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Everything posted by Villaphan04

  1. It feels like every game we have one or two deep free kicks/corners where he just drifts alone at the back with no one marking it and we've gotten a few goals from that. Will teams eventually figure it out?
  2. I do have to say that I've seen several reviews of "who won" the transfer window and we were mentioned a fair bit (ESPN FC guys, and NBC sports over here)
  3. does Alan McInally comment on Villa games over there? think I read that he wasn't able to for reasons... we had Andy Townsend on the broadcast here stateside and ehhhhhh
  4. are we the only team yet to get a pen this season?
  5. popped over to RAWK and there are several very complimentary posts about him & possibly thinking they could be interested in buying him next summer.
  6. also signed Tosin Adarabioyo from Man City. One I would've had an eye on should we have needed another center back.
  7. do we terminate his contract as well or keep him around in case of emergency?
  8. Likewise, I'm 24 and that is the best performance I've seen a Villa side put out. absolutely immense
  9. how does Cavani even help improve their squad? just a weird signing imo
  10. President Trump & Melania test positive for COVID.
  11. Jota outplayed El Ghazi who himself outplayed our new £17 million winger. Fun times
  12. Didn't realize this at first, but we will have played the same teams for the first 4 games.
  13. this debate will be very interesting. just started. 1 hour 30 mins and no breaks
  14. yup. I believe it was from FIFA/IFAB and the PL was one of the last major leagues to adopt the "new" handball rules. It was already in affect in most of the other 'major' leagues (Spain, France, Germany, Italy etc) iirc a few years ago.
  15. not sure that he'd improve them for the amount that they would be paying, considering they've already signed 3 other fullbacks (who can also play on the wing) this transfer window.
  16. depending on if/who else we get in. I would either look to go with Trez and Traore as wingers and drop Grealish into a midfield 3 or a straight swap Nakamba in for CH.
  17. think that's a bit hopeful mate. He's been very good so far but there's an embarrassment of riches of English right backs atm so I'd think he would be down the order. though he could be moved to midfield (but we could say that about TAA
  18. had a pretty good game, but like others have said I wouldn't be starting him vs Liverpool. Just don't think he has the ability to withstand a high press like they do
  19. its pretty interesting, he generally tucks closer to the center backs than most other full backs. But then I also remember that Taylor does that as well — is it a smith tactic?
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