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Everything posted by shaggy

  1. We should all be sterilised have pleasure robots to eh pleasure us, work robots to eh do the work for us, do all the fighting for us and eventually when we've bled the planet of all resources then the robots can have a crap planet.
  2. Maybe this needs to happen, get another fan favourite in, let him struggle with the funding and let them realise the real problem. We will not move on and compete with the current owner. Who is to say that a new manager would struggle.
  3. Yes Scooby Doo A steady supply of Scooby snacks and he's yours.
  4. The plan seems to be to survive on the cheap.
  5. If we include Bacuna (which is fair seeing as Herd counts as a defender in the above claim), then that was seven defenders used today. A good way to add to a season that has been McLeish-esque for practically it's entire duration. Good point.
  6. Or Lambert who breaks all records at our club for the wrong reasons.
  7. Do you think he will grasp the number of empty seats at Villa park each week? (Based on sales because he will clearly never see it). I think he already realises, I just hope that that convinces him to release some of the financial restrictions rather than sack Lambert and have the situation pop up again in 18 months time. Do you think he will grasp the number of empty seats at Villa park each week? (Based on sales because he will clearly never see it).I think he already realises, I just hope that that convinces him to release some of the financial restrictions rather than sack Lambert and have the situation pop up again in 18 months time. It's no certainty the situation could pop up in 18 months time. He could release the financial constrictions and get a new manager in.Or he could just get a new manager in who performs better within the same budget constraints?
  8. He will be gone in the summer my friends. Mark my words. Yep. No way can this shit continue. It probably will if the financial restrictions remain, regardless of who is manager. So if let's say Rodgers or Martinez had come to the club instead of Lambert you reckon our results wouldn't have been better or our football wouldn't have been more pleasing on the eye? That's what you are defending Lambert with and what has been a consistent defence of Lambert on this forum that given the players already here and Lambert's budget over two seasons that no other manager could have done any better. Either you are extremely narrow minded or simply you are not prepared to admit that your faith in Lambert has proven to be unfounded.
  9. I knew what your point was but I don't think it's as simple as that, not with the budget restrictions. Yup and he might very well be offered a new **** contract. I hope the board now show some balls and get rid before he makes it any worse. God **** awful manager and completely clueless. I'd much rather the board actually back him and let him spend a bit more on wages - that would be far more productive. With budget restrictions, it makes good sense to spend money where you need it. He did what he could. Problem is he doesn't seem to be able to offer much in the way of wages. Bollocks. He has wasted money on players who should have been nowhere near the club and produced general results akin to his purchases ability.
  10. I knew what your point was but I don't think it's as simple as that, not with the budget restrictions. Yup and he might very well be offered a new **** contract. I hope the board now show some balls and get rid before he makes it any worse. God **** awful manager and completely clueless. I'd much rather the board actually back him and let him spend a bit more on wages - that would be far more productive. The board have given him enough to show that he can't build a squad worth shit.
  11. I'm not so sure about that. I mean, we've lost to Fulham twice this season and lost to Palace when they came to VP in December. All I'm saying is that at this stage in the season I'd rather play a mid-table team with nothing to play for than a team fighting for its life. Likewise, I'm sick of this black and white approach to Villa where everybody who isn't screaming about how shit everything is and isn't calling for Lambert to go is somehow assumed to think everything is fine. Stoke weren't fighting for their life when they played us yet turned us over and your point is invalid as you can't chose who you play at any point of the season. It isn't a black and white approach either as we've been shit under lambert for two seasons now.
  12. Against a mid table team then fine but against the bottom team who have now done the double over us I'm sorry but lambert really should take the blame for this with his job. Except at this stage of the season playing a mid-table team is probably easier than playing a team fighting for their lives at the bottom. As I said, the result isn't good enough and I'm pissed off but we are severely weakened at the moment. My biggest concern right now is that we get KEA and Delph back. Yep we did well against Stoke as well. Yes thank you for pointing that out I just completely missed that game. Thanks again for telling me! No problem mate. Just trying to show you were completely wrong about your mid table comment. Generally it's true though - one result doesn't change that. Also, Stoke were by no means safe when they played us. But generally it doesn't apply to us right? Just sick of fans trying to defend this moron anymore and trying to defend this result is in complete denial of how bad we've become under him.
  13. Yup and he might very well be offered a new **** contract. I hope the board now show some balls and get rid before he makes it any worse. God **** awful manager and completely clueless.
  14. Against a mid table team then fine but against the bottom team who have now done the double over us I'm sorry but lambert really should take the blame for this with his job. Except at this stage of the season playing a mid-table team is probably easier than playing a team fighting for their lives at the bottom. As I said, the result isn't good enough and I'm pissed off but we are severely weakened at the moment. My biggest concern right now is that we get KEA and Delph back. Yep we did well against Stoke as well. Yes thank you for pointing that out I just completely missed that game. Thanks again for telling me! No problem mate. Just trying to show you were completely wrong about your mid table comment.
  15. Against a mid table team then fine but against the bottom team who have now done the double over us I'm sorry but lambert really should take the blame for this with his job. Except at this stage of the season playing a mid-table team is probably easier than playing a team fighting for their lives at the bottom. As I said, the result isn't good enough and I'm pissed off but we are severely weakened at the moment. My biggest concern right now is that we get KEA and Delph back. Yep we did well against Stoke as well.
  16. Against a mid table team then fine but against the bottom team who have now done the double over us I'm sorry but lambert really should take the blame for this with his job.
  17. That's it for me. The worst result in Lambert's time with us even with the injuries. He has to go and now.
  18. Hope it will be this but Baker instead of Clark. It won't be though cause sadly Grant Holt is going to start. After a 40+m spend and even considering our injuries that's a piss poor line up to represent our club. No wonder we have struggled. Considering nearly 15m of that 40m is injured. You're looking at a squad built on 25m. Jeez man, give it a rest. Our squad is valued at considerably more unless you want to forget about the players already here when Lambert arrived and are still here.
  19. Hope it will be this but Baker instead of Clark. It won't be though cause sadly Grant Holt is going to start.After a 40+m spend and even considering our injuries that's a piss poor line up to represent our club. No wonder we have struggled.Consider that nearly half that 40m spend is out injured and the other players averaged under 2m per transfer.I have considered the injuries as already mentioned in my post and even when those players were fit we haven't exactly been knocking any trees down have we.
  20. Not sure Mr Lerner will see it like that.
  21. Hope it will be this but Baker instead of Clark. It won't be though cause sadly Grant Holt is going to start. After a 40+m spend and even considering our injuries that's a piss poor line up to represent our club. No wonder we have struggled.
  22. Weeded my garden today.
  23. Has this guy Hold been promoted from the academy?
  24. Bacuna was £800k so yes. Westwood and Lowton were like £2m each so I don't believe either has quadrupled in value or even tripled. Were they? I was thinking they were both less than that, but if it's the case then I agree. Maybe doubled in value though, and I wouldn't think either have dropped. I don't think many, if any, of Lambert's signings will have dropped in value if we decided to sell them. That's one huge positive in the types of players he signs. Even if they don't work, they won't lose us tonnes of money and will be much more saleable than our previous "bomb squad" It's not something you can really praise the manager for though since the majority of players he has bought in the first place have cost so little. That type of theory put forward to defend Lambert is nothing short of having your cake and eating it. This is such a bizarre post. Your first sentence, I'm not even sure what it means. Lambert buys cheap players, they increase in value, but you can't praise him for it because they were cheap in the first place? Why not?! Because it doesn't suit your argument? Your second sentence, I don't think that saying works in this situation? How is claiming that a positive of Lambert's signings is that I don't think many will have dropped in value "having my cake and eating it"? Do you know what that phrase means? Oh I think you know what I mean alright. The fact that lambert has had to buy cheaply and that is the excuse used to defend poor results yet we must also praise him for doing this when they don't work out because they haven't cost much in the first place. That my friend is having your cake and eat it and please less of the patronisation as it is quite evident that I do know what the phrase means.
  25. shaggy

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