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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Very last image, taken just 51 metres above the surface of 67P and sent back from Rosetta today, just before crash landing on the comet at the completion of it's mission. ESA
  2. for those with a little time to read, an article about journalism in The Independent
  3. a day of r&r for me as I had a bit of the old NHS keyhole surgery yesterday sun is out, I appear to be the only human bean for miles dad dancing to die for here
  4. not always easy booking Kraftwerk tickets
  5. mods mods! MMV has hacked BOF's account although on a second look, there are no words I've had to look up and that cartoon could actually be two fat blokes
  6. I was going to guess it was somewhere we always see and perceive as a dust bowl of dried shit and stone. One of these countries we are in perpetual war over and the camera only ever shows us moonscapes. I was going to take a punt on Iraq or Afghanistan or some Khurdish region. Where do they get their food? There has to be a bit of Syria or Iran or Egypt or Libya or Yemen where they can grow stuff. I guess what we are seeing is the equivalent of a war being fought for the Australian outback and somewhere down the road there is a vast wine region. You'd think they'd fight over the green bits.
  7. doom laden coloured vinyl, gatefold sleeve, includes MP3 - £13 worth it just for the 3 minutes from 4.30 onwards AND next time somebody asks 'what ya listening to?' you can say, 'Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard'.
  8. Bob Marlin and the Whalers - Sole Rebels
  9. doesn't matter if it's a placebo if it works, it works personally, I can get high / roll away / project or whatever you want to describe it as with repetitive music I find it a bit addictive, looking for the next one that hits the mark
  10. I briefly worked on a project in Libya to build a two lane highway under the desert. We used to have the meetings with the Libyans in cars, driving around and around Malta.
  11. I don't have any Bob Marley. We had a big disagreement back in the day, about doughnuts. I'm not presuming I'm royalty! Just joining in because there's Bake Off chaos kicking off here so I'm keeping my head down. Who'd have thought students that have had nothing to do since last Friday would organise a Bake Off evening - and not check their TV has reception until 7:59pm. Student dickheads trying to get me remotely fixing their TV from 50 miles away and not liking my suggestions.
  12. It's the 80th minute and Villa have a 1:0 lead. This could be our second win of the season - and it's only March. What we need now is to close this game out. We need a super sub, a hard working defence minded wise old head to inspire the others to fight to the last. A never say die, run through walls stalwart. A midfield general. Someone that can read a game, influence a game, inspire others to give everything and then a bit more, that cancels out their midfield, panics their goalkeeper and plays mind games with the ref.. You turn to the bench. There sits Gabby...
  13. I thought that was just me! My current doorbell is secured with blu tac. It's been there for months, I actually press my own doorbell on the way in to the house now, I'm so impressed with it. Just the three of us holed up in a pub, you, me and Mooney. Nothing to sustain us but pork scratchings and a large box of reggae records. The ultimate lock in.
  14. I'd start off nice enough. I'd model myself on Oddball. if the petrol ran out before me and my little tank resolved the situation, then I'd have to go a bit more Ronin (you may be aware of this character Maq!!) after that, I guess end of days stuff you revert to your inner Heston but in all honesty, I've not planned it out that much, I just don't think we're going to win a game ----- In the event of war, I'll build a den under the stairs in the event of zombie apocalypse, I'll live upstairs and barricade the hall lack of water and failed crops I simply don't see as an issue, we have a Sainsbury at the end of the road
  15. Do not misunderestimate the electorate, very little of his support is reliant on calm facts and a balanced view of the world. Having had months of bad press, I struggle to see what he could do that could truly dent his own support. Slime balls say 'touch the screen, send money and you will be saved'. It's shocking and it's funny. But guess what? People touch the screen and send money. Just try and remember some of the reasons given by people for why they were voting Brexit. I know somebody that voted out as a protest over an asian family taking over the running of a local post office. There are literally millions of these people out there, just waiting to **** everything up. reasons for voting Trump: He isn't Clinton He's different He has his own TV show He isn't Clinton Sticks it to the man Always voted republican, always will He isn't Clinton I am a walling contractor I sell antigravitational hair products He isn't Clinton The sort of people I don't like, don't like him Guns! **** yeah! His wife made a very good speech I found very compelling Obama invented racism the day after he formed ISIS Spastics really do make for poor journalists A flat chested women really can't be a 10 Orange is the new black You really wouldn't accept M&M's if one in a hundred tried to kill you I've always wanted to watch Rome burn
  16. I've got two kids. One can have my Barclaycard bill, the other can have my Amex bill. I'm happy to be buried in the garden or put out with the food waste. Not overly bothered, I'll be dead. I'm keeping the pen.
  17. When you take the meat from a cooked chicken and the leg bones or wing bones are broken, or the meat looks bruised, that hasn't happened in the cooking, or in transit. We've developed a chicken and feed regime that gets them up to sales weight so fast, their bones can't support them. I like to think that my decision to over eat cheap chicken has helped end an otherwise miserable brief bloated and chaotic existence.
  18. I completely believe that government needs opposition. Who's deciding if it's credible or not? There hasn't been a general election since the Labour party was headed up by 'credible' politicians like Miliband and Brown. How did they do as credible opposition? How many party members endorsed them? Corbyn, after months of relentless air time for people like Stephen Kinnock, (so Labour he can't quite decide what country he lives in for tax purposes, so Labour he sends his kid to £30,000 fees per annum Atlantic College) has just won an increased majority in his party. Why have the tories and the newspaper barons and Nick Robinson and Tony **** Blair decided he's not to be allowed any time to get organised as a credible opposition? If he's so crap and nutty, give him more rope. Personally, I suspect Corbyn is indeed a poor leader and will have too many 'left field' ideas for the electorate to swallow. But I do find it amazing, as someone who hasn't voted Labour in a long time, that he isn't to be given any time. He must be ridiculed, questioned, investigated and now almost pitied.
  19. If that wasn't tory line of the week then I'm seriously impressed that so many of them independently thought it and said it, morning, lunchtime and evening, TV and radio, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Theresa May is very lucky to have a team that independently thinks the same thunks. If Corbyn had that, Kuensberg would be winding up the 'party within a party' klaxon.
  20. I'm enjoying this week's tory line that it's a pity Labour is broken as the tory party requires decent opposition to keep its excesses in check. What a fantastic bit of shite that the media have been happy to let go unchallenged. I've heard creepy Oliver Letwin say it this week. Rees Mogg said it on QT this week and Anna Soubry said it on radio 4 in some midweek programme. I'm sure they all thought it independently at the same time and weren't just repeating the official spin. But what a line! We the tories are so **** horrible, we want someone else to stop us doing everything we want to do to you. Obviously, the likes of Kuensberg, Nick Robinson, Dimbleby and Humphrys were all just off their game when they let that same 'message of the week' slip through unchallenged on every occasion.
  21. To be fair, good ol' british plumbers have saved me a fortune. They have proven so unremittingly crap, unreliable and expensive that I eventually learnt how to do lots of the jobs myself. Washing machine broke, had a couple of people say they'd fix it and then not show up. So I watched a tutorial on youtube, ordered parts on line and fixed it myself. Total cost £12 and a year later it's still working. Leaky cistern - same basic story, I went out bought stainless steel flexi's and fixed it myself. Have since fitted a bath and a kitchen sink and changed the thermostatic valves on a couple of radiators. If we had decent plumbers in this country I wouldn't know how to do any of these jobs.
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