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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. 2 things; 1. People with stickers on their hat. Get that shit of, do you keep the label on your jeans as well? Plus, you are not 12. 2. Maybe its because I am not English, but you guys seem to have a need of adding 'bar' at the end of every kind of a chocolate snack. Everybody knows what a snickers is. Do you really have to call it a snickers bar? And if we follow this suit, shouldn't you be calling Pepsi 'pepsi cola' etc? Why is there a need for 'bar'? Don't get it.
  2. Not a chance that I want this to happen, what about Gil?! #everybodyout
  3. Milan Baros is still alive and kicking, playing for Boleslav in Cech league
  4. If I told my boss I'm bored at work I would probably get sacked.
  5. I think the two are rather highly correlated problems...
  6. Tomorrow night; 'Stoke City have not bid for Lionel Messi'
  7. Mic09

    Brad Guzan

    In my opinion Grealish is a great player, and is likely to improve, If however there was a chance of getting Di Maria I would not hesitate replacing Grealish. Same for our very decent keeper. What is wrong in getting a better one?
  8. There really isn't any point in anyone giving you a serious reply. You aren't prepared to listen to reasoned arguments and are blatantly trolling. I haven't read the whole discussion, but of course things like this will most likely be not only overseen but authorised by Lerner to a certain extent. Let's put it this way; I work under a GM in my place, and although he has a budget and is the boss, things such as management appointments are ones that he is directly accountable to his boss (e.g chairman) for. Fox could have most likely done this appointment by himself, but Randy is free to stop it at any point. He is Tom Fox's boss! Tim is probably free to appoint players, but only if Fox seems it necessary or helpful. In the same way, Fox is free to oppint his managers, but if Randy turns around he MUST have the final say!
  9. "Its" seems to have lost its apostrophe. It's not "its not", it's "it's not". [emoji3] I knew somebody would catch me on this
  10. That's why I hate southern american/spanish/italian football. Give me a stoke vs bournemouth on a cold November night please!
  11. Can he play left back?
  12. Another thing; my English is not perfect by any stretch, but it kills me when someone says 'I would of done it'. Its not I would OF its I would HAVE. On the Same subject, when someone says 'they was' or you (plural) was. What the actual ****. That is not English! YOU WERE. WERE. GOD. What an annoying thread.
  13. but what about... Lion King, Finding Nemo, Up, Toy Story 1, Aladdin. surely you don't find all the Pixar/Disney animations crap? Some are great! Toy Story or Lion king are not just great animations; they are godfathers of the whole genre and great films. Minions are not. (in my opinion that is!)
  14. So, are we still discussing a 19 year old professional athlete who is the rising sun of our god forsaken football club, who's game depends on every inch he covers which could be the difference between relegation and safety as it was the case in the last few seasons with only 3 points between us and the championship? (longest sentence of my life)
  15. Thank you! It doesnt even keep you awake. I once read a study that showed that getting up and making the coffee is going to make you more alert and awake then drinking itself. It's nice, it tastes fine. Thats it.
  16. frozen, minions and all the other pixar/disney crap taht isnt cool or isnt even fun especially if it's blown out of proportion by adults
  17. If the new deal has a release clause that is only slightly higher |(e.g. 36-40 region) and he would get paid another 30k extra a week he would be silly not to sign it. Suarez did that, didnt he?
  18. Will I get crucified if I say I like it?
  19. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/tottenham-transfers-swansea-join-aston-5914785 I hope we sign him, would be a great improvement on Nzog and can only shine under Tim. Benteke Grealish---------------Townsend looks like a top 10 front 3 to me!
  20. Since I am not English myself, I always wondered at the word 'extraordinary'. If ordinary means common, something everyday, and extra means something greater, almost a multiplication, why does 'extra' in front of the 'ordinary' make it something rare and special? If I called somebody 'extra-idiotic' would that make them a genius?
  21. Micah Richards? How much did we spend on him? about 65k every single week
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