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Everything posted by MakemineVanilla

  1. Calling it a "power nap" will make you feel better about it!
  2. Are you sure you don't mean dustmites, which are small enough to crawl through the weft of a bed sheet? Bed bugs are much bigger. Whoops - what a typo!
  3. I've never tried it in cakes or desserts, but for my generation, it competes with brown sauce and sterilised milk, as a reliable socio-economic indicator.
  4. Judging by the amount of gadgets and paraphernalia which promise to make coffee which tastes as good as it smells, coffee-making has become a branch of alchemy. From the famed Gaggia machines of the 1950s, and the perculators of the 1960s, to the cafetiere of modern times, the search goes on. When you are invited to a friend's house and they point out their latest coffee gizmo, they are telling you they've made it into the middle-classes. Blue Mountain coffee might even be mentioned. I will agree on one thing though - Camp coffee was bloody awful.
  5. I keep watching McGinn's part in Villa's build-up to the opening goal - the weight of the pass to Cash is absolute and total perfection. Add that to his assist for Watkins' hattrick goal and he was in with a shout for man of the match.
  6. The strength of the media reaction was rather surprising but it just offers proof that the romantic movement is alive and kicking, and I would even suggest that it is enjoying a resurgence. The romantic movement was a reaction to industrialisation and urbanisation, and so it's quite possible that its resurgence is just another sign that we have entered a post-industrial age. Other aspects of romanticism are the contemporary emphasis on the importance of emotion and individualism.
  7. Brighton are a very decent side: disciplined with their shape, passed the ball well, pressed well and were physical enough but just couldn't cope with Watkins' pace. Things looked dicey for Villa once Brighton had scored and we desperately needed the fourth goal to kill them off. Zaniolo had a difficult game and Digne's crossing wasn't up to much. Cash's assist was the sort of thing he should concentrate on, instead of shooting all the time. Ramsey's goal was a peach. The rest just put jam on it for Villa. Didn't think much of the referee but forgave him his mistakes when he didn't send-off Konsa.
  8. Estupiñán seems to be getting the referee's sympathy vote - three fouls, a blatent deliberate block, and two late tackles, should have earned him a yellow.
  9. Form and the stats say Brighton, so hoping my inner-stoic can prevail!
  10. Wasn't that a trick used by the Soviets in WW2, which allowed their tanks to start, while the Nazis were immobile?
  11. I'm definitely anal enough to want that too!
  12. I look forward to that, although my pals and family might not, as my enthusiasm is known to get the better of me.
  13. The consolation and conclusion is that Emery knows exactly how limited his resources are and is determined to manage them as judiciously as possible. Presumably there won't be too many of last night's players knocking on his door demanding to know why they don't get more playing time.
  14. He looks about as lethargic as he did playing for Leicester - he's obviously still living off that cup final goal.
  15. Conclusion: there's only one team in the Villa squad!
  16. As critics of capitalism often point out, whenever a barrier appears, the capitalist will always find a way round it. As economies become increasingly financialized, it would seem that this would become easier to achieve. Based upon this, it seems certain that most of the cost of net-zero will fall on ordinary folk. There will be no victims, only volunteers!
  17. In our house, such an opinion would prompt the patriarch to call you Little Lord Fauntleroy for at least a week. You obviously don't have a bottle of HP sauce in your kitchen cupboard, which was only invented so the working-class could get down the flavourless and the inedible without gagging, and was known colloquially as "killer".
  18. I try to convince myself in the same way but once the game has kicked-off, I'll be going nuts just the same.
  19. As for breakfast I remember they usually had some brilliant gadgets for boiling eggs, which I've never seen this side of the channel.
  20. The average German eats 64lbs of pork per year, or 1.25lbs per week.
  21. Are you saying that they really took off?
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