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Everything posted by VillaChris

  1. I'm no medical expert but normally in these situations the doctors say the next 24 hours e.g. the night will be crucial. Better news than I was expecting so good sign at the minute.
  2. Muamaba stable- Sky News.
  3. Yep, I'm sure the amblance crew would be on twitter the minute they did that to inform the world. Folks let's wait for something official from the hospital.
  4. Twitter is awful at times like these, I'm refusing to look at it. Let's wait for something official from the hospital, hopefully good news.
  5. Yes I fear this is going to be the case. So so sad.
  6. VillaChris


    She is yet more proof of John Terry's influence with Roman behind the scenes. :winkold:
  7. Wigan still have a squeak I think. Their last two games are away at Blackburn and at home to Wolves. If they can avoid defeat at Ewood and be within 2 points of Blackburn going into the last game, they have a chance as Wolves could already be down by that game and I think Blackburn's final game is away to Chelsea.
  8. Let's not rewrite history just because he's injured....loads of times Bent has been up top on his own this season and he's failed to hold the ball and we've been under pressure from that. But Bent is obviously much more alert when the ball is moving in our box than Gabby who's usually static. The old chesnut but if you combined the two you'd have one of the best strikers in the league, say Drogba and he wouldn't be playing for us.
  9. That's setting the bar a bit low, isn't it? He would be replacing Heskey in the squad.
  10. TBF Ash is consistent. He was always on here moaning whenever we didn't win a game under MON aswell! I was going to get a 295 season ticket but doubt they'll be any left so will stick with the cheap game by game tickets. No problem.
  11. And here was me who after reading this thread fully expected to know what Brett Holman has for breakfast due to the input of the 1m VT Aussie community (well that's what it seems like when there's a world cup or the Ashes is on :winkold: ) Come on, you lot can't say you've never heard of him as he's played over 50 times for your national team.
  12. The second leg is on ESPN I think so will give it a watch to see how he does. Don't have a clue about him either but he did score twice for the Aussies in the last world cup apparently in 3 games. Wik says he's a second striker and he has a goal record of one in 6. Keane being here for 6 week shows the advantage it can be to the team to have a player who can link midfield and attack while also chipping in with goals. Ireland has been great since the start of the year but it would be naive to expect him to be like this all next season so alternatives are good.
  13. I think the barometer for us signing a new striker in the summer should be "would they be more use than Heskey." Even though he was crap against us, I think it's a resounding yes for this bloke.
  14. I think Wolves sacking Mick was the right decision. However their decision to replace him with Terry Connor was a horrendous one. He's going into the list of failed caretaker managers like Les Reed and Steve Wigley.
  15. Nothing wrong with his workrate yesterday...couple of times in the first half he tracked back to help out Hutton and won the ball. Shows how close you can come to glory. I think if we'd had a central midfielder with his guile (although Milner matured into a decent one in the end) under MON and also Bent, we'd have finished in the top 4 and won the Carling cup in 09/10 I reckon as the other parts of our team were sorted in that season.
  16. Assumed he was injured as seemed bizarre to me we recalled him early from his loan and yet he hasn't made the bench in the last two games. Think he'll leave in the summer anyway, his career is stagnating here and with Weimann scoring, I can't seem to see him getting much of a chance for the rest of the season.
  17. He was comfortably our best player in the first half of the season. Since then he's been injured a bit and the goals have certainly dried up. Dosen't look quite as sharp to me atm as he usually is.
  18. First half I thought he was comfortably our best player, second half dipped a bit.
  19. Same for me. I thought he'd be moved onto a lower league side like Lowry. Suppose it's proof that he might not have the technique of say a Bannan but he certainly has the desire to succeed.
  20. Even if the football is shite...I'm in on the 295 quid offer. That works out at a little more than 15 quid a game. Hopefully McLeish will be relieved of his duties sometime in the next year so it could yet be a real bargain which if you're just talking on financial terms it already is.
  21. That's my take on him aswell. He showed glimpses of quality in those games without question and I believe with a full pre season he would've been good this season. That's what I don't understand, he actually was a regular in pre season and apparently was playing well and yet at Fulham McLeish benched him in favour of Delph. Maybe a part of him wanted to get away as he didn't fancy working under McLeish. Certainly after seeing a french speaking manager leave replaced by a defensive british coach, it wouldn't surprise me if Makoun was looking for a way out.
  22. Yeah I thought this would be the season Stan would be phased out but we need him more than ever in there which says it all about the sorry state of the central midfield which has been the case ever since Milner left. I'd look at bringing in someone like Mo Diame from Wigan who's on a free this summer.
  23. Fair enough. But still him and Petrov as sitting midfielders allowing Ireland a true free role over time could've worked.
  24. Not sure about big, I'd just give him a 2 year extension with a small increase, he is nearly 31 after all. If he gets a better offer elsewhere, fair enough.
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