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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. I rarely check Facebook nowadays, but I just have and it’s getting worse. Scrolling down my newsfeed; Some meme page “suggested for you” Disney+ “sponsored” A news article “suggested for you” Some more suggested groups to follow A horror page “suggested for you” Louis Vuitton “sponsored” Some random reels and shorts Sportsjoe.ie “suggested for you” Worcester City Run “suggested for you” It took me aaaages to finally get to what I was there for; someone I vaguely remember from school commenting on someone I don’t know’s photo of some kids I don’t know.
  2. I love it when I'm working from home and my mother-in-law is in my living room at lunchtime so I can't play PS5 or anything. I also really love it when my mother-in-law is here when I log off at 5pm and I want to put my feet up. I really love that.
  3. Oh this. I used to sit next to someone who cycled to work and his gloves stank the whole office out. He knew and found it funny though.
  4. We’re not fickle, we just don’t like him.
  5. Now you mention it, my wife has said they both taste disgusting.
  6. Oh, I wouldn't know about the taste, I just like putting the bottles up my arse.
  7. I've noticed that recently. The gap between the own brands and named brands seems to be getting larger. In sainsburys, it's 55p for 460g for sainsbury's own ketchup and £2.80 for 460g of Heinz ketchup. That seems like a ridiculious difference to me.
  8. Sorry to hear that, Rob. We had similar last month with my 96 year old Grandad, my dad found him on the bathroom floor. He’d banged his head, was confused and was complaining that his arm and ribs were hurting, and was struggling to catch his breath. They called for an ambulance at 6pm and it arrived at 3am.
  9. I can understand Breaking Bad and Seinfeld, and I'msurprised you've managed to avoid watching friends considering how much its on... ...but never seen the Simpsons!?
  10. I think the idea of having fish and chips is far better than actually having them.
  11. I don't have that, but when I was a kid, it used to be glaringly obvious to me what colour each day of the week was. It's probably because I had a jigsaw or something too, but I remember Wednesday was blue and Friday was red, for example. I don't get that now though...all days are grey.
  12. Our shiny new centre back...with 3 on his back?
  13. I've only just realised our nickname things have disappeared.
  14. I’ll start this post by saying I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, but I wonder why we don’t have a fixed claret and blue from RGB codes that we use on everything. Not just kits but on everything. Seems like anything between red and purple is acceptable. Maybe it’s just not feasible, but I’m sure some companies do that. I think Cadburys always use that specific purple for example.
  15. Yeah, both Hersey's and coriander have both been ruined for me since it was pointed out they taste like vomit and soap respectively.
  16. I started a new job in June and on one of my first days I made the mistake of having a subway with a large coke zero on my lunch. When I got back, a senior leader came and sat next to me to ask how I was settling in. As soon as I started talking I could feel a big burp bubbling. I tried to swallow it or disguise it, but it ended up coming out my nose. She was very polite, but I could tell the onions, jalapenos, stinky meats and chilli sauce were melting her face. Great first impression.
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