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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. Neuer Cafu Maldini Beckenbauer Carlos Makalele Westwood Zidane Ronaldo Messi Ronaldo
  2. but it's all gonna look a bit silly if we thrash liverpool 7-4 in an amazing season changing thriller. Just saying.
  3. it just looks like we are the better team, but Leicester are putting is a great shift
  4. What an absolute crock of misogynistic bollocks. He should be barred from the profession because he is not a fit and proper person for employment. The FA would bar him form owning a club and where it not for his status as asset not employee he would find it exceptionally difficult to find any sort of employment in any industry. He hasn't served his sentence. He is out on licence with his sentence due to finish in 2017. The length of sentence isn't relevant. A conviction for rape is a conviction for rape is a conviction for rape. His sentence is reflective of the fact his rape wasn't violent - but guess what...he still had sex with someone who hadn't given him permission. This has got **** all to do with militant feminists and everything to do with preventing low quality human beings and convicted sex offenders from acting as role models to children. I've signed the petition against his employment. Twice does that make me a man hating bra burner as well? I am sure this should be decided by the potential employers, and not by the internet mob. In most other cases I'd agree...but Evans isn't an employee. He's an asset and a role model. The Top Shop comparisons don't work here. And in most cases I would agree as well! However, because myself, yourself, or possibly a parent of a 10 year old who goes to see Oldham every weekend does not agree with Evans running around on the pitch, should our moral principles stop this guy from getting a job that some clubs are willing to pay him to do? First of all, the club realises the moral problem with the issue yet wants to carry on. And second of all, I can sense an almost 'holier then thou' attitutde around the matter; 'I THINK ITS WRONG FOR HIM TO PLAY, therefore let's just ruin the guys career'. And the scary thing is, we dont even know what happened.
  5. What an absolute crock of misogynistic bollocks. He should be barred from the profession because he is not a fit and proper person for employment. The FA would bar him form owning a club and where it not for his status as asset not employee he would find it exceptionally difficult to find any sort of employment in any industry. He hasn't served his sentence. He is out on licence with his sentence due to finish in 2017. The length of sentence isn't relevant. A conviction for rape is a conviction for rape is a conviction for rape. His sentence is reflective of the fact his rape wasn't violent - but guess what...he still had sex with someone who hadn't given him permission. This has got **** all to do with militant feminists and everything to do with preventing low quality human beings and convicted sex offenders from acting as role models to children. I've signed the petition against his employment. Twice does that make me a man hating bra burner as well? I am sure this should be decided by the potential employers, and not by the internet mob.
  6. thats my thought exactly. With extra space our new style might prove effective against the big boys The only problem is that Benteke doesnt seem to want to make a run... unless Andi plays up top with him?
  7. Of course i talk to him every day. How is his evil Villa hating twin doing? Does he still want us to play with the worst possible formation?
  8. He actually isn't. We had the two initial games against QPR andd Spurs where Sánchez played as the defensive-midfielder and Westwood further forward but the latter was reverted back to his usual role for the West Ham game onwards. It was only his absence that allowed Sánchez to return to his favoured role but with Westwood's return, I'd be surprised to him retain it for the Leicester game. We gave a player returning from injury a chance to play a little deeper than usually so that he can break into the game again. This was against a relegation form championship team. If we do it in premier league, then let's question the judgement. But not yet! I always think to myself that neither myself or (as I think) any of us have even half of the football brain that Lambert has. Hence, he is the manager (because he is an expert) and we moan on an internet forum. He just knows what he is doing.
  9. I didnt see him as a CB taday; he was simply playing the Sanchez role of a deep sitting midfielder. This could have been for two reasons; 1. To see how Sanchez performs with more freedom of going forward 2. To simply give Westwood a chance to recover, it's his first game back so it was a good idea to put him in a 'lazy' role
  10. The 7. Get on it at colmore row takes you straight to Villa park are they frequent? or are times changed as well?
  11. judging by Lamberts pre match palace conference I see us putting a strong side out.
  12. One criticism of him is that I dont think he sees a great pass. He always picks up the ball 35-40 yards from the goal, and Andi almost always makes a run for it, yet Benteke is almost always too slow and instead of playing a through ball, he just plays it to his feet out wide. And we all know what happens when Andi isnt at full speed....
  13. Leaving or not leaving, this guy has to start. Solid performance vs Sunderland, and he is a better defender than any other of our centre backs. We should consider ourselves very lucky that we have such a situation. 4 solid CB's. or Maybe Lamber knows that Vlaar could very well be staying hence he plays him ? If he signed a new 2-3 year contract we would have him for his prime years!
  14. I made the same mistake... I know Im gonna wear an extra pair of socks, thats for sure
  15. Vardy was definatelly a red, but then again so was Delph's tackle for me. Reckless, late, unnecessary, studs up. We would have been shouting for red if it was the other way around.
  16. Vardy was definatelly a yellow, but then again so was Delph's tackle for me. Reckless, late, unnecessary, studs up. We would have been shouting for red if it was the other way around.
  17. Surely with their jewish heritage I cant see any truth in this money has no religion
  18. Fruity king? Seriously?
  19. true; but if Clark performs like he did lately then I would pick Clark.
  20. With due respect, the comparisons with Everton are a bit short-sighted. Come the business end of the season, they will be competing at a different section of the table to us. I wasn't really comparing everything about them to us. I just meant that even though they had that kind of money to spend on one player to add to what was already a talented squad, It is quite interesting that we are around the same position as them at the moment given how we've been labelled a club in crisis by the media. why are they short sighted? We have played 15 games therefore only have 4 teams left to play. Also, we have already played the big boys (bar man u) so I see no reason why we shouldnt compare our performances so far!
  21. He's Scottish Cafu, He's Scottish Cafu!!! Let't make him a captain, he's Scottish Cafu!
  22. i know its only 5 min in, but passing looks better
  23. I asked this before, but I'll ask again. Why does it matter if we sell them or how much for? The money would go straight into Lerner's pocket anyway, none of it would go towards trasfers.
  24. Trouble is it will always be Westwood and Cleverley and then one from Cole, Richardson or Sanchez? =================Guzan=================== =======Vlaar/Senderos==Baker/Okore========== Hutton============================Cissokho ================Sanchez================== ==========Westwood===Cleverley============ =================Delph=================== =========(Gabby/Weimann/Grealish)*========= ===============Benteke=================== *Free attacking mid/No9 role
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