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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. I had to say it a few times.
  2. Certainly on my floor, it's 75% women. take advantage. Nah, most of them are like 'the doughnut'
  3. Certainly on my floor, it's 75% women.
  4. I thought it was: 1. Bereavement 2. Divorce 3. Moving house Oh right, I wasn't sure.
  5. There's doughnuts in the office today. A colleague of mine asked if I want one. I said, 'Yeah, I'll get one in a bit'. She went and got me one and brought it back. That's fine, lovely of her. Problem is, she is filthy and not in the good way. Girls in the office have said she leaves cubicles without washing her hands, she has long, really dirty finger nails, she stinks, bad breath and very much looks liek a doughnut herself. I'm not eating this doughnut, no chance. But not being an arsehole, I'm not gonna say 'no thanks, stiggy' as I chuck it in the bin. I'm in a pickle, right now..
  6. Wonder if finding a new school ranks up there as well. Is that a dig at my speeling and grammer?
  7. They always put buying a new house and getting a divorce at the top of the most stressful things you go through. I havent done either of those, so I wouldn't know, but I think the 'New Job' process should get a mention. Finding jobs, applying for jobs, going for interviews, getting turned down, signing on, settling in to a new job, etc, etc. Nightmare. It's probably the main reason I'm still at my current job, I've got too 'settled'. Good luck to you!
  8. I'll be thinking about this thread and you guys aswell. I hope it doesn't put me off, I love steak. I've just realised Shillz, did you think I meant me and my girlfriend had this special day once a week or something? What a way to break up the working week!
  9. Admittedly, it's not as well known as Valentines day, you won't find a card in clintons or anything, but it's defintely real. You've put me off it now
  10. Presumably the mum can take her teeth out. Bit of gummy? It's the 'of course' that sets it all up Unfortunately, it's quite the opposite. The phrase 'eating an apple through a tennis racket' comes to mind.
  11. It's a national holiday! You should be owed a fair few now.
  12. From that post, i cant work out who's going to be sucking you off?!?!? :shock: I'm going to look sensually into her mums eyes, whilst saying to the waiter, 'Steak..of course' and see how she reacts. If she blushes and smiles...it's on.
  13. It's steak and blowjob day today. I'm going for a meal with the misses and her mum later and I'm wondering if her mum will know what I'm up to if I order steak.
  14. It's odd, because I know you're right, but it would still feel weird. Stealing a car or burlary I would, but I wouldn't for vandalising a bus stop. I don't know why that is.
  15. I have an image in my head of her being handcuffed, struggling and trying to shrug off two blokes whilst being taken down those stairs you get in court and her looking at you distraught, asking 'Why Gareth, why?' and you, with a single tear running down your cheek, through gritted teeth replying simply, 'Garry Parker'.
  16. Haven't been in the McLeish thread for months, I just dipped my toe over there and the water's hotter than ever.
  17. Quality. This sounds just like the "win-win" situation that O'Dreary used to hide behind. We lost - Not my fault. Blame Deadly for not giving me money to buy better players. We won - I am a great coach, getting the best out of a poor bunch. :? Well yeah, it works both ways, what's your point? That we SHOULD be saying McLeish just gets lucky when we win and slating him if we lose? I'm just saying a balanced view needs to be taken by some fans and credit given when credit is due (which is rare, granted ).
  18. I find that strange Trent. One of the main things I see on VT, about our defence, is that Warnock, Collins, Dunne & Hutton are all terrible. Do you think that Dunne has been making the others play terribly? Or have you just failed to ignore the fact that the others have been playing poorly, to back-up your point that Dunne is the real problem and therefore McLeish deserves no credit for him not being in the team? Hutton, Collins & Warnock were all solid against Fulham. McLeish get's blamed for not motivating the players to play well, so why shouldn't he get credit when they put in a great shift like they did on Saturday? (And please don't spout the 'You're putting words in my mouth' nonsense. I'm asking you a question). This isn't directed at you Trent and I'm not saying you are right or wrong to not credit McLeish here, but what Rob says seems very much the fans usual reaction to anything. Something poo - McLeish is to blame Something good - McLeish got lucky Like him or not, seems a bit unfair to me.
  19. I was in Dale Endy, Digbethy area yesterday for the first time in maybe two years. The amount of changes were incredible, I didn't recognise half of it. Who needs X-factor? This City is coming on leaps and bounds IMO. I think it'll take a lot for us to shake off the perception of Brum the rest of the country seem to have, but I think it's turning into a beautiful city. There are shite parts, but most of which there seems to be plans for.
  20. I reckon about 7593 of your 7993 posts have been this question.
  21. So how was it? You shit yourself or was I a pussy? Your a pussy! :winkold: In all fairness it was jumpy and there were a few scary moments. But on the whole i was disappointed. Harry Potter played his role well to be fair. The ending just completely threw me and i left the cinema just thinking "what was all that about!?!?" 5 out of 10 from me. I can't say I'm surprised to be honest, I always suspected I was. My dad's going to be disappointed though. Disappointed with what? The film? Nah, me being a pussy
  22. So how was it? You shit yourself or was I a pussy? Your a pussy! :winkold: In all fairness it was jumpy and there were a few scary moments. But on the whole i was disappointed. Harry Potter played his role well to be fair. The ending just completely threw me and i left the cinema just thinking "what was all that about!?!?" 5 out of 10 from me. I can't say I'm surprised to be honest, I always suspected I was. My dad's going to be disappointed though.
  23. So how was it? You shit yourself or was I a pussy?
  24. As stated wiggy, that is my elbow!!!! He won't let me take a picture while he sniffs my arse :winkold: On a related note, there is a rumour about one of the lads at work that he used to put Chum on his bollox and get his dog to lick it off. Kinky ****!!! What idiot does that? Chum's expensive. He should have just used tesco's baked bean, dogs will eat anything.
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