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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. :? That's completely not the point I was making. My point was it's not a crime to enjoy a win. You would think coming on Villa Talk after a win would be great, but it isn't. It's full of moaners, grumps and nobheads waiting for the next loss so they can spring this 'I told you so' bullshit.
  2. It must get tiring knowing everything and being right all the time. It must be tiring defending McLeish all the time when you know you're running out of options. There's a difference between defending McLeish and having a balanced, reasonable view on him. Does every last little thing he does annoy you? Do you honestly believe he is the worst possible person to be in charge? I'm not his biggest fan either. I'll criticise him if we lose, but then I'll give him credit if he pulls a win out the bag. Surely that's only fair? I don't just say, 'It was a fluke, he'll lose the next game'. Then if he does indeed lose the next game (everytime so far, I know...) I won't say 'told ya' so', because I think that attitude stinks and also gets a bit predictable and boring. We're not getting many wins at all at the moment, we all know that. So don't slag people off for enjoying them and being positive whenever we do. It really isn't 'outrageous', it's actually quite normal.
  3. It must get tiring knowing everything and being right all the time.
  4. But that's just it, I really don't think Nike are the best option. They messed us about last season, we couldn't buy the tops until November because the quality was crap IIRC. Now Macron are offering us more money and more than likely, not a template kit. So, personally, I think this is a step forward. A step backward would have been staying with nike in my opinion. I couldn't care less if no one's heard of Macron, hopefully they will have when we have them on our chest.
  5. I was against Macron from the start, but if the numbers are true and we are getting vastly more than we did from Nike then ill go with it. I do think the arguement that 'id rather be a big fish is Macrons small Pond' theory is a joke. Key word is SMALL! Based off this why dont we just get relegated to League One then we can be the biggest club in the small League One Pond? If I had 2k to spend on a gambling holiday could I a) Go to Blackpool and be a high roller. Go to Macau or Vegas. I know which one id choose, Blackpool like Macron is the inferior option in terms of quality. I think your analogy would work if we were paying to go with Macron. As it is, they're paying us more than Nike. As for the relegation to League One thing, we're talking about a little logo on our shirts to be fair, not league postions. Not the same really.
  6. Personally, I buy the shirt because it's claret and blue and has a lion on the chest with AVFC above it. If, in the past, you've been buying the shirts because it looks 'smart' or has a logo of a company you think is 'cool', I think your motives are a bit weird to be honest. No club has ever achieved anything by having a nice shirt. Besides, we haven't seen it yet.
  7. Our showerhead holder thingymajig snapped the other day meaning we have to hold it above our heads and put it down when you grab the soap or whatever. Really annoying. I'm used to 30 minute showers in boiling hot water to wake up, it's just not the same.
  8. People that sit in the aisle seat on a full bus, meaning others can't get to the window seat. That or leave their bag on the seat next to them. Pure ignorance and inconsideration for others.
  9. Think people are aware that posting when you have a cup of tea or telling people you've just got back from a steaming poo is a bit extreme, but it is a very useful tool for following news - I'd say failing to acknowledge its benefits is far more moronic! Yep, its not much different from using an internet forum to share your views/opinions afterall.
  10. We were playing a team who are in very good form, in 5th position and we were away from home. We had 13 shots to their 16. We were the better team for most parts. It was a good effort. What do you want!? At least learn how to spell his name.
  11. Nope, I thought we played well too. Bring on the moaners and the calls for Alex's head though.
  12. Nah, that's way too crypto-fascist. In three years from now you'll want to go to the theatre. Whatever you do, don't go and see 'Run For Your Wife'.
  13. Well, I have a few DVDs with lots of girls IN them. I don't really, I have the internet.
  14. Took me ages to find one to be fair. The Lake House. Mrs Paddywhack has all her DVDs in amongst mine, so there's loads, but that ones mine.
  15. A very difficult choice, mainly because I have no idea what the starting 11 will be in June. But I also think it's a choice that's not as important as the media hypes it up to be. I think it's more about the honour of being 'England Captain'. I've always believed if you're a leader on the pitch, inspiring in training etc. then it doesn't really matter if you have an armband on. Although an international captain is perhaps more vital than a club captain.
  16. I ran 11.2 miles last night, 4 miles further than any other run I've done in my life. It took 2 hours, don't know if that's a decent time or not. I was struggling to do 2miles 2 weeks ago, I'm amazed at how fast you can build your fitness up. To the marathon runners on here, because there's so many people running it, can you still set your own pace or do you have to pretty much stay with the crowd? Also, does it soon spread out so there's hardly anyone around you or are you constantly with fellow runners?
  17. Why would you do that, let alone admit it! :shock: The baby was born a few weeks after the cup win. I'd start telling people it was after a different Alex. Alexandra Burke or something
  18. Yeah, it's funny how the noses are happy to see him gone. They fooking loved him last February, my mate has a nephew called Alex, named after him. By all means, hate McLeish, but judge him on his time at B6, don't listen to blues fans. Their opinion is going to be somewhat...(I'm really struggling for the right word here)...damaged...(I need a thesaurus.)
  19. :shock: Where are these signs? 45 minutes of decnt football versus QPR? We've been playing passing football all season...it's just we can't get it past the midfield.
  20. Savo spat at the fans? I didn't know that. I wouldn't count that as being booed for a bad performance though. Can't recall Jlloyd being booed every time he touched the ball, might be wrong. Don't think Carson was either. In fact IIRC, we were really good to him. I remember we sang 'Carson for England' quite often. After his England blunder when he was getting 'There's only one Frank Carson' from the opposing fans, we still sang his name. I'm not saying you're wrong by the way, but I've been going up VP for 16 years, season ticket holder for the last 5 and it was the first time I'd experienced an indvidual being booed for his performance on the pitch and it was terrible, I hated it.
  21. Thought I'd clicked on the Mcleish thread by accident then
  22. I, for one, don't earn very much, but I do okay. Probably enough to warrant somebody calling me 'a silly sausage'. My Grandad however, he had a pretty succesful career. He's retired now, but when he was working I would phone him daily and call him a word removed. He couldn't say anything.
  23. I've heard many footballers say they don't want an arm around them they've scored an own goal, they just want to be left alone for a second and forget about it. Dunne's got enough experience to know how he must have felt I don't understand what you mean by him getting a free pass, because he walked away. Should he have stayed in the naughty corner with Warnock for a bit?
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