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Everything posted by shaggy

  1. Lambert's record over two seasons has been poor with little redemption.
  2. Not really, he finished fourth in his second full season there so not very long at all. They did also finish 17th in his third season So this magical third season can be counter productive after all?
  3. So sign a potentially quality player like Okore to do just that & then watch him get injured for the rest of the season. Surely fans understand this. That's why I refuse to join the clamour for Lambert out. Give the guy a proper chance please. Yup. Lambert loves managing the Villa and wants us to get better. I'm sure he does and he can't believe his luck still being in a job, while producing a result record that would have seen any other Premiership manager sacked plus a rumoured offer of a new contract. Nice work if you can get it to reward failure.
  4. Spieth looking calm but wait until the second nine. Just love the masters.
  5. Perfect sense and a valid point. I'm sure if the team was doing well then those who are complaining would no doubt want to post a lot more in the main forum.
  6. Presuming that no other manager could any better than Lambert's current record is not only being short sighted it also smacks of sour grapes that you have been wrong to defend him. Opinions eh? Better than being told to **** off.
  7. Presuming that no other manager could any better than Lambert's current record is not only being short sighted it also smacks of sour grapes that you have been wrong to defend him.
  8. Not only am I shocked at the chants but the players demeanour after the game had ended. Sure you can be disappointed at losing but something much worse in the body language like that type of performance and result was inevitable.
  9. Yeah made that point earlier concerning Benteke. Personally I'd play Gabby up top on his own which he has done with aplomb before and flood our midfield with a 4-5-1 system to get us over the finishing line. A new manager might play that system anyway to get the best out of what we have available.
  10. I wonder how Lambert is feeling this morning. Dead man walking but has Lerner got the syringe or a new contract in hand?
  11. With Lambert's comment yesterday and considering the post from one of the moderators, we can safely say that all is not well with our club internally. It's also no surprise that whatever has happened hasn't yet been leaked but it's only a matter of time before that happens and that may see the manager leave at the end of the season? What also cannot be denied is that whatever it is, cannot excuse the vast majority of performances this season which with few exceptions have been dreadful. Lambert has backed himself into a corner due to those performances and if promises by the board have indeed been reneged on then currently he doesn't have strength of position to hold a gun to the club's board or fan support which is dwindling by the game. Lambert's position at this moment in time is nothing less than precarious and he knows it.
  12. And how will being negative help that? Find me a player that has said fans booing and moaning helps their performances. Are we as fans just supposed to do nothing and pretend to be okay with watching a club that should at the least be easily in the top 10 every year play such appalling football due to awful decision making? Let's cheer because we are pretty cack? I don't think so. I've seen us play well twice at home this year, that's a disgrace. We play shit football and lose, what's the point? Read what I've written and not what you want to me to write. That's a fantastic way to completely avoid the point. It's only apt given that you completely missed my point in the first place. As I said, this black and white approach to things on this forum is getting pretty tiring. No it's your posts which are getting pretty tiring when there isn't a black and white approach.
  13. No longer mid table and in a relegation battle as predicted which was the last bastion of defence for Lambert. We had Benteke to pull us out of this mess the last time and now we have Grant **** Holt. We are in massive trouble now and need a change of manager to give us that lift to push us over the finishing line to safety then giving the new manager time to get rid of the absolute dross hopefully the PREVIOUS MANAGER signed in the summer while signing some decent players who can actually play football.
  14. At least that beats blaming it on the ref every week.
  15. Been thinking about this over the last couple of days and agree with you that Lerner won't put up with it. No banners just an announcement on MOTD tonight that Aston Villa and Paul Lambert have parted company.
  16. I posted last week that he has to go at the end of the season. I was wrong. He has to go NOW!!!
  17. Thats why I want Laudrup in to see what he can do. There's no chance he will be doing worse than Lambert and Eck anyways. Give him a go, at least we will improve our passing Whether it be Laudrup or whoever I just want a manager that actually knows how to play football. I want to be proud of the way my team plays and I want fans and managers of other teams and football pundits to comment on the fact that Villa play good football. I don't expect to win titles or cups or be the English version of Barcelona. Is that too much to want for a fan of a club the size of Aston Villa? No it's not too much to want, but unfortunately we are in transition and in all honesty we don't know how good this manger is or whether he is our long term solution yet. Admittedly he's made some questionable decisions regarding tactics and subs, but we have to accept that he MAY HAVE BEEN restricted so much financially with fees and probably more so by wages that he's been unable to roll out his own plan. Lambert came out in public and stated that Lerner hasn't provided funds for the players he has targeted. I imagine this is the case as if it was not the truth there would have been repercussions. Most of us aren't happy with results, but we haven't seen what he can do with right backing. This club is in a permanent state of transition A point not to be missed but we need a decent manager in first before that habitual transition can stop.
  18. shaggy

    General Chat

    Anyone see the Gadget show tonight? Underwear for those (including the ladies) who suffer the odd bout of flatulence and they apparently work. No smell so you can fart away in a deaf convention without anyone knowing or be silent but no longer deadly. Not sure that would be politically correct as you could no longer snigger while others look for the guilty party?
  19. Went to see this last night and there was a one man protest giving out leaflets. Anyone expecting this to be a biblical epic will be sadly disappointed. Stone monsters and Noah an expert in the marshall arts beating the crap out of everyone but Ray Winstone is not going to please those with a religious persuasion hence the protest. Very poor Lord of The Rings and thats about it. Save your money for something better.
  20. You know it would just be like us when everyone is expecting a defeat against Palace that we pull one out of the bag and get a win. I sincerely hope this is the case because if we do then we should be safe.
  21. I don't think it's hype that the poster or posters are referring to its probably something to do with trying to blood our youngsters at the right time to see if they can cut the mustard at Premiership level. It might also have something to do with our younger players not being any worse than some in the first team and if one or two can come through then it would let Lambert spent his limited budget elsewhere.
  22. I don't recall anyone on here ever blaming the fans for our predicament. Performances at home were blamed on a lack of support and pressure from the stands. Since our home form has been a major contributing factor to our predicament as you call it then its safe to say the poster's point was correct. I think there's a big difference between pointing out that negativity from the home fans has an effect and actually blaming the fans for the club's predicament - people often get the two mixed up it seems. No mix up at all as one contributes to the other.
  23. Taking part in a 5m sponsored walk to raise funding for a school I used to go to on Saturday morning. Weather apparently not going to be too kind but it's for a good cause so I'll bare it and look forward to nice fry up afterwards in a cafe close to where the walk finishes. Then Saturday night is a second go at DHUTWU cause me wee fella has repaired himself and I'm gagging for a bit of the old how's your father so hoping for a dry morning and wet evening all being well.
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