pleasing, great camera and the best sound system. I want to purchase the m8 but am being held back with the thought that maybe the next upgrade by HTC might include a better camera and thus create the perfect all in one phone.
  12. I really thought I was in love with Britney a few years ago until I read somewhere that she farts like a trooper which immediately took the shine of the crush. I mean all that effort to DHUTWU and your lad is blown straight back out again.
  13. Tell that to shaggy. Mine was a Double Decker.
  14. If HTC would put in a camera to match the quality of the rest of the phone they would have even more of a winner than they have now. I can't understand why they don't do this.
  15. So even though the reason for Holt's signing was to cover the injury of Kozak since he has been absolutely useless when called upon he was now purchased as fulfilling a dual role as a voice of experience in the dressing room. What exactly do you think Benteke, Weimann and Agbonlahor could learn from him now?
  16. Tell that to man city, or Chelsea, or, man you, never mind we'll use any excuse to explain a lack of investment.
  17. Be prepared for another summer of disappointment and discontent until we get a new owner.
  18. Eames was the person you shared this act with experienced or a first timer?
  19. I'm not sure you did it right... Don't tell me you went in with no preparation beforehand? Rookie Dookie Mistake. Yeah loads of prep work on her and me. Went to Ann Summers and got what I needed. Before going in my little fella smelt like a stick of rock but afterwards had the appearance of a slice of chocolate fudge cake with added cream. She hadn't done it before either way and while it was nice to be there first it might have been better for me at least that she was more experienced. Hopefully second time won't be just as bad but my j Arthur needs more repair time.
  20. Did you thank Mcleish for doing a similar job and if he had still been our manager would you be defending him as much as lambert. It's not a case of the fans growing up at all. It's actually a case of some of our fans being far too **** patient with a lack of investment from the chairman. Look at the grief Doug got for doing the same thing. I've seen people saying this on site that we can't afford this and we can't afford that. Is it not simply a case of we won't afford this and we won't afford that. I mean our chairman isn't exactly short of a few pound is he after selling up in America. He also has a decent income coming in through gate receipts and other revenue and if his goal is to be self sufficient then that's fine but tell that to the other clubs in the Premiership who go into manageable debt to improve and show ambition. You don't have to do a Leeds or Portsmouth to push the club on because with a little more investment and we're talking well short of the three figure millions that has been stated on here we could push back into the top 6-7 and then sustain that with the extra income from placement and TV revenue. I'm afraid it is all about showing ambition and that lack of ambition has pushed several of our better players to other clubs and it has now spread to the fan base who have lowered their expectation levels to just staying in the Premiership and if that's where our expectation lies then that's where we're going to be until that fan base shows some **** balls as they did with Mcleish and tell the board that the level of investment and performance over the past two seasons is simply not acceptable and not **** good enough for this great club.
  21. After my exploits at the weekend when I go to the toilet I'm pissing all over the place, generally like a spray and am having great difficulty in keeping the wee in the bowl. Skin on my j Arthur hasn't fully went back into place yet and when the point hits the underwear god what **** pain. It's like somebody sticking a needle right in the eye. Have tried to pull the skin back over again and then hold it in place for a while but still no joy. I'm in recovery lads and lasses and DHUTWU is not for the faint hearted.
  22. I haven't asked you to apologise and didn't expect you to. I stated my opinion and it was nothing more than that. I also can't be responsible for you misinterpreting the think about it comment. I was asking the poster to think about the contradiction in what he had said and what he had said in other posts. Not agreeing with what someone has stated is not the same thing as missing the point. In other posts I have acknowledged the lack of funding our manager has had and my opinion isn't based on a manager with 'a giant pot of gold.' It's based on a general lack of improvement in how we play and our results some of which have been horrendous. If lambert is given a new contract based on what we've all seen so far then I won't renew my st as I feel I can't justify the money for the frustration anymore and it doesn't make me a bad fan in saying that but it's the only way I can say to the board enough is enough.
  23. Shaggy - The squad IS good enough for what we are trying to achieve as a football club currently. We are expected to retain our place in the league and that is an achievement for us. The squad/team will be totally unrecognisable in twelve months time, even more so in 24 months. Believe me, Lambert is a ruthless man and will get rid of players not performing to the standards required. Ideally we will evolve each season. Well if that is the case gentleman then lambert will have to get rid of two thirds of his signings to replace them with better. Think about that for a moment. One of the reasons put forward not to bring another manager in was more upheaval of the squad yet that's what you say is going to happen anyway. Do we do that with a manager who hasn't yet made much of an improvement over two seasons with us or do we bring someone else in who wants to play in a way most of our fans want to see. There's no point in stability if the manager isn't good enough and I don't think lambert is good enough. One last thing. If you see us staying in the league as some sort of achievement then the chairman has won the battle by dragging down fan expectation. For me being happy just to stay in the league is a lot lower than what we should expect for our club.
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