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Everything posted by MakemineVanilla

  1. You lucky sod, when I was a lad the butter was reserved for the adults and the kids had the marge. If we were lucky it was Summer County but if we were not, it was Echo.
  2. The only person I know who is still working from home, is stressed out of his head due to lack of proper support.
  3. Jack looked totally miserable when he was last subbed and Daku seems to be doing the same job for less, so I wondered whether, now that he has five medals in his sock-draw, he might decide to move to a club where he would be given the sort of freedom he enjoyed at Villa. City seems to have cocked up by getting rid of Mahrez and Gündoğan; they now have players like Kovačić and Phillips, who are not very convincing. So City might cash Jack in, which could suit both parties.
  4. Prejudice is a predetermined idea of something not based on experience or reason. If someone does not think a presenter is very good, then that would be a preference and not a prejudice. However, I wouldn't deny the possibility of misogyny being a factor because I think a lot of men resent the fact that women have forced their way into traditional men's spaces, but do their best to keep men out of their own.
  5. I can't remember what my negative review was of but it wasn't abusive, or anything - I assumed that the vendor had complained and Amazon complied. Funny enough, I consider the one or two star reviews the most useful, when assessing books, because so many of the positive reviews don't seem authentic a lot of the time, as if someone was paid to write them. Amazon keep sending me emails reminding me to write reviews but I haven't bothered since.
  6. I've seen a few interviews with him about his book, and he comes across as a very wise and articulate chap. He used the term 'kintsugi' to describe someone who survives their childhood trauma.
  7. I used to write reviews on Amazon but when I wrote a negative one, it got taken down, so I decided that if only positive reviews were allowed, reviews had no value whatsoever.
  8. Do you get any freebies being that you review so many books?
  9. I do like to see a nicely presented collection and not only books. I find Julian White's (of www.rocklistmusic.co.uk) CD colllection equally enthralling.
  10. Collections of anything tend to increase with the amount of space available to store them. This was never more true than when my parents moved to a bigger house in my youth, and as a family with a propensity to hoard the amount of stuff uncreased accordingly, so your house, which seems to be big enough to afford you a music room, must offer some serious opportunity to accumulate quite a hoard of books. Knowing myself, I have always been aware that should I move to a bigger house, I would end up collecting something or other; very likely reel-to-reel tape recorders, as well as books, vinyl, and DVDs. I am absolutely certain that I would always find a way to rationalise my collections, as I am very attached to the stuff I already have, and "antilibrary" is as good a rationalisation, as any. Most of my friends are actually minimalists, but one friend is a problem hoarder because her tiny flat is crammed to the ceiling with cardboard boxes, which would make it difficult to find your way out, in the case of an emergency. She is emotionally attached to her hoarded stuff and gets very upset should anyone be crass enough to mention it. I am not quite so neurotic about it, but I am very attached to my hoard and see my identity wrapped up in it, somehow. I don't need five copies of Middlemarch but somehow, I like having them around.
  11. Pretty equally matched and Wolves showing they are very much the masters of the dark arts, of tugging, shoving and rolling around in agony. Don't much like those long balls to an isolated Watkins, which rarely manage to stick. Doing okay but need to do a bit better.
  12. Judging by Wolves' performance against Man City, it looks like a big ask for Villa win. Neto's pace and Hwang's physical presence will make for a tough 90 minutes for Digne and Cash. I'm not expecting a Villa romp.
  13. The problem is that every book you own but haven't read holds a promise and every book you have read is a memory and a solace.
  14. City's dependent on certain industries where work was sparodic and dangerous tend to be left wing because they were treated badly by employers and owners. Their working-class populations built strong communities and a sense of solidarity, which translated into their political allegiances. As a result miners and dockers historically have a greater sense of collectivism, than other towns and cities. https://www.northbeckton.newham.sch.uk/_site/data/files/curriculum/1CF1C135D73BE8251F47A47603A1DA70.pdf They may be reduced to folk memories now but the stories of injustices get passed on to every new generation, and voting for any other party than Labour would seem like a betrayal.
  15. It proved to be one of those nights which remind you that there is a lack of imminent jeopardy in league football. The game was like Helsingborgs and the climax was like Phil King against Inter.
  16. I suppose it isn't quite the right word, but I couldn't think of a suitable euphemism, which didn't suggest illegality.
  17. It was pretty grim first half and frustrating for most of the second. Gamesmanship and some dodgy refereeing decisions made it a difficult watch.
  18. That is exactly why I suggested that any extra would have to be ring-fenced or it would be just squandered like the rest of the billions. Stealing money from Wales to pay for an English boondoggle, is corruption amounting to criminality. How anyone can believe in this political system is beyond me. The trouble is that people are so desperate to believe in the system, that they kid themselves that things will suddenly start working when another party is in power.
  19. The question is whether Scotland and Wales provide examples the English might want to aspire to. Scrapping the Barnett formula so the three countries all get the extra presently enjoyed by Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, might be a vote-winner, and if ear-marked for shitty towns in the north, might actually amount to levelling-up.
  20. With a speed-limit of 30 mph what's the point of electrification? The Vale of Rheidol Railway is superb!
  21. Last season Mings was the fastest player at Villa: 34.98 km/hr Messi - 32.5 kph
  22. If Pep wanted Jack to go to the byline and cross, he would play him on the right. As City demonstrated in their last two games they are vulnerable to pace on the left flank, so Pep obviously doesn't want his wide players to go to the byline. If the cross fails, which they mostly do, the winger is out of the game - note the position of Villa's wing-backs when they cross from the flanks. I think Pep will try and get Doku to give up his habit of cutting in and shooting and get him to play the same role as Jack.
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