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Everything posted by HanoiVillan

  1. Is he really likely to be available four months after they spent a fortune on him?
  2. Watford are supposedly appointing some Italian chap called Walter, last I read.
  3. Is there any harsher burn than being accused of being hard to understand by @Demitri_C?
  4. I know it's not 'rational', but then caring passionately for an entity set up in Victorian times isn't 'rational' either. I would be very sad if the name changed.
  5. Then surely the answer is 'under no circumstances would I ever get in this time machine'.
  6. Exactly, couldn't bring myself to dislike Hanks, he definitely seems like one of life's good guys.
  7. There's a sentence at the start of Winnie-the-Pooh that goes on for about three pages. The main difference I guess is that Milne's sentence is worth reading.
  8. Isn't that a bit of a sideways move for Koeman?
  9. Put a monkey on Holloway, I can see it coming from a mile off.
  10. One of these years, Sunderland will start trying in the first six months of the season, at which point they might actually be dangerous.
  11. Martinez seems like a decent sort, but even I have to admit they pretty much had to sack him at this point. They really do have to get the next appointment right, or they'll end up like us.
  12. Deserved to stay up over Newcastle just for having the common sense to realise that ancient, immobile centre backs were a large part of their problem. Newcastle certainly didn't realise that.
  13. Blind drafting will make a massive difference. I prepared very carefully for the draft, but that'll be much harder to do next year. The league changes a lot from season to season - Hazard would probably have been everyone's first pick this season, and would have been a complete waste. Trading will also help. Can't believe I finally managed to win a week! Was a disastrous few weeks, couldn't buy a win. Still, made up for it in FPL, into the VT Top 10 now . . .
  14. This is a good post in my opinion. Certainly I think saying things like 'I'll get there eventually' is very much a large part of the problem.
  15. It's important to understand that in China it's very common for companies to have some element of government financing, it doesn't mean much of anything at all. Rui Kang Pharmaceutical Group is almost certainly just some random company, it's not like being taken over by Saudi Aramco or something.
  16. So 'Rui Kang Group' is part of the Chinese Treasury is it?
  17. This thread is hilarious. When did 'we're being bought by the Chinese government' become a factoid?
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