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Everything posted by dounavilla

  1. The knifes will be out early if he were to flop.
  2. 3rd year in a row the last game will decide if we will be prem/championship. I feel we will stay up but not without a few of us going through some serious anxiety. Utv
  3. Plus, they were spouting off about Anchellotti not losing at home all season I believe.
  4. See most Villa games this season for several examples.
  5. We are unofficially officially down, unoffissionally.
  6. And he's GONE !!!!!! .........back to McDonalds for further nuggets.
  7. Sorry if it's been discussed , but is VAR in operation ?
  8. Top two French leagues have now been cancelled. No details yet on promotion relegation etc.
  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuhan_Institute_of_Virology
  10. I do wonder when they had that leader election if they had a crystal ball would any of them still wanted the job.
  11. He will probably distract them by declaring war with Chi-na.
  12. For those that need to know. The government has relaxed the rules for children's attendance and you will not be penalised for taking your kids out with reason. I have heard that schools to close nationwide either this Friday or next.
  13. Remincent of ww1. Guy in the front row looks like sad monkey.
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