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Everything posted by blunther

  1. Funny how people see different things. I think replacing him with Bolasie would be disastrous for us. IMO Codger is twice the player. But who knows....
  2. We’ll struggle defensively if that happens, which is why he isn’t starting I’d imagine. Never seen such lazy defending from a bloke who’d been on five minutes. I hope Smith tears him a new one.
  3. Good stuff. I gave MotM to McGinn for his ridiculous workrate and steel ass. Thought Tuanzebe and Chester were solid. Hutton had some decent attacking forays. I liked Kodjia tonight (can we stop with the ‘doesnt pass’ stuff, it’s just not true). Grealish... goal and assist, great to see and hopefully he can kick on from here. Negatives... nothing Adomah tries comes off recently, but he is a trier so I don’t want to get on his back. Tammy is a strange one... looks the complete player and you wonder what he’s doing at this level but the fella misses a few chances. Cracking player though for us. Hourihane was a bit off tonight at times but never hid. Bolasie... I don’t rate him. Good tricks and he’s exciting, and I know some players don’t defend as well as others but he doesn’t even pretend to try. At one point when he’s been on five minutes he stood and pointed at an overlapping player and they had a decent chance from it. If you can only play 20 minutes then do some running mate. And a a clean sheet always seems unlikely. We all know why Surprised at the ref ratings. I thought he was poor, missing blatant free kicks and giving some weird decisions both ways. Onwards and upwards hopefully!
  4. I’m glad Smith has a month to work with the players before that December run. If we can keep in touch till then then it’s all on that month. We’d have to beat those teams anyway to get automatic... if we can put a winning running together in December it’s all to play for.
  5. I love this bloke. The sort of player I can really get behind. Plus his shot today was the closest the ball’s come to my seat right st the back of the lower holte in the twelve years I’ve sat there ? Hourihane is a good player to have waiting to come in, but we’ll miss him tuesday.
  6. Elmo is the only real odd one with Bolasie on the bench. You’d think Bolasie was a starter and if he’s not fit yet then I’m wondering what the **** he’s doing.
  7. If Steve Bruce played that team I’d be having a right pop. Fuckit, let’s see.
  8. Usually when I’m looking forward to a match this much the villa teach me why I’m generally not an optimist. Hopefully that changes today.
  9. We all know we need LB CB GK. I’m sure the manager already does, and if not he will soon. I suppose we’ll find out just how much of a financial pickle we are or are not in
  10. There’s a few people asking how they got the cabbage in. I think they have too much faith in the searches. For the Wednesday game a couple of us were queueing for the lower holte entrance pat down. Mate of mine just walked straight down the middle past the two people doing the search and no one batted an eyelid. It’s not exactly Fort Knox. As for the the incident itself, far from being disgraceful I think it’s wonderfully immature and funny. Still makes me chuckle. But then I am a massive overgrown child.
  11. If he’s not sacked after this then I’ll just accept he’s not getting sacked all season and my card is going in the bin. Unless anyone on here wants it?
  12. Zero central defenders for three games the. **** prick Bruce.
  13. That’ll do the keeper’s confidence a world of good. Glad we signed another one in summer though so we can see what he’s... oh. At at least he signed two exciting winge... oh. **** clown Bruce. This is day one of my ‘can’t be **** arsed with this shit while this clearing in the woods is in charge’ boycott. I know I’m not alone so the attendance figure will be flattered by season ticket holders who can’t be bothered wasting a Tuesday night following this jumped-up tosspot. 5-1 villa.
  14. Decided after Wednesday to give it up till Brice got sacked so went out and had fun tonight instead, and I’ll have a nice restful night on Tuesday evening instead of dragging myself out to watch us against Preston. Just wondering thoigh if this smug word removed has been giving it the big one in interviews tonight, or does he only do that when we scrape a win against Rotherham? I’m not sure as I’m obviously one of the less intelligent fans so just looking to see what he’s said tonight.
  15. I ain’t even gonna watch. Sod him ruining my Friday night, I’m gonna have fun instead. Sad.
  16. Does this thread need moving to Other Football now?
  17. Have a public poll to pick the team. Let the players do their own training and tactics. It wouldn’t be any worse than this. Save money on the manager.
  18. “Keep it tight lads. Try and nick a goal but make sure we don’t lose this”.
  19. Thanks for finding this - I disagree on the dogshit point but kind of you to dig t out. And thanks also to LakotaDakota for the graft in putting it together! edit: just noticed you are LakotaDakota! Sorry, had a tot tonight (don’t we all need it!)
  20. Bloke should have gone months ago. Already too late by the time we finally get rid of the clueless dinosaur. Awful.
  21. Great goal. Would rather have the nail in Bruce’s coffin than a single point though unfortunately. And s I know that’s a shit thing to say but it’s true.
  22. **** off out of my Club you **** clueless old dinosaur. Now.
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