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Everything posted by Villaphan04

  1. that Mings block was a sliding doors moment
  2. what are your thoughts on this? I know it's been rumored to be happening (since January) and now with Marsch as an American. Where do you think he will fit in? One of the Raph replacements?
  3. Rumored that Fulham were after him a few months ago, wouldn't be surprised to see a Newcastle go in for him either (if Henderson doesn't work out)
  4. I don't know why I'm surprised by it after we signed Coutinho (twice) and now reportedly Kamara --- we are clearly looking at a higher tier of player coming in to the club and Gerrard/Lange/Purslow have been able to identify those and have gotten 2 so far over the line. Really looking forward to the summer now with this in mind.
  5. hard to blame him when City bring on Gundogan & Sterling when we bring on Nakamba
  6. Is it bad I'm more engaged with this signing than the game today? ooops
  7. wonder if signing Coutinho permanently helped
  8. you can say that three times
  9. that would be a great shout, would also increase the club's profile over here in the States
  10. Doesn't fit the Mould of what Gerrard wants/expects from his full backs really imo so we should start going around and lying to prospective signings about what their role will be? What happens to the dressing room and morale when the lies become evident? Think that would be a terrible way to go around for business, plus the agents would pick up on that pronto
  11. man at what point do they get punished / closed door games or a points deduction
  12. think they might be my favorites to go down outside of the 3 promoted teams next year. Figure that that they will still be hamstrung with FFP and will lose at least one of Calvert-Lewin or Richarlison.
  13. its weird, where I think i'd rather Everton or Leeds go down, and that would pretty much mean us dropping points today. oh well
  14. I'd be looking to sell if there's an offer anywhere close to 50m.
  15. If we are going to play 3 out of Buendia Coutinho Ings and Watkins, with Ramsey in the midfield, then for me we need to have 2 new cdm players who are first choice (I don't think we can really rely on playing McGinn with them and not being defensively exposed often)
  16. Completely agree with this. There just aren't that many 'world-class' strikers at scoring in the world at the minute (the 2 who are that are not even going to consider us - for good reason) Just looking through the squads, I think Spurs -- and if you want to count Liverpool, even though they just bought an "attacker" that rotates up top -- are the only PL teams that don't need to buy a "proper goal scoring striker". and how many of those are "proper strikers"? 4 of those are, Salah, Son, Sterling are more wide forwards who get into goal scoring positions
  17. I think his main selection problem is we have 4 players (who expect to start) for 2/3 starting roles. We can either play with both Buendia & Coutinho but then we can only go with one striker (Watkins or Ings) & if we go with 2 up top, then only one of EMI or Phil can start.
  18. Dybala confirmed as leaving Juve. Wonder where his next move is?
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