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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. There were three people off sick and another two feeling ill on my team at work, yesterday. Sore throat, headaches, sickness. Got home and my girlfriend, mum and dad all had the same symptoms. Found out my sister and her kid had it too. Woke up this morning and I have it. Something's going down, I know it.
  2. Skyscrapercity - just for old photo's and construction news about Brum. Yes, I know I'm a loser.
  3. I'd had enough of drinking about 4 months ago and was thinking about quitting altogether. I'd had enough of hangovers, the cost of it and waking up and realising I'd said or done something I shouldn't have. Generally, people look at you like you're a freak if you tell them you're quitting alcohol, but quitting smoking, dieting, going to the gym etc, etc you get all their advice and backing.
  4. Something that pisses me off that really shouldn't and I don't know why it does. People taking my dirty mug off my desk to put in the dishwasher after I've left work. It's a nice thing to do, but it really annoys me and I don't know why. Just leave it alone!
  5. Pretty much the same as everyone on here has said. It's not the loss of the animal that bothers me, hunting for food is fine. It's the scum that shoot animals for the 'thrill' of it and get a photo of themselves next to it as if they've achieved something. You pointed a gun and pulled the trigger, well done.
  6. Thought I'd show my face. Me in the middle, with two other VTers who can name themselves if they want to. (I know I wouldn't want to claim either of those faces...)
  7. First thing in the morning, I am usually desperate for a piss. A soft suck would worry me as at the point of climax I could end up pissing in her mouth! That's happened to my mate. exactly that. She was sick. There's something wrong with you! Not me this time, I promise. He thought he was finishing until it 'released', so he stopped midflow. She was throwing up in the toilet, him telling her to hurry up because he needed to finish his wee. He then had the nerve to ask her to carry on. They split up shortly after for some reason.
  8. I suppose you'd expect them to take it back if there's several employees, I guess. It's not right though. I was hoping my boss was going to turn a blind eye to it in my case and just correct it for future payments, it was no skin off her nose. It's funny you typed that, I only found out what it meant last night. It's the nations favourite word too, apparantly.
  9. First thing in the morning, I am usually desperate for a piss. A soft suck would worry me as at the point of climax I could end up pissing in her mouth! That's happened to my mate. exactly that. She was sick.
  10. Excuse me, there's a queue, wait your turn. So guys, my balloon nob...
  11. It's true. I caught him having a sneaky peak in the gents last Friday.
  12. I'm sure it is. Guys? You with me? ..guys? It's only for a few seconds, it sorts itself out. It's like the 'blood rush' is being too rushed and it doesn't like that.
  13. Dr: "So what seems to be the problem?" Me: "It's hard to describe...let me show you.."
  14. Yes When she starts he's Mr. Floppy, then he changes into SuperStiffy! Yes and I don't like it! It makes it go a weird shape, like when you try and blow up a faulty balloon. You dont like it!?!?! I'm not one to moan about any form of blowie, but that temporarily makes my todger look like someones thumb in a cartoon when they've hit it with a hammer.
  15. Yes When she starts he's Mr. Floppy, then he changes into SuperStiffy! Yes and I don't like it! It makes it go a weird shape, like when you try and blow up a faulty balloon.
  16. They found out they had been overpaying me for about 6 months in my last job. I kept quiet and it bit me on the arse. They deducted it all of my Christmas pay packet and was left with £60 that month. But for a one off like this I'd keep quiet, I don't think that would be checked.
  17. I suppose so, to an extent. I wouldn't want my mum reading the stuff I put on here and I think I would have a fair few things to explain to Mrs Paddywhack if she read it. But my best mates are on here and I wouldn't care if people saw my face, knew my name or saw me at VP. Anyway, back on topic, being made to feel guilty in to not doing overtime at work. We were once asked how many hours we can pledge to work on the weekend. If it was none, they wanted to know why and what your plans were.
  18. Did she know you had just shit yourself? It was hard to hide, it would have affected all her senses. She was cool with it to be fair. I played the cool guy anyway. I said, 'Look babe, this is how I roll. Don't like it? Scram' and I strutted off. (The last bit's not true)
  19. I had the shits really bad at work once. I'm talking 15 times in about 2 hours. My girlfriend (who I'd only been seeing a matter of months then) picked me up and drove me home. I was lying on my bed next to her watching TV and I felt a rumble in my belly. I was sick of going to the toilet and assumed there couldn't be anything left inside, so I tried to squeeze out a pump. It felt like cornucopia of slugs in my pants. (Thanks google)
  20. What the **** do you mean by "a dirty arse"!? An anus with poo around it.
  21. My take would be; - Pube in mouth, keep schtum. Attached bits of toilet paper, keep schtum. A dirty arse, a subtle 'tut'. Tittie milk in mouth, I'd mention it. But politely. Never talk with your mouth full.
  22. I had to say it a few times.
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