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Everything posted by Don_Simon

  1. Hey Guys, Firstly, this Techy part of the forum is becoming a staple part of my web-surfing diet! I'm learning more here than I have in last 29 years! (I'm a proper technophobe). So cheers for all the advice and guidance being dished out, its hugely appreciated. Secondly, my Sony Vaio laptop has died. RIP Lappie. So I'm in dire need of a new one before the teaching year starts and I'm tying to prep lesson on PowerPoint via my phone. My budget is between £300-£400 and the laptop will be used pretty much solely for Microsoft Office, Football Manager, and web browsing. I'm interested in this SSD thing as I would like to get the most out of my computer, this is a lot of money to me! (But I have no idea how to install the SSD thing and would need to get a computer shop to do that bit!) Again, as ever, all advice gratefully received. Cheers!
  2. Im going to ask a question of which the answer may be startlingly obvious, but as a complete, utter and total technology numskull, I need to ask it... Ive been banging on and on about purchasing a tablet. Ive waited patiently (or not), for the new Nexus to come out and need to get the 4g version as I want to use it on my commute to and from work, 3hrs a day. However, I dont really want to spend the big bucks on 4g prices, when I think 3g will suffice. So, the question... will I be able to use Giff Gaff's unlimited £12 3g goodbag in the 4g new Nexus 7? Help! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
  3. Currently in sleepy Buddhist village of Luang Prabang in Laos. I fear the big grin on my face in the bar scared both dormates and barmaid. **** it. Im happy! But, devils advocate for a second... is all forgiven and forgotten? A week ago Claret & Blue, Villa Park and the fans werent enough for the ego that is Benteke. Thoughts?
  4. Ok I've read it. But as far as I can tell it doesn't tell me how to fix it?!
  5. Hello! I have a potential VT nightmare! Whenever I look at the forum from my Samsung Galaxy 3, and want to look at the most recent post in a topic by touching the horizontal arrow thingy, it either takes me to the first post of the topic, (meaning I have to scroll through 300+ pages to see latest news), or takes me back a few days worth of posts, always at random. Why on earth is this happening?! And how do I fix it? Help!
  6. I'd temper that by saying winning the European Cup was the best thing to happen to the club in 40 years. But I see your point in terms of potentially our best manager. Absolutely. (Edited with the addition of the word "potentially"!)
  7. Don_Simon


    This is the route ive gone down. Cant wait for it to arrive!!!
  8. False. Barry stayed an extra year. Yeah he went after that, but I think we all expect Benteke to go next season anyway. If we want him to stay, he will stay. Years on his contract, (unlike Young) and its unlikely we will get a ridiculous offer for him (unlike Downing). The only reason Benteke will leave is if Lambert ok's it and is able to use the £20,000,000+ money for new players.
  9. Neck on the line time... Kendrick has just tweeted "we want to be together", with a random YouTube video attached. 2+2 = Benteke's signed a new deal.
  10. Ive never heard of Samba before. But a bit of research makes it seems like a good shout! Cheers for the heads up CVByrne. Just want to get my hands on the nexus now. Bring it on!
  11. Right, the time has come, i'm going for the N7. I waited to see if they would be announcing a new model in the Google show / conference thingy, but it hasnt happened, so i'll go with the current model. Want to have it for some trips I have coming up, and my laptop is close to extinction so the tablet can semi-replace that. Due to my commuting, I will need to get the 3G version, and will be taking Limpid's advice and going for the Unlimited Giff Gaff plan. (I cant find any info on whether this is a contracted sim, or is it done on a month-by-month basis and im able to cancel it whenever?!) Before I take the plunge, am I right in assuming this is still the pound for pound best bit of Tablet kit out there for general internet perusing, games, films, books etc? The opinion of VT'ers is gospel! Cheers!
  12. Don_Simon


    The ridiculous thing is, this season has been so ridiculous, that it would'nt be ridiculous at all were we to keep our first clean sheet in 700 years against Chelsea.
  13. Really good post. I have no idea as to the answer of your question, but enjoyed reading it! And nice to see our manager has some tactical nous. (A facet missing from some of his predecessors I feel...)
  14. Word up fellow VT'ers! Gaming help is needed please... Im on a massive money saving mission currently, (have slightly over stretched my summer plans and as such my life between now and July 17th will be spent hibernating, hoarding money wherever possible!) So, I was wondering if anyone can recommend me a PS3 game I can sink my teeth into? Only really play F1 and Fifa 13 currently, so would quite like a RPG to get to grips with. My brother recommended Unchartered, but i'd quite like to gauge others opinion if possible. Would just like a good story, something that will take me a while, and not too difficult for my very basic gaming skills. Cheers for all / any help!
  15. If im flying long haul, then i'll always try and aim for one of Singapore Airlines, Emirates or Etihad. However, that doesnt happen very often anymore since my little boy was born. So im limited to Europe currently, and for what you get, for the price you pay, you cannot beat Ryanair. Yes its not very comfortable. Yes, the baggage process is a bit ridiculous. Yes, I too, hate the scrum like method of getting on the plane, and yes, I do not like paying £5 for a beer on the flight. But, if they continue to do fares as cheap as they currently are, then I will take all those negatives and more. For example, my son, girlfriend and I are flying into Madrid this summer so spend a month in Andalucia and Southern Portgual. The flights were £178 for the three of us. All in. Ryanair open up travel to people that would'nt ordinarily be able to afford it, and although they seem to try darn hard to mess it up, you cant knock the prices. (The hottie air hostess calender is kinda cool too!)
  16. Thanks for all the advice guys, much appreciated. Went into Curry in B'ham yesterday afternoon and had a play with the N7, it does indeed look like a great piece of kit. And big enough in comparison to the GS3 to be worth getting. Cheers.
  17. Im finding more and more that I enjoy the ,manager / career mode on Fifa 13 than I do playing champo. It just got far to detailed for me, and took waaaaay too long to get anything done. Whereas Fifa is more to the point. Horses for courses I guess.
  18. I figure this is the age old, $64,000 question, but i'm going to ask my Villa brethren anyway... I have a Samung GS3 which I use quite a lot. I do a lot of commuting on the trains, (3hrs a day), the battery on it doesnt last particularly long. Is there room in my life for a smart phone and a Nexus 7?! If there is, I will snaffle one up today. Cheers guys and gals!
  19. If this is the case, it at least explains his utter inability to sense / smell the bullshit he spouts on a daily basis.
  20. Im no fan of Harry Redknapp as a football manager, but isnt his appearence due to the fact he was in a particularly nasty car accident? All for bashing his ridiculous transfer deadline day antics, but having a pop at how he looks? Not necessary and playground stuff.
  21. Bit of a crazy one for me this summer... Starting off with 17 days in Spain / Portugal. Into and out of Madrid, but hiring a car and intend on seeing Andalucia / Southern Portugal and the Vineyards around Lisbon. This is with the Mrs and baby. Then back for three days before I hit the Balkans: Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia for 10 days with my friends. Epicness awaits!
  22. There we go then, my question answered. And if thats the case, I dont think Fernandes has the wealth on his own to back the club up. Im not even sure his airline Air Asia are doing that well! (Although I hope to utilise their super cheap Asia fares soon!)
  23. Courtest of our Sky Sports friends. I wonder how much financial influence the Mittal family have at QPR. Theyve gone absolutely all out financially to escape relegation, so surely they have a plan if they do drop. Surely?
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