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Everything posted by dounavilla

  1. The only box he has done well on was the box which said "signhere" on his contract.
  2. Villan4life!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!!
  3. dounavilla

    The NSWE Board

    You can tell he is loaded. That's not his arm , he employs someone to hold the phone for him.
  4. Hey !!! Packers fan here too! Got into American footie a couple of years ago and watched a game in which Rogers played really well and chose them for my team !
  5. New record signing ? Depending on who you believe ?
  6. They take little nips those ferrets.
  7. Provided that things don't go Tits up.
  8. We Emass Delphiniho Now Exciting Signing Day Arrives Yippie
  9. Personally speaking , I give not one second of my time worrying about this bullsheeet.
  10. Life lesson learned point 9263: Never trust the words of someone who has Delph in their name.
  11. And the local brothel is known as Shagi.
  12. Is he wearing black lipstick there ?
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