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Everything posted by bobzy

  1. I’m not sure I necessarily agree with him being MOTM on this occasion, but he still had a good game. Absolute class act.
  2. Is he (still) carrying a knock? Seemed to just jog around a bit when he came on.
  3. bobzy


    I can’t see that anywhere in your post, so no? But even if it was there, you’ve jumped to conclusions that an allegation of bullying would relate to hard training or military-sequence regimes. Why? I mean, that isn’t bullying.
  4. Irrespective of what happens in the second half, that was a glorious header
  5. bobzy


    If you can’t see the difference between a tough training regime and actually bullying people, then there’s probably not that much discussion to be had tbh.
  6. bobzy

    John Terry

    Change of heart r.e: playing against Chelski then!
  7. So the type of manager we need is... one who is not a manager? Anyway, let the speculation continue...
  8. I'd be much more game for setting up a league on CM 03/04
  9. Is he even a manager? I don't know where he is!
  10. Always likely to be the case. I often wonder moreso about people who suggest certain European-based managers/players in the speculation threads. Whilst leagues may well be followed, how much is about how they play and not just the statistics being impressive? Discussion is good though
  11. Kind of contradicting yourself here - presumably you never watch them play (hence the first post) but then, having never watched them play, you "bet Brentford have far more games where the play shite football than we do"? Based on what? Their position in the table? I happen to think they play (generally, results and quality differences not withstanding) far more enjoyable football than we do. But, then again, the games I've seen them in are much more open so are more enjoyable to watch as a neutral. If I was a fan of Brentford, maybe I wouldn't want such an impetus on pace and attacking movement.
  12. I was staggered that J’Lloyd Samuel managed that when I read the stat. I didn’t think he was ever that important for us!
  13. Now I'm not saying you have a pro-Whelan agenda here at all... ...but someone has a "40% win ratio" when involved in 4 wins out of 7 games?
  14. Particularly if they're just wrong...
  15. I agree with that to an extent - but that’s because people generally like the underdog to do well? Burton have comfortably the lowest budget in the Championship - staying up would have been miraculous. It’s not an injustice they went down, but fair play for making it exciting.
  16. Why the hate for Burton?! Most inoffensive club I think I’ve ever known... Good amount of drama for a final day in the Championship - well done Bolton for providing most of it.
  17. Nowhere near the same level of club, at all. Sergio Ramos is the king word removed of footballers. Liverpool have no-one even in the same universe of word removed as him. I think Birmingham must have these legions of terrible Liverpool fans. I just haven’t experienced this self-entitlement at all. Nowhere near Man Utd/Man City/Chelsea levels. Not even close!
  18. The difference is that those sides were dominant domestically - this Madrid team is nowhere near that. For a team to win 3 CL trophies in a row, you’d expect (and, for me, want) them to be an incredible team.
  19. It’s a league thing - not an every single trophy thing. Quite obviously, too.
  20. Correct - it isn't. Only a word removed team wouldn't have the sportsmanship to do it, though.
  21. Didn't realise Real Madrid had refused to give Barcelona a guard of honour too Literally the most word removed team on the planet. I'm amazed people want them to beat Liverpool.
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