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Everything posted by thejoker

  1. Disappointing, but considering we thought we might not have a club a month ago I can’t say I’m too bothered. Onto the next one. We’ve still got until the end of the month to get someone on loan too.
  2. Kenyan would certainly show that the new owners mean business.
  3. That’s the FFP precident set now then. They can’t just fine (and transfer embargo) QPR and then start deducting points from other teams that break the rules. I guess it’s up to our owners whether they do things sensibly (which I think they will) or just say ‘f*** it’ and pay the fine.
  4. Who else is left at the club to make decisions on transfers? No one that I could name. I can’t see Bruce being a long term option (he never was). He was brought in as a quick fix to get us promoted fast. I don’t see the point in letting him sign more 30 somethings who we won’t be able to shift when he eventually leaves.
  5. I think Bruce can count himself extremely lucky to still be in a job. He said himself last season that he’d probably be out of a job if he didn’t get us promoted. I do think it is a bit of a stop gap though, if we start badly he’ll be gone. I guess the owners are giving themselves some time to assess things, which is sensible. Hopefully they don’t give Bruce free reign on transfers though.
  6. It would have been nice to hear about the target for this season, whether they will be appointing a CEO, new scouting structure, do we have to sell players, etc. We still don’t really know anything yet.
  7. I wouldn't bring Snodgrass back personally. He was generally good for us, but he's far too slow for a winger. I guess we'll be bringing in some younger players now.
  8. I just hope people don’t get on his back if we’re not in the top 6 after 10 games. If he does come in, he’s got less than 2 weeks to assess the squad, make signings and put over some of his ideas to the team. It’s not going to be easy for him. Having said that, I’m all for getting rid of Bruce from a football perspective. He was never going to be a long term option for us. He was brought in to get us up quickly. He didn’t. It’s time for us to move on.
  9. I doubt it very much, Walsall we’re second when left and would almost certainly have been promoted had he stayed.
  10. The only scenario for me wanting Bruce to stay would be if it meant Grealish staying. If Grealish leaves anyway (he might according to John Percy) then I see absolutely no reason for Bruce to stay. Keeping Grealish happy is the only thing Bruce offers right now imo.
  11. He is definitely close to Steve Bruce. But then Bruce could have told Moxley this to put pressure on the new owners. It’s a ready made excuse for Bruce “we had to sell our best player, he wanted to stay , not my fault, etc”
  12. We were favourites before the start of last season too...
  13. That’s why I think we need a better ‘coach’ than Steve Bruce.
  14. Still hurting. Felt even more when you realize how much all ppl love the club, gaffer, the whole squad, including myself, have given everything but still didn’t achieve our target. Also very difficult to verify ppl showing their real personality and humanity at this tough moment. Dr Tony’s latest tweet, still referring to Bruce as gaffer, sounds like Bruce is staying to me. Unless I’m reading too much into it.
  15. If Bruce ‘resigned’, we could save his payoff money from FFP and maybe Dr Tony could pay him off through one of his other companies possibly.
  16. I see Allardyce as a better version of Bruce. But I doubt he’d come with us making big cutbacks this summer. He’ll get another Premier League job at Christmas when someone panics.
  17. The only positive of failing to win promotion is that at least Randy Lerner doesn’t get his ‘bonus’ payment from Xia. I think we had to get promotion within 2 years if I remember correctly.
  18. I think he will give it one more season, but will definitely be off next summer if we don’t get promoted
  19. thejoker


    Hourihane possibly. Brighton were linked with him a while ago. We could probably get £8m-£10m for him with current prices
  20. Although he has been good for us overall, I would want someone with some pace in his role next season
  21. This time next week we’ll either be linked with £30m players or loans and free transfers, all based on the results of one match. Crazy really.
  22. I’ve never looked forward to/dreaded a match so much before in my life. It is absolutely massive, and could shape our future for the next 5 to 10 years. I hope all the misery over the past 5/6 years turns in to a massive high next Saturday. ??
  23. Of course we should expect promotion with the biggest wage bill. If we didn’t expect promotion then we wouldn’t be paying the big wages. It’s not really a complicated decision in my opinion. No promotion = failure.
  24. If we don’t get promoted with, by far, the biggest wage bill in the division, then he should not continue. It’s as simple as that to me.
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