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Everything posted by shaggy

  1. Shaved my under carriage tonight very carefully.
  2. We're now at the end of that backing phase you speak of due to the fans and board sticking by him through some awful results and performances. He now needs to produce and bloody quick before things get any worse.
  3. Toasted muffins or hot cross buns, lovely.
  4. Mate if your GP sends you for those tests then having experienced them first hand they aren't pleasant. When the tube goes up the back end you have to fight shitting yourself and when up the front end the pain is excruciating. If it's just the finger up the back end for the prostrate then that isn't too bad so good luck.
  5. I'd be interested to find out when these so called problems first started?
  6. I wonder will a change of coaching staff coincide with a change in system? Then again we still have the same manager so maybe it will be a pointer to who actually makes the decisions on the team?
  7. Anything that doesn't involve getting soaking wet. Completed the sponsored walk last Saturday in trying conditions as it pissed from the heavens most of the time but a great fry up afterwards. This Saturday watching the Villa and won't be surprised if the heavens open again.
  8. You are sick Why? Its common knowledge between many cat owners that if your cat starts to do this then rubbing its nose in it can stop the problem. it was a joke. I was alluding that by your "back hall" you were talking about your rectum. Duh. Sorry about that mate. Anyway don't want to rub it's nose in it just really pissed off yesterday. Got a few tips on the internet what to do as the problem doesn't seem to be uncommon. Will try all of those first and then if they don't work will just continue to clean it up. He's my best mate.
  9. There is nothing positive about Culverhouse/Karsa doing a lousy bullying job of carrying out Lambert's instructions. There is nothing positive about Lambert failing to realise that his staff were out of order. It's not human nature, it's gross incompetence! We will all be behind the team on saturday against Southampton, but your assumption that VT posters are naive is wrong. We are all intelligent human beings with our own opinions, and if you think that what has been happening at Villa behind the scenes is normal then I would say you are in a very small minority. Please read my post again - I clearly state not just at Villa park but at all football clubs. If you disagree with me fine. That is your prerogative but I do believe in this instance you are underlining my point about being naive. Also, the things you say are not positive have now been addressed, so that is my point & that clearly therefore is a positive. Are you shocked by today's events? Is any body shocked by today's events? It's life! Do you really think that todays club statement has fully addressed Villa's management and coaching deficiencies? If you do then I'm sad to say that it"s you who may be naive. One press release from AVFC does not resolve a problem that has been brewing for a number of years. It's not "life," it's a loss of professional control which is unacceptable in a multi million pound business. Perhaps we're both naive about being naive! It won't be long now before some other sordid affair is splashed across the red top papers in another multi million pound business. It happens every day in every industry. It get's covered up for a while & then it all explodes. There is nothing shocking about it. Nothing. & that is my point. Just go back a few pages in this thread and start reading. There's quite a few that have been shocked about this unless you are the only one that expected this to happen.
  10. I think they have their own worries. No doubt but that's not going to stop one or two there finding it hard to wipe a wry grin of their face at our and more importantly Lambert's current predicament.
  11. Have read through this thread all night and no-one has mentioned tactics. Lambert must have instructed Culverhouse and Karsa how he wanted the team to play and which players he wanted in the team on match day. Does anyone seriously believe that Lambert had no input in that. If they do then what in hell is the point in having a manager in the first place? Unless Lambert has a twin he has also attended all 1st team games this season and if the team wasn't playing to his instruction due to poor training methods then why has he left it so late to react with a more hands on approach himself if the coaching staff were having such a detrimental affect on results. I mean ultimately the manager carries the can for poor results and Lambert's reputation has also been tarnished. This is all very strange indeed and the shit has hit the fan (literally) when Lambert's job has come under intense scrutiny while losing fan support. Everyone at Norwich must be laughing their little legs off at this and could you blame them?
  12. You are sick Why? Its common knowledge between many cat owners that if your cat starts to do this then rubbing its nose in it can stop the problem.
  13. Then he has been a complete failure.
  14. Then what does lambert do? Look good in his Ralph Lauren pullover. He can't even do that. I wonder how we will set up on Saturday and hopefully this change will see the end of Holt.
  15. Lambert must be the luckiest manager out there at the moment. Results, another season going pear shaped, the fans ready to turn and now he will get the utmost sympathy from the fans because he has another a ready made excuse for the shambles he has presided over since joining the club.
  16. You stick with a plan when you see improvement not regression. Lambert's time is done here.
  17. It's not really, by all accounts he's a complete word removed. I thought Bubba was thought of very highly by the whole golfing world until he was a right word removed to his caddy that one time last year? I still like him. I really like his ridiculous style. Obscene swing pattern. Every time I see him swinging at the ball I'm waiting for a shank. As unorthodox as Lee Trevino but both great players.
  18. My cat continually shitting in my back hall when the tray is available. Ready to rub his nose in it, literally.
  19. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/aston-villa/10765882/Paul-Lambert-ready-to-rebuild-Aston-Villa-as-fan-unrest-grows.html I won't be hoodwinked into renewing my ST again by articles and shit like this coming from the club after the record of broken promises and non investment in the team. I wish the board, coaches and manager would **** off and continue the failure somewhere else.
  20. Basic remit of any manager is to do well for the club. Lambert has failed to do anything well.
  21. shaggy

    General Chat

    He was religious in the movie Contact.
  22. The saints will be relaxed and will express themselves in the knowledge that they are playing against a team that doesn't have the armoury to hurt them. It will also be drummed into them that if they start on the front foot and score first, then the home crowd will turn nasty and create more pressure on our players. If that happens then I can see Southampton running us ragged with a 0-3 defeat.
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