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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. I think there might be two of us in the whole world. I thought the opening scenes were fantastic.
  2. So, I've just moved back into mum and dads with my girlfriend and we're sleeping in my old room which is a loft conversion. The windows are in the roof of the house and so I never used to bother closing the blinds, I didn't see the point. I didn't think anyone could see me, I couldn't see them. However, my girlfriend closes them and says, 'Of course they can see you. At night, when it's dark and you have your light on, on people will see your reflection in the glass'. Is this true? This scared me, because if true, all my neighbours would have been able to see all the tugging I did as a teenager. If you don't understand what I mean, look at my picture that I gone and drawed. Of course, I could just go and stand in my garden and see, but then I wouldn't have an excuse to post a rude picture of myself on villa talk. We also wouldn't be learning physics together.
  3. +1 I like M.Night Shamaylayanaynlmn and enjoyed all his films that got criticised. I thought I was different from the rest, somebody who understood what he was doing. I thought I was a special boy. But then I saw The Lady in the Water.
  4. Sea, see. Me Gusta. Paella? Going to the pub midweek, £2.30 a pint. £10-15 is plenty surely? £50 would mean *grabs calculator*, 21 pints. I wouldn't be able to walk for two weeks. £6 Fags £3 chippie lets say £3 pool lets say £3 juke box thats £15 say £2.50 a pint, 10 pints £25 theres your £40 and then throw in £10 for a taxi (if I dont make last bus) that there is your £50 You've made me feel boring.
  5. Sea, see. Me Gusta. Paella? Going to the pub midweek, £2.30 a pint. £10-15 is plenty surely? £50 would mean *grabs calculator*, 21 pints. I wouldn't be able to walk for two weeks.
  6. :shock: That's one hell of a night, for me. If I'm just popping to the pub with my mate midweek, I spend £10, £15 max.
  7. You want to try living around here. I said in another thread that Leeds bus drivers are the most unpleasant, misanthropic bunch of bastards on the planet, and I stand by it. You wave any sort of ticket at them and they will inspect it in minute detail, while giving you a suspicious look that makes you feel like a serial killer. They seem genuinely disappointed if the ticket is valid. On the other hand, they react with triumph if they can find some loophole to make you pay extra. For example, I went out for a beer with a mate, got a "day" ticket, and got pulled up on my way home because it was one minute past midnight when I got on the bus - had to pay again. Are they on commission or something? Yeah, I suppose I'd rather have them the way they are compared to that. I just haven't seen a ticket inspector for years, it's a bit annoying knowing there's probably a fair few people getting free rides, I'm basically paying for them.
  8. £48 bus pass...which has never, ever been looked at by a bus driver in my three years of having one. I'm an honest guy, but I'm really tempted to stop paying it and just start drawing pictures of dinosaurs and things and holding that up. I'm sure it wouldn't make a difference.
  9. I laughed so much I centipede in my pants. ( Sorry, just trying to stick to the theme of the thread :oops: )
  10. Paddywhack


    Finally!! I've been waiting ages for someone to start a joke thread, I have one or two to share.
  11. I don't want you like this wiggy, I like it when we're talking about boobs and things.
  12. The Mark, Tom and Travis show; the album of my youth. The only reason you don't understand it is because you don't like it! :| ...hang on.
  13. I've put something similar before, but it really winds me up. A colleague of mine just asked me how to do something on her PC and I told her she needed to copy and paste some particular text. "Copy and what..? How?" How is she working here? You're on a computer 75% of the time in this job.
  14. There were three people off sick and another two feeling ill on my team at work, yesterday. Sore throat, headaches, sickness. Got home and my girlfriend, mum and dad all had the same symptoms. Found out my sister and her kid had it too. Woke up this morning and I have it. Something's going down, I know it.
  15. Skyscrapercity - just for old photo's and construction news about Brum. Yes, I know I'm a loser.
  16. I'd had enough of drinking about 4 months ago and was thinking about quitting altogether. I'd had enough of hangovers, the cost of it and waking up and realising I'd said or done something I shouldn't have. Generally, people look at you like you're a freak if you tell them you're quitting alcohol, but quitting smoking, dieting, going to the gym etc, etc you get all their advice and backing.
  17. Something that pisses me off that really shouldn't and I don't know why it does. People taking my dirty mug off my desk to put in the dishwasher after I've left work. It's a nice thing to do, but it really annoys me and I don't know why. Just leave it alone!
  18. Pretty much the same as everyone on here has said. It's not the loss of the animal that bothers me, hunting for food is fine. It's the scum that shoot animals for the 'thrill' of it and get a photo of themselves next to it as if they've achieved something. You pointed a gun and pulled the trigger, well done.
  19. Thought I'd show my face. Me in the middle, with two other VTers who can name themselves if they want to. (I know I wouldn't want to claim either of those faces...)
  20. First thing in the morning, I am usually desperate for a piss. A soft suck would worry me as at the point of climax I could end up pissing in her mouth! That's happened to my mate. exactly that. She was sick. There's something wrong with you! Not me this time, I promise. He thought he was finishing until it 'released', so he stopped midflow. She was throwing up in the toilet, him telling her to hurry up because he needed to finish his wee. He then had the nerve to ask her to carry on. They split up shortly after for some reason.
  21. I suppose you'd expect them to take it back if there's several employees, I guess. It's not right though. I was hoping my boss was going to turn a blind eye to it in my case and just correct it for future payments, it was no skin off her nose. It's funny you typed that, I only found out what it meant last night. It's the nations favourite word too, apparantly.
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