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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. I started my driving my lessons a few months back at the age of 24. Two things surprised me; - 1. That it's not scary. I used to think I'd probably shit myself when approaching an island or something, I don't find that at all. That may be my very laid back driving instructor keeping me calm though. 2. The amount of nobheads who are obviously born drivers and can't wait a few seconds if you stall or don't go when you could have on a junction. I probably encounter two or three on every lesson.
  2. Wow, never knew they existed. There was me thinking condoms ruined the moment..
  3. Christ, you're getting more action this week than I've ever had in my life.
  4. What is it? I can't see it
  5. The only place I know of is a few doors down from fair deal, or is that the one you meant? It's a shop that only stocks sheet music, not sure if it's still there though to be honest.
  6. And that's how you stop a bully in his tracks, you see. The old 'What is it, I can't see it?' gaff. You fell for the oldest trick in the book.
  7. You're wrong! Right...1 of you are lying here!? Either Paddywhack is a pussy...or...lapal aint afraid of no ghost!? Probably the former, it sure gave me the willies! I can't see it, I'm at work. What is it? Is it nasty!? Are you bullying me!!? Stop it. Stop it, I say!
  8. You're wrong! Right...1 of you are lying here!? Either Paddywhack is a pussy...or...lapal aint afraid of no ghost!? Probably the former, it sure gave me the willies!
  9. Surely they have more of a right to complain? Do you ever sing 'Villa 'til I die' and feel a bit guilty?
  10. I always go at work at about 11, even if I don't need to. A free little break, play a bit of angry birds and best of all, get paid for it. 20 minutes to go.
  11. That film scared the poop out of me. It really disturbed my missus though, she wouldn't go into any rooms on her own when it was dark. I didn't help though, I hid behind doors and jumped out at her at every opportunity. I'm a bit horrible and childish like that, can't help it.
  12. Wahey! It's nearly here again and reports of it being a sunny one too. My mates coming up from old London town and were going out for his birthday tonight, hopefully celebrating a win down Villa Park tomorrow and general lounging around and playing Football Manager and drinking my weight in coke for the rest of it. Only Villa can ruin it. Plans?
  13. I feel for you. There's a woman who sits near me who says, 'Ooh, having a beer?', everytime she hears me open a can of pop. Like you, I try to be polite, but I could snap one day and end up over-arming the can at her head.
  14. That really confused me for a bit. Apparantly I live in what was was once Worcestershire. :?
  15. this happened to me about a month back when i had scarlet fever, i phoned them up at 8.30am asked for an appointment, got told the earliest they could do was 4pm the next day, i said well if i describe my symptoms can you tell me if its safe to go to work? after saying rash and sore throat and panicking the the receptionist she magically found me a 9.10am appointment that day Nightmare isn't it? Luckily, I don't believe my complaint is as bad as yours. I have a really sore, swollen nipple. Unless it's going to explode shortly I can probably wait 5 days.
  16. Trying to get doctors appointments. The next avaliable one I could get is Monday afternoon. 5 days away. What's the point? Sorry my post isn't anything to do with bleeding genitalia. ...well...not entirely anyway.
  17. Four day weekend for me! ...but it's because I'm moving back in with mom and dad, so will be shifting all my stuff. Not so fun.
  18. One of those meals where I find the thought of eating it is nicer than actually eating it, like fish and chips.
  19. Thanks for reminding me why I don't come on match day threads.
  20. That's what I thought aswell, but if someone can manage to get 50 league goals in two seasons out of him, I must be doing something wrong. I want to know the secret to getting him playing! I'll check out that player when I get home. Haven't got that kind of money to spend at the moment though. I've got the 17 year old Lucas Anderson on the right wing at the moment, keeping Albrighton out the team, he's class.
  21. My unreads don't seem to work. I can have a few different orange ones, but then when I click into one and go back they're all back to blue. I'm probably just not navigating round the site right. :?
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