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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. Call me old fashioned, but I hate the fact that kids these days spend all their time playing video games in their houses and only speaking to their friends on a headset. It makes them much harder to find.
  2. Oh wow, just seen my 'VT wrapped 2022'. I'm surprised there's not already a thread for this. Posts: 398 Topics started: 0 Reactions given: 1,638 Reactions received: 4 Days won: 0 Your favourite thread: The Boring Thread Posters added to your ignore list: 7 Posters removed from your ignore list: 7 Posters re-added to your ignore list: 7 Hours spent on VT when you should have been working: 79.4 hours What you did too much of: Accidentally clicking on people's profiles and then worrying that they think you're stalking them What you didn't do enough of: Keeping out of match threads
  3. Yeah, I really enjoyed it, I’d recommend going. He read from the book in the first half, which was funny but I’ve already listened to the audiobook. I thought the second half was brilliant, it was a Q&A with the audience. I guess it depends on how good the crowd are but Matthew Holness’s improv is way better than I imagined.
  4. Whamageddon. I'm being a scrooge as it's just people having fun, but I could not less if you accidently heard Last Christmas and now you're no longer in some imaginary, daft game. "I got WHAMMED at the shop, only on day 2! I'm out. Good luck the rest of you xx"
  5. My next door neighbour is one of those people who just can't help massively exaggerating or outright lying about everything. Everytime I see him, he's either just been stuck in traffic for several hours trying to get home from work, he's just had to pay hundreds or thousands to fix his car or he tells me the weather forcast for the next few days and makes out the world's about to end. I got a full house at 5pm yesterday. It had taken him 3 hours to drive to the other side of Birmingham that morning. Someone had also driven into his parked car at lunch and his front end had been crushed. (He'd come home early from work to fix it himself though and there wasn't a scratch left on it. He'd saved himself thousands!!) Just as I was about to go back in my house he warned me that it was going to be -18 on Saturday.
  6. I think this is the most I’ve enjoyed the World Cup so far.
  7. There are quite a few variations of that shirt which are all sought after by shirt collectors. I imagine the one Barrett has on, with ‘yoghurt’ instead of ‘muller’ would fetch a fair few quid. I believe that goalkeeper top is as rare as rocking horse plop, too.
  8. If I had to choose a bottle to pop up my arse, it'd be that one. EDIT: I've changed my mind, I just saw that it's the size of a 2L bottle. I'll go for a fruit shoot.
  9. People replying to me with yawn gifs. Now I know how @lapal_fan feels.
  10. How do you post gifs? I want a post a gif of a big angry yawn. is there such a gif, of a big angry yawn? I can’t even imagine what that looks like
  11. That genuinely looked worse than Sunday league football.
  12. You should both pretend to like hip-hop and reggae so that you don’t appear racist, makes much more sense.
  13. Oh well, 90 minutes closer to the premier league returning.
  14. Come back Roy Hodgson, all is forgiven.
  15. I haven't read any reviews and I'm only a couple of hours in, but yeah, it feels rushed and glitchy.
  16. Well this thread's a bit dry! I've currently got the bug again. I've been doing quite a few races and parkruns recently and my times are slowly getting back to what they were a few years ago. It can be tricky finding time to get out there with a toddler and baby at home, but it's doing me the world of good. Speaking of parkrun, I read this article yesterday. I love what parkrun can do for people, I find things like this so inspiring. https://blog.parkrun.com/nz/2022/10/23/i-am-doing-and-i-love-it/ As it says in the article, she was determined to finish under an hour and she did it on Saturday, with a time of 59:59.
  17. I think that's a bit of a crappy thing to do. Two wrongs and all that.
  18. But…but…homosexuality was banned in the UK until 1967 so…
  19. I know I’m very much in the minority on VT, but I’d much rather watch stand up or any kind of comedy show than go see a band. I’ve been to quite a lot over the years and have been to the fringe a few times. Over the next few months I’ve got tickets to see Josh Pugh, Phil Wang, John Robins, Dylan Moran, Mike Wozniak and Rosie Jones. Garth Marenghi at the Glee Club on Tuesday too, I’m looking forward to that.
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