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Mat Kendrick's Dentist

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Everything posted by Mat Kendrick's Dentist

  1. He had a comment to make about the ref's mother's wobbly bits! In fairness, it's about the most common Argie swear, so it sounds worse when translated.
  2. We must be the only club in the world with 2 strikers held back by their gait.........
  3. I'm hoping the opposite is true! Griezmann and Lacazette are long-time friends, having come through in the same France age group (both Lyon lads too). Griezmann has even told French press that he wants Lacazette to be included in the national squad on several occasions, so I'm hoping Atleti are signing him to appease Griezmann while getting an excellent player at the same time.
  4. Comes on for 10/15 minutes most weeks so it's hard to make much of an impression. Leipzig have recently lost a few on the trot so he may get more of a look-in after the international break. They've a lot of talented young players in his position though!
  5. Couldn't agree more, they have the best crop of up-and-coming talent in the world. Theo Hernandez (Atleti LB on loan at Alaves) and Malang Sarr (Nice) are huge prospects too. I watch a fair bit of youth football and Ousmane Dembele and Kylian Mbappé are the 2 biggest talents I have seen come through since Messi, so for both of them to be French, and surrounded by the talent above, is a frightening prospect.
  6. Loan. He's scored against Barca twice this season now iirc!
  7. Neymar terrific again tonight. Barca might be top now if he hadn't flown out to his sister's birthday last weekend!
  8. They actually have some handy players going forward but are awful at the back, and Sirigu hasn't been great since arriving in goal. Wouldn't mind Villa having a pop at signing Sergio Leon and Alex Berenguer in the summer, mind!
  9. Yup, Bryan Fuller is confident it'll return in some form, and all of the cast seems up for it. Has the potential to be up there with the very best if revived IMO!
  10. Gets better and better and better until....... It gets cancelled.
  11. On my phone now so can't link, but there was an article online in today's Birmingham Mail. Mystery 13 y/o wonderkid!
  12. Steve Bruce said we've a wonderful 13 year-old prospect in the academy today. SGC, we need you on the case to find us this beacon of hope!
  13. I'm not sure it's "good" but I enjoyed it! Lot of episodes to binge through, mind. Just finished season 2 of Gomorrah myself, great stuff. Anyone know when we can expect season 3 (Please say this year)?
  14. Don't tell me Dwight and Bosnich have been at it again?!
  15. Fair enough, though there will always be hits and misses! I'll throw Di Canio, Ravanelli and Giuseppe Rossi into the mix
  16. Admittedly there have been Bianchis and Maccarones as well, but they weren't that highly regarded in Italy either.
  17. He was initially named on the bench today, but was then replaced by a youth player! Very talented but often looks unfit.
  18. Belotti is also similar to Kane in that he's a pretty late developer. He didn't look that special at Palermo or in the Italian youth set-up, but really took off at the back end of last season. He's really exploding now and it's getting hard to see him staying at Toro beyond this season (though he does seem pretty loyal). Think he's got far more in his locker than Immobile (who's having a bit of a revival at Lazio this season), but Dortmund would never pay what would be required anyway. Belotti to Atleti if Griezmann moves on?
  19. I think he's had his best season in 2/3 years personally. The amount of games where Barca have been poor and he's dragged them single-handedly to a result is unbelievable. He's played Atleti/Sevilla/Sociedad/Athletic Club almost on his own and pulled Barcelona over the line. He was poor vs PSG, but so was the whole team other than Neymar. In the group stage, Messi played 5 games and scored 10, while allowing Neymar to take pens. Internationally, after his retirement/injuries Argentina were 7th (!) in World Cup qualifying. With him back they're in much better shape with him having dismantled Colombia on a solo mission in their most recent game.
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