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Everything posted by colhint

  1. Tempted to create a new user Cocknose. Mom Henderson
  2. why do bees stay in the hive over winter Swarm
  3. But Russia broke the cardinal rule Every country has a right to defend itself
  4. Ah got it 're read your original question. Maybe I did go on a bit. I suppose we could source our stuff elsewhere. But looking at trade agreements and volumes. If we stopped buying from israel. And they stopped buying from us. What would happen to the jobs £3.5b on our side is a lot of jobs. To put it into context admiral insurance has a turnover over £4b and employs 7000 wales.
  5. I don't know which ones. I don't suppose they are well known. The point im making is they are a large supplier of them so we probably take some. Because they are Sooooo much cheaper than brand names. There's probably a few other countries who make them who we also have problems with. It's a global economy. You can't know really where much you buy really comes from. Someone pointed out earlier lots of own brand pasta starts with Russian flour. Hell people mainly use Apple and Google and they less tax than Malta. Apple pretty much own Ireland with the tax they pay there. I just don't think blame folk for getting what they need for a fair price. And I'm Damn sure hardly anyone would turn down a generic drug which have been proved for years to be 80 to 85% cheaper.
  6. Ok let's pull out of that supply chain, when? Today, next week, next year. And what do you give to the people until you get a new supplier.
  7. They supply a lot of non generic drugs. If you or your family or friends are using them on prescription, there's a fair chance some come from israel. A man must have a lot of belief to deny his loved ones some meds they might need.
  8. My brother. He went for a shower and his £2 bottle of Asda shower gel was empty. So he used some of hers. She moaned at him the conversation went something like this. Why did you use my shampoo Sorry love mine was empty But you used the really expensive one I didn't know. Why did you wash your balls with my Aesop it's £40 a bottle. Because they're worth it.
  9. Even then it's just a balance though isn't it. Nobody is just going to vote in a UK election based on what's happening in gaza.
  10. If they are called Blondied they were pretty good when I saw them. In fact the leader joked when they crossed the nearby river to get here the tide was high.
  11. Yes I know but as teams get knocked out it improves your chances. So if we win 5 next week, going into the last 8, if all of our teams win in the first leg of the quarter final that would equate to, two points for a win divided by 8 totalling 1.25 points. Germany's 3 teams win equates to 3*2/7 equal 0.85 points.
  12. Each team contributes to there own counties total. So if we win or Liverpool,Man C etc. It all goes to the premiere league total. This season the premiere league had 8 teams contribute whereas Germany only had 7. If the 6 teams all win next week but Brighton still go out. That would mean we still have 5 teams in the last 8 but Germany would only have 3 still contributing to the total. Man U and newcastle still contributed with any win or draw even though they went out early.
  13. This year we got 8 places because West ham won the ECL last year and qualified for EL despite finishing outside top 7. Giving us 8 places in Europe. This season Liverpool will probably win it but they will probably qualify for CL through league position. So back down to seven. This year Germany had 7 teams in Europe. I gives us an advantage to have more teams picking up points for the following season.
  14. Nah we want English teams to do well. ,8 teams in Europe next year have a better chance of getting another 5th place than 7 for the following year.
  15. Congratulations Jimmy Anderson 700 wickets . Doubt that will be beaten by a fast bowler
  16. Could really do with West ham beating friendly Madrid bayern draw next round would be good as well
  17. I'm not sure how the calculation works. I know it's 2 points for a win divided by the number of teams in the competition. So in our case that was 8 and Germany 7 So at the group stages all our wins were divided by 8 and Germany 7 But when you get to knockout stages we have 6 teams left and Germany 5. Does that mean our wins are divided by 6 and Germany 5. Or does it stay at 8 and 7.
  18. 5 more goals for Arsenal and they will have a 50 GD better than Man U
  19. We have all used the word Villa at least once.
  20. Probably the top 8 get europe. Currently Brighton are 9th with a better goal difference.
  21. I think religion has been useful. Whichever book you read in the main wanted the individual to be generally a good person. And the quickest way to spread this was through religion. Now I know there have been countless wars, but that's over the different types of religion rather than the message in the book. I could liken it a bit to Microsoft. It probably wasn't the best but 40 to 50 years ago we all learned the basics of operating a computer pretty much the same way. I would also bet for every bad vicar,priest, imam or rabbai, there would be 100 good peace loving ones. I'm atheist just so people don't think there's any angle.
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