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Everything posted by Don_Simon

  1. Don_Simon


    I drove it the other year ..at 130 + Km away I'd hardly call it the out skirts :-) but it is well worth the drive That is definitely on the itinerary! Wanted to do a bike tour but they dont do them at this time of year. Booooo!
  2. sunderland fulham and QPR Dare I say it Villa arent exactly safe from relegation... We're not relegation threatened. Im not saying were staring relegation in the face. However it would be foolish to think were safe from relegation. Were level on points with Norwich who I think the whole country would agree is relegation threatened. Our playing staff is weaker, yet our management structure is stronger. Like last year 10th and downwards will probably be scrapping for points, were no different. Anyway, no relegation is a stupid idea. But if it means last years stresses never happens again, and Small Heath stay in the Chumpionship, every cloud has a silver lining...
  3. sunderland fulham and QPR Dare I say it Villa arent exactly safe from relegation...
  4. Just watched Wolves v Albion at the boozer. Wolves were absolutely shocking, i mean, truly terrible. They could really struggle this year. Doyle, O'Hara, Jarvis and Johnson, who you would've thought are four of there more important players were dire. Biggest problem is that they didnt even seem to try / care.
  5. I think a lot will depend on the friendlies before the tournament. The forwards gel as a coherent unit, look creative and score a few goals in the process? Adios Wazza. The forwards look stale, turgid, out of ideas and not scoring? Dont think Capello has much choice.
  6. I wouldnt take him. Not because were good enough without him like the poll states, but because I dont think he deserves to go. He's a liability in terms of his temperament, was woeful in SA 2010, (like most, but thats another topic), and I would rather see a Bent, Sturridge, Gabby or Welbeck get a good chance.
  7. Rooney banned for all three Euro 2012 group games. Leave him at home the petulent prick.
  8. Don_Simon


    So the boys and I are off to Munich at Crimbo time for some beery high-jinx, some german market goodness, umpteen bratwurst and a game at the Allianz. Any one been to Munich that can give me any gems? I love Germany as a country, been to many places, (went to Hamburg to see our football thraping there a few seasons back, Harewood our lone striker, bad times!), so really looking forward to the Bayern v Koln game. Cheers in advance for any help guys and gals!
  9. I went there three summers ago with the Mrs and our then 1 year old. Im fortunate enough to have travelled a lot of the world, be it on my gap year or a teacher with huge summer holidays, and CT is in my top three places of all time. The beaches, the history, the natural environment were all incredible, but for me the best thing is the people. Friendly and helpful to the point that we felt guilty people being so nice to us. A remarkable city. If i had one gripe it would be Robben Island. For such a monumental part of South African history, the tour doesnt do the story justice. But im really trying to find a fault there. I agree with Mr Crackpot, this place is well worth a visit.
  10. What the **** is wrong with these players?! Are they off their rocker? It seems to an outsider like this world cup campaign has been an absolute shambles from beginning to end. Not dissimilar to the footy world cup in SA.
  11. So weve sorted our tickets for the Allianz on December 17th, Bayern v Koln. Really looking forward to sampling the atmosphere, hopefully the beers we can drink in the stands will provide a beer jacket against the elements! My last game abroad was the 2-6 demolition of Madrid by Barca. If this game is anything like that, epicness awaits! (Im sure it wont be however!).
  12. Jesus christ i didnt even realise who that was. Assumed Jodie Marshenegger was some mental American chick hellbent on beefing up!
  13. It was a joke. Now jump off the high horse and go play in the hay.
  14. Judging by that picture, Randy has been spending a great deal of his time in Burger King, Wendy's and McDonalds.
  15. Much appreciated, cheers Gareth! Will do my best to repel the poisonous stench of der schweine von Köln...
  16. Gudentag Guys and Gals! Im thinking of heading over Munich at Crimbo to catch the last game before the Winter break (vs Cologne), and was wondering how much I should be looking at forking out for a ticket to the match? Cheapest possible is excellent! Also, do you think ill be able to turn up at the Allianz on the day, (or day before), to buy the ticket then? Danke!
  17. Out of order. Couldnt agree more. Idiotic comment, show some respect to the people that have / had such a terrible illness.
  18. Not sure about the lap times, but im loving the idea of the team co-op concept.
  19. Started a game as Wigan last night with the challenge of keeping them in the Prem. Shipped out in pre-season N'zogbia, Kirkland, Boyce, Hendry Thomas amongst others and have accumalated about £16,000,000 for a transfer war chest. Brought in Joe Lewis and Alex Smithies for GK duties for less than i sold Kirkland for, and theyre collective wages are less than he was on! They have about 7,000,000 defenders, all either Scottish or Spanish so I wont be touching that part of the team, and they have a surprisingly decent midfield with McCarthy, McCarthur, Diame, Gomez competing for CM. Need to bring in a couple of wingers however, and definitely a striker to compete with the black Messi, (his words not mine!), Hugo Rodallega. Gone for a 4-1-2-2-1 formation, hopefully to be solid at the back with creativity to from the wings to get the goals for big Hugo! This will be my last game before FM 2012 comes out, wish me luck...!
  20. Stick with the Wire its some of the best tv ever, you won't regret it. Original Killing or the naff American one? Cheers for the advice buddy! Without question the original, I despise the "Americanisation" of most things! (I am curious about the US Millenium Trilogy films however....) Opted to stick with the wire and bought season 3 from amazon for £15. The Wire is super expensive, £30 for te first season! So ill wait till that comes down a bit in price.
  21. Stick with the Wire its some of the best tv ever, you won't regret it. Original Killing or the naff American one? Cheers for the advice buddy! Without question the original, I despise the "Americanisation" of most things! (I am curious about the US Millenium Trilogy films however....)
  22. Just finished watching Season 1 & 2 of The Wire. LOVED the first season, but the second season was overwhelmingly "meh" for me. So, im torn between sticking with the wire and purchasing season 3 & 4, (ive heard 4 is very very good!), or going for something new. I hear the killing is very good, or could go for a classic ive never seen such as the sorpranos, or the west wing. Thoughts ladies and gents? (i'd ask the General, but he's awol!).
  23. Have i missed something Trent? I thought we paid the incestuous ones £2,000,000 for Mcleish' services? Yeah you have mate, I believe we paid £0 and they are shouting about taking it further but I suspect they have no chance. Brilliant news! Only yesterday at work i had a gaggle of noses gloating that although they take our rejects, weve given them top dollar for the "King Reject". Idiots.
  24. Have i missed something Trent? I thought we paid the incestuous ones £2,000,000 for Mcleish' services?
  25. Hi General, I hope this finds you well and enjoying your day. I was having a lovely day in the sunshine until I read the Boards most recent statement. There is a delicious irony to the fans absolute last choice manager possibly being appointed on your watch. When you first arrived on the forums, I thought it was fantastic! A real opportunity for the fans to have their ideas, opinions and values expressed to someone who really matters at the club, something that would never in a bajillion years have happened under the previous regime. Fast forward five years, and probably the one time that the fans have begged you to listen, you wave them away like a mosquito thats a mild irritant as evidenced in todays statement. I understand fully that money the club makes from merchandise, season ticket sales and the occasional pint of warm beer at the holte end kiosk isnt what keeps the club ticking. TV money does, (and dare i remind you Mr Mcleish has thus far lost his previous team two lots of this income). Yet what really keeps us ticking, is our values, that we're AVFC. Champions League football has probably never been further away; we actively give up cup competitions these days instead of at least trying to win and our best players leave on a yearly basis. So its our values that keeps us obsessed with AVFC and these values are even more important than ever in what seems a closed shop in the Premier League. This (possible) appointment will trample on those values and alienate the fans even more than financial constraints, Arab Billionaires and messers Barry / Milner / Downing already have. Take it easy General, sorry for my ramble. Simon Faulkner (not a relation to Paul).
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