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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. "Romanian wonderkid". He's 22 years old FFS! and the defence was simply andone. Ill get my coat.
  2. He's quality but they'd probably want more than we can afford for him i.e. £10m+ I bought him on Football Manager for 7 million. You can do one if you are just gonna make up some nonsense stuff!
  3. Mic09


    even the online queue is massive! I better get myself another brew...
  4. Stan ripped them to shreads on Talksport today. Massacre.
  5. He plays where he wants, his name is guzan, he plays where he wants
  6. I know a few people who can't go, but have got tickets to boost their booking history, so probably not. I dont think thats a great idea from the club. I think people who buy tickets yet do not attend should be punished, e.g. such a game should not be added to their booking history. Unless of course all the club is trying to do is to make some money, which must be the case.
  7. Does anyone know if the tickets are close to selling out? Its my bday and I would love a full VP
  8. If he went to Chelsea their attack/midfield would be on par with bayern/real level. Scary thought. Mourinho really is building an empire.
  9. Do you remember his performance against Chelsea last season? World class.
  10. Hate to say this but that's his actual family name. Just sayin'.
  11. Mic09

    Carles Gil

    I think that if he came from Belarus and not from Spain we wouldn't even miss him
  12. He was one of the very few Leeds players I quite liked. he was on SSN earlier discussing how he has done well at Burton and was asked about the "rooney rule" and said it was ridiculous to appoint a manager on colour or even interview one on that basis, because a manager should be appointed on merit and nothing else. what a racist.
  13. Mic09


    I pray you are right!
  14. I dont know. If we can beat liverpool and spurs convincingly, couldn't we have a decent go in the competition? (considering we are AMAZINGLY lucky with injuries?)
  15. Mic09


    do you think 8+ will be safe though? Im just doing some quick maths, I reckon 17.500 ST will go (some will not be able to go, Im sure) Then you have Villa cash +5 games, Im guessing 1k 5 league + 5 FA, could be 1500-2k 4 FA + 5 League, 3k? And that leaves 8+ games with 1.5k roughly? What do you think?
  16. Mic09


    will I be able to purchase them online?
  17. Mic09


    12th May, 9am... Squeky bum time?
  18. Can't really feel sorry for someone being paid £40,000 a week to play football in the premier league. I feel sorry for someone who is Villa through & through yet couldnt stay involved due to Lambert's silly decision. His dream must have been to play for us. Hence, I feel sorry for him,
  19. Thanks! Liverpool fan: 'klopp probably on par with rodgers' HAHAHAHHA
  20. saw him outside of VP before QPR and I asked him how life was outside of Aston Villa He simply replied 'not great'. I feel sorry for him, he was more than decent for us
  21. do you think the criteria will change at all? e.g. will the people who went to semi final be prioritised?
  22. It was my first trip to see a game at Wembley, and for the first 45 minutes I just wondered whether because it's such a massive stadium the acoustics didnt let us hear any liverpool songs. It just turned out there werent any.
  23. is it me or does it look like Cole injured himself getting off the coach?
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