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Everything posted by phily85

  1. phily85

    Smoking Ban

    But where is the fun in that. Just to clarify I'm not a smoker and never have been
  2. phily85

    Smoking Ban

    I look forward to the mandatory healthy meals and 1 hour exercise per day
  3. Commentators like referees are only good when you agree with them
  4. I think he means form, the thing he said he would only pick players on. Until that didnt suit so has had to make up a new term
  5. He stands when he wipes He stands when he wipes Look at stefans big mud road He must stand when he wipes
  6. As someone who lives in Hull I wouldnt blame him
  7. Anyone played the new settlers game, wanted a bit of a flashback and saw that just come out on switch but reviews not great.
  8. The hardest part is what they do with the spare fingers
  9. I love those games been looking for a way to play them all again as dont have a set up to be able to use steam. Didnt know could use a kindle to play them
  10. I'm guessing if you fixed it would protect you against future price cap increase. Where flexible might go down or up depending on what price cap does
  11. A magic wand. It must have been pretty dangerous because my uncle always made me wear a blindfold when I played it with it to protect my eyes
  12. Having a public vote and then leaving before the results are implemented. I'm sure I've seen this before
  13. But but the A was a car
  14. I do love Miller yoghurts
  15. The 96 hours of oxygen will be under normal conditions as well I presume. if anyone is still alive down there there is no way they are breathing at a normal rate
  16. Believe it was Bickster earlier in this thread
  17. I didnt think my hearing was too bad I dont think I have the TV on particularly loud or anything, but the slightest bit of background noise and I cant hear a word that is being said. My wife's particular favourite trick of starting a sentence and then turning around and walking the other way while finishing it and my having to ask her to repeat it, was what led me* to finally getting my hearing tested. *100% my decision no threatening behaviour occured
  18. Today I got my appointment through for fitting hearing aids, I'm 37
  19. Not entirely sure what role is so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. It did sound positive if he was coming purely from what others have said and how excited they where. But isnt he mainly a contacts guy I may be wrong but surely a player wouldnt join just because he is here (he doesnt have day to day involvement with the squad). A player will join because of the vision of the club and the coaches (also the wages). So while he would have got a foot in the door with some of the players surely there are others who are also able to do that
  20. Maybe we should all find a thread to ask him in
  21. will the 50% percentage of the stadium they get be the good bit or the bit that's still open
  22. boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  23. took me way too long, I was too focused on why "rethink" was funny
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