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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. I was delighted when I found out she's recently done a topless scene.
  2. Pleeease tell me how. No goals in 15 games, average rating of 6.3 on mine.
  3. 3 right backs, 3 centre backs? :? It's only a friendly, I guess.
  4. No, nor me. I think the fact the last one wasn't even used in a tournament is disgusting.
  5. Think I must be the only one who likes it. Love the GK top too.
  6. Ditto. I think it's impossible.
  7. I think that was my grandads favourite song and so for some reason when he died when I was a kid, my nan had 'The Living Years Were Ours, Dek' put on his gravestone. As much as I loved my grandparents and I hate to insult them, what a ridiculous thing to put on a gravestone. Why that? It's puzzled me for 15 years.
  8. And for something completely different, I've just dealt with Ian Taylor's personal details form at work. Got all his info, not that I'd use it of course. Don't know why I'm so happy, but there you go.
  9. Yeah, I'm with Eames on this. It's not a big problem. You should have gone with "I was having a w*nk before you came in, but since you're here now you might as well suck me off". It's what I said to my Mum when she caught me. If I was good enough to be able to pull that one off (ooh), I wouldn't have been having a tug in the first place, I could have just gone and woke her up.
  10. Hope not, she had some the next day :|
  11. Anyone else ever been caught by the missus having a little fiddle? I was playing football manager until 1.30am a few nights back, but just before I shutdown my laptop, I thought I'd...you know. The girlfriend had been in bed for about 2 hours, but I heard her coming in the living room at the last possible second. I closed the laptop and jumped off the settee and just kind of...squatted. I had long johns up, but jeans round my ankles. I pretended to be casually choosing a chocolate from the box of milk tray she got me for valentines day, they were on the floor luckily. She asked me what I was doing. I told her I was choosing a chocolate in a 'deeerr, what does it look like' kind of way. She questioned why my jeans were round my ankles. I told her my laptop was getting too hot. I think I got away with it...
  12. I've seen a bloke do something similar, except he was swallowing live fish of different colours and regurgitating them in any order, still alive. Weirdo.
  13. Where's the sticky part come from? In her name, I mean.
  14. Nope. You're going to have to explain this one. I'm not googling that at work either...... Yeah, don't. I just did. Oops.
  15. It's solid! Did Blackburn buy Beye by any chance? I've started three Villa games since I've had it and they've bought him everytime. I've always just had to wait for Heskey's contract to run down. He just won't budge.
  16. Wow, I suck at this game. Unbeaten until late October and in 4th place with Villa. 14th place in January, with only one or two goals scored in 3 months, losing every game by at least 3 goals. Sacked. Laptop out of window. Sulk. Girlfriend laughs at me. I don't remember much after that.
  17. "Hey babe, you probably recognise me off the telly..?"
  18. I download Frank Skinners, Dave Gormans and Rhod Gilberts, religiously. I listen to them on the way to work on the mornings, I can't listen to music first thing for some reason.
  19. "You lose some, you draw some. That's just life as an Aston Villa supporter." Currently the third best joke today on sickipedia
  20. 3-5-3 is outdated. I use 4-5-2 myself, with two holding numbers in the middle covering the area code.
  21. Ahh, that's exactly what this is for. Best leave it the way it is. Cheers!
  22. You know how house phone numbers used to be split up into 4 digits - 3 digits - 4 digits, for example, 0121 422 4242, how are you supposed to split mobile numbers? This isn't an attempt at some weak observation comedy, it's just I type them into a spreadsheet at work and it annoys me seeing all 11 digits crammed together.
  23. This, especially with some of the things I have posted during works time just lately, really dont need my gaffa reading some of them posts by accident Can't you just minimise? My team leaders never notice. Or, I suppose they don't think to check.
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