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Everything posted by ccfcman

  1. Smacks of an ironic notice left by a satirist rather than a true right wing headbanger to be honest. Most are guilty of "there, their, they're" and "are country" mistakes. Plus also the whole zero facts in every rant, but that's a given.
  2. Let's draw a simple and odd comparison. Hooligans in Marseille and Lille - s that in the name of football? Of course it isn't we hate them for ruining the sport we love. Football is a catalyst to allow such behaviour cultivate, it is also a disgusting and revolting reasoning. Most homophobes aren't religious. They don't like it because it is different, they were told it's wrong. That it is suggested to be a sin is a convenient argument. The Christian Bible which of course has had many many alterations only shunned homosexuality late into the 16th century when the last openly gay Pope - Julius III croaked it. There were a succession of gay popes - John XII (955-964), Benedict IX (1033-1045; 1047-1048), John XXII (1316-1334), Paul II (1464-1471), Sixtus IV (1471-1484), Julius II (1503-1513), and Leo X (1513-1521) and who know whom else before or after. Homosexuality as a sin is only a relatively recent adaptation to Christianity, given how it was a frequently amended fantasy novel, another book from the same Sci-Fi/Fantasy section - the Qu'ran can be expected to have such similar amendments and consequently a more recent dismissal of homosexuality
  3. I'm no fan of Family Guy but this sums it up the real problem with the massacre in Orlando. It is fortuitous for gun rights activists that this American born man was not white.
  4. It's rather simple. His father, inadvertently threw him under the bus with his "God will judge the gay lads" type video. The psychotic and deranged killer comes from a repressed and regressive homophobic background. It has as much to do with religion as quantum mechanics - nothing. Homophobes can curry favour with like minded individuals by wrapping it up in religion, it is insipidus and revolting. That his father spoke so viciously about homosexuality shows a clear pattern. That we now learn the psychotic and deranged killer (yes that's the second time I called it like it is) was in fact a patron of the club in question and frequented other gay bars and used apps of that nature tells us he was pretty normal. Just another married man who is in fact bisexual or gay. To then run through a who's who of all the bad boy terrorist groups was a **** up way of sparing his families blushes. What could be worse than murder? Being gay in his family. This is terrorism for sure, for those that aren't aware most terrorism is carried about by white Christians, they just get a pass because of skin colour and their bible. However it has no link to Daesh what so ever. They would claim a lottery win if they thought it forwarded their modus operandi.
  5. Though the debate has many factors, there is one which grates hugely. One of the most worrying if not comical aspects to the whole thing is the amount of ill informed people who think the EU is the reason so many migrants head to Britain, and that they're "taking all our jobs", as well as "pushing up house prices". The UK and Ireland aren't in the Schengen Zone, so there are border controls already in place. Of the top 10 countries of origin for migrants to Britain, 4 are part of the EU. Poland (2nd), Ireland (4th), Germany (5th), and Romania (9th). The rest are pretty much from countries that the British colonised. India (1st), Pakistan (3rd), South Africa (6th), Nigeria (7th), Bangladesh (8th), and the United States (10th) By consequence, Ireland ends up with a load of non-European illegal immigrants, whom over-stayed their visas in the UK, then passed into Ireland via Northern Ireland. Particularly from Pakistan, and Nigeria. They then take advantage of our dysfunctional asylum system. When it comes to the British abroad, there are four times as many claiming unemployment benefit in Ireland, than there are Irish claiming it in Britain. This is true too for Germany. Last year, of the 5,129,520 people claiming unemployment benefit it in the UK, only 113,960 were from EU states, with 257,260 from outside. The rest were UK citizens. To that point there is the bizarre "welfare scroungers" narrative running parallel to "taking our jobs" line. The two don't really fit together. When it comes to governing the country, the UK has opted out of most of the big EU agreements, apart from those that have really benefited the country, such as Agriculture, and Fishing. Successive governments negotiated their own trade agreements outside of the EU. The UK set (mostly) its own taxes, control their own currency, restrict movement with border controls. If Brexit comes to pass (I still suspect it won't - a la Scottish Ref & the supposed Labour surge pre election 2015) the world won't end & the change will make things "interesting" for a while, but people should be receiving accurate information so as to make an informed decision. The UK (not as whole but to some extent) is in danger of rapidly regressing into a state filled with xenophobic hatred, where citizens could find themselves very unwelcome in other EU States. Ironically likely to be very popular in a US under Trump though
  6. Did the ref or assistant intimate it was offside?
  7. England and Russia doing UEFA's disqualification work for them at the mo
  8. Watching in the office, a wry smile if I'm honest. Fair play to Hodgson for making the double change.
  9. It's been a living nightmare for a number for a number of years now.
  10. A point of comparison. Donald Trump consistently goes on about his wealth, over and over and over again to the point of ad nauseam. Really, it's the kind of thing a "billionaire" doesn't do. You don't hear Bill Gates or Elon Musk re-affirming how wealthy they are for example. Forbes estimate Trump's real wealth to be closer to $1.1b to $2b max, yet he continually claims $10b+. To bring it back to big Tone, he doesn't speak about how much he has banked outside of suggesting there is ample funds. This strikes me as a sign of him not worrying about his wealth or the funds he has access to. A pessimist could of course warp this to mean - he simply doesn't have it but I again point you to the example of Trump.
  11. This is much more than the majority of Man United fans can say.
  12. Though I am fully sure this is meant well, I find it a curious point given it is mentioned twice. This idea of sexuality being a "choice". I'll put it to you this way. I never chose to be straight, I just am. My flatmate never chose to be gay, he just is.
  13. Hundreds of crazy videos of dancing in the streets with Swedes and having the craic with bemused locals but I think the best video so far has surfaced.
  14. I'm not sure that's moderate though, that's equal to a Christian abstaining from meat on a Friday and being homophobic etc.
  15. At least you had the insurance man, a lot of insurers are pricks on flooding though I think that's natural disaster stuff they're now slow to cover. I'm sure you can relate to The Money Pit.
  16. It's reprehensible and morally bankrupt. You are 100% free to have your own views and beliefs as we all are but these rules and dictations are out dated in a modern society. That they are followed to such exacting standards worries me. Drinking beers is no more a sin than two men or two women being in love. So I ask you as simple a question as possible. Where is the line drawn?
  17. Is it really though? One chap who is notably not super big into religion, shooting people just comes across to me as if he was moderately deranged. Moderate Christianity is properly twisted also you know. In the same passage in Leviticus which slams homosexuality it says that eating shellfish or wearing two different fabrics is also punishable by death. Plus there is radical Christianity which causes the majority of American domestic terrorism - the Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, a suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, the Planned Parenthood bombing outside Boston, the Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta, George Tiller's murder which Bill O'Reilly goaded people into doing and murder of Dr. John Britton, the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church shooting and Timothy McVeigh's bombing of the Fed building in OK. All directly in the name of the christian skygod. You have periodic attacks on Planned Parenthood facilities, again in the name of a made up celestial old man. But I find it weird because, you know the same skygod is the number one cause of infanticide, seeing as he is omnipresent (when does he sleep?) and all knowing, why then did he come up with miscarriages? Odd that. Let's read from Kings 6:29 now shall we? Madness there. So you see. Moderate or radical anything is wild and crazy. To blame Islam is as a whole is dreadfully misplaced.
  18. Enjoyed the match. McCarthy was puke, McGeady isn't related to a footballer. Cue both of them playing Belgium off the park ...
  19. With the two Beeb lads. He really had to do something as it was likely to be poked in anyway. He opted for the "lesser of two evils", trying to be safe with his head. Great finish though Now all we have to do is beat Belgium or Italy, simples ...
  20. Like many things in life, you gotta know the score. There's so many little tricks and ways about things here. The bureaucracy is something else but a quick chat to a local mate will have you elected. For example if you didn't know any better, you'd take a day off mid week to move house right? In Germany you get a "comfort day" for this. Straight up paid day off to move home. It is generally in your contract but if you're Deutsch is a bit Sheiße you wouldn't know any better. Lots of these kinds of things and some much more implicit such as the glaring differentiation in remuneration.
  21. It's actually a big no no to discuss earnings or at least, it is stipulated in every contract that intra-company discussion of wages is prohibited. No one earns the same in companies. I work in engineering and while my German isn't tremendous my English (and Irish mind) is fluent/native. I would have assumed previously that this was highly advantageous but it doesn't bare fruit as I'd hoped. With a decade of experience I earn less than a German chap with 5 years experience with much less complex systems I am used to dealing with. I guess they like to look after their own in that regard. I reckon if I think logically about it, would an Irish employed prefer to pay say, a Polish worker less than an Irish one? I think we can all agree the answer is by and large a yes. Of course being an EU citizen, we're posh immigrants - ex-pats if you will. So it could be much much worse. There's a million refugees here and they aren't getting anywhere near the opportunities we are.* For non EU citizens, Norwegians and Swiss for example, there are already labour laws in place so they can work as freely as an EU citizen. *For what it is worth, the issues in Köln during Sylvester were blown way out of proportion. Farage is a sinister little shite for speaking about it that way he does. Yes, certainly it was an issue but extremely isolated all things being consider. As far as I am aware, it still hasn't been confirmed that any of the recent arrivals had any part to play in this. It was a saddening episode with some very serious allegations, Germans expect and enjoy a certain level of comfort and safety. It's all very easy going on the streets. But the backlash in non German media against refugees fleeing ISIS being a pile of rapists is an absolute non story here. The narrative surrounds misogyny and entitlement culture.
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