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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. Thats the point i missed out in my post. It's secondry school where it all starts. It's a valid point, I see what you mean, but it just seems a minor issue to me; denying people the chance to love, raise and care for a child on the off chance they might get picked on later in life.
  2. But that's the attitude that has to change. Not long ago, you could have said the same about mixed-race kids.
  3. With parents, there's far too much focus on the person's sexuality. Gay people aren't a different species or anything, they're just people and have exactly the same potential as straight people to be great parents or terrible parents. So I don't believe growing up with gay parent's is really the 'difficult scenario' it's often tagged with. I also hope that this will be one those things people will look back on in the future and be amazed at how closed minded some of our generation were towards it, just like interracial marriages not so long ago.
  4. After Sunday, we won't have to endure boring football for three months.
  5. Exactly...its **** crazy!!! SHE'S A MOOSE!!! Underwear, shoes, jewellery...you **** name it!!! Haha Wiggy I cannot tell whether you are angry or jealous. :winkold: I winds me up how moronic some people are! Is there a section where girls buy guys shit? If there is, I've wasted a couple of golden nuggets this very morn.
  6. Marmaris, last week of June. If England finish 2nd in the group I miss the next game, I'll be on the plane. Cornwall in July and Newquay in September. Lovely jubbly.
  7. What a coincidence! I'm going to Cornwall for 5 days in July, then I'm going to my mates wedding in Ve...oh, it's you.
  8. The fact that all three team leaders on my floor aren't in, nor is the Operations Manager, but the workplace isn't anymore relaxed. If this was school, someone would have been climbing through a ceiling tile, whilst someone else was mooning out the window.
  9. I'm by no means an expert, but I think you're right, you're just running too fast. I doubt you're so unfit you can't last more than 90 seconds. You'd probably last a lot longer than that if you did a light jog. As for noticing improvements, I definitely did. I took up running earlier this year and I was doubling my distance each week (2-3 runs a week) and was finding each run easier than the last, aswell. Good luck with it!
  10. I would have to suggest the reason McLeish is on 'rocky ground' at the monent is because he's taken us into a relegation battle and is a terrible manager, not because he got booed. Good effort though.
  11. And you weren't on Tuesday??? Disgraceful. Poppycock. I want Villa to remain one of only four English clubs to have won the European Cup. I certainly wouldn't cheer for Blose in Europe because they're English. On Topic, I think that point today might have just saved us by the skin of our teeth.
  12. I find that with all world famous routines/jokes/sketches for some reason. I love only fools and horses, but delboy falling through the bar has never once made me titter.
  13. I don't hate many, though a lot just annoy me. Top of my hated list are Jim Davidson, John McCririck and Jeremy Clarkson. The 3 J's.
  14. This is really pissing me off now. I got Champs League football with Villa two years running and got given about £15m to spend. I've just finished 5th and they've given me £11m. I got more to spend in my first season! Every summer I think, 'This year...this year they'll invest'.
  15. Actually, on that note, 3D-TVs. They don't piss me off so much, more I don't see the point. The family all sitting round with glasses on to make the screen look like it's ever so slightly coming at them, if they're sitting at the right angle. It doesn't work a lot of the time for me either, I just see the picture twice. I'm not against '3D' as such, but it needs to be 10 times better than it is now for me to fork out for a TV.
  16. ...would it be bad to put a tenner on? I couldn't. Great odds though.
  17. I'm really trying to not let this bother me. I've been telling myself since last night that it's just a game, that there's much more important things in life. It still hurts though, there's a such a sinking feeling in my stomach. I'm dreading talking to people at work today. We're not even down yet, but I think I've accepted our seemingly inevitable fate. I have absolutely zero faith in us picking up any more than a single lucky point. I so hope I'm proved wrong.
  18. I've felt some, they're just firmer I think. They look more different than they do feel different.
  19. I've touched on this before, but it really **** me off. Catchphrases at work. Police car goes past; "Ooh, they've found you, " Open a can; "Ooh, having a beer?" Get to work early; "Ooh, shit the bed?" Get to work late; "Ooh, good afternoon..." Yawn; "Ooh, save some air for the rest of us!" Heard at least twice a day, each time as if it were new.
  20. A woman who I sit next to at work just said to me, 'I can tell I've put a bit of weight on, my bra's tighter'. Without really thinking and getting on with my work I replied, 'You can take it off if you want.' She didn't like it, pissed me off. It was clearly a joke and she was talking about her bra in the first place, what was I supposed to reply with? Typing this I can see why she was annoyed actually...
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