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Everything posted by S-Platt

  1. Cheers Artetas Girl I am glad you are happy and you are right to be wary of American owners!!!
  2. Not sold just a new investor who bought 49.9% of the club valuing it at 175 million! Sold his shares in Le Arse to invest in the Toffees. So they still have Kenwright who has the clubs best interests at heart and some extra money to compete on transfers and maybe a new stadium. I actually think that sounds the best thing that could happen to them but would welcome a Toffee to tell me what they think!
  3. Huddersfield season tickets are £179 for adults next season £69 8-17 year olds and £23 under 8s. Take note Villa!!
  4. I actually have a lot of respect for City Fans. Not the Johnny come lately types but there are loads more that have been through the ringer with going down to the 3rd division whilst their neighbours won everything. It's nice that they can lord it over Utd and it's them I hate with a passion! Pep has a tough job on his hands though as like people have said their squad is average. I think he will promote some youngsters and add some proper world class players to compliment Aguero. Will be an interesting watch next season especially if Mourinho takes over Utd.
  5. By the way chaps not sure there will be Championship games on a Friday night as the Premier League will be having live games from next season on Friday's! Maybe there will be a mixture but Championship will probably be shoved to Thursday's knowing our luck and Sky's urge to have a live game every night of the week!
  6. on H&V it was said a friend had spoken to a Macron shop manager who indicated Under Armour offered more if we stay in the Premier League compared to an offer to stay with Macron. However Macrons deal paid us more if we got relegated so I guess at the time Fox thought we would stay up! Of course that could be a crock of you know what! Now where is this pic!!?
  7. I was 1 of 8 season ticket holders who stopped going 2 years ago. Some of us are tempted to get one again if we go down. Depends how they price it really. Will defo be going to more away games though!!
  8. The club should set up its own TV Channel that fans can subscribe to watch matches live if living outside the UK. The rules might be relaxed outside The Premier League? AVTV needs to bring itself into the 21st century.
  9. They are mates off the pitch so they are just living the dream and doing things like kids would in the playground. It's a joy to watch at times. They put the hard work in and win the game before they then try and entertain the fans. It's fun for those 3 players and you can see that in their play. It can only happen as they all get on. Henry and Pires for Le Arse tried it but failed, again mates off the pitch. They just looked like dicks because they messed it up. I can't wait till one of either Messi/Neymar/Suarez go round the keeper stop the ball on the line gets on their knees and heads it over the line that would be pure schoolboy stuff!
  10. How would that work though as technically the penalty was missed surely the rules are the taker has to score for a bet to come in? oops I just woke up sorry mate I re read your post!
  11. They are shite but they will still spank us when we play them it's the law! If it was not Sunderland I would have had a good chuckle at yesterday's game as it was I just had a little snigger. They have money to spend so will be interesting who they give it to. Hopefully someone useless so they implode and Old Trafford is full of empty seats.
  12. So with all that money to spend why don't they buy Villa and have a team in the most popular league in the world (ok maybe not next year!) There has to be some minted Chinese consortium that can see the potential. They can use the Villa brand on a team in their own league too. I take it communism went out the window over there then?
  13. It's a fair point if you want to charge £50 for a ticket in a padded seat with waiters bringing you a beer and food during the game then I am all for that. I mean you might treat yourself every now and then. The average family man though that takes his kids should not pay more than £20 for his ticket and a fiver for the kids. Villa have a huge opportunity next season if we go down to fill Villa Park with that sort of offer. They will have more games so in theory could make the same in gate receipts by lowering the cost. I would be offering Holte End/North Stand season tickets at £300 for adults and £100 for kids. £400/£150 for the Trinity/Witton Lane. Match day prices £20/£5 and £25/£8. Fill the ground and get that feel good factor back into the fan base. At those sort of prices would you be more inclined to go or has that ship sailed?
  14. I could be wrong but the theatre has the same show on for a while so say you pay your £57.50 to see that show you then wait a couple of months till the next one. Whereas with footy its a different game every week I don't think the 2 can be compared when you are spending your hard earned cash. As another poster said Twenty is Plenty to attend a game home or away.
  15. Delph signed a new deal. It's more to do with getting the existing club a better pay off when you leave. A kind of thank you, just that Delph went about it the wrong way. Rowett would be mental to not listen to an offer if there indeed was one. A good fit for Derby and they have a lot more potential than SHA.
  16. One thing I will say about the weekends televised games is that Leicester were exciting to watch whereas the other games were boring me to death. Give me the get it forward and attack in numbers strategy to the pass pass pass go back pass pass that the rest play. I know it's not sustainable but I hope they do it this season as it will give every club hope that they can achieve the impossible too!
  17. And where you are based that would be double delight I can imagine Hanoi!
  18. I am not denying it was impressive as was winning the League Cup with Boro and taking them to a UEFA Cup Final. I am talking about the here and now as I see it Mourinho would be a better bet than Van Gaal for Utd. i hope whoever is in charge fails miserably though as I want them failing like Liverpool every year!!
  19. Steve McLaren won the league in Holland with Twente so hardly an achievement!! Mourinho would get more out this Utd team than Van Gaal but both play not to lose first.
  20. If as someone said Lyon are looking for a manager then I suggest the board pull their finger out and sign up the back room staff Remi wanted earlier in the season that would be a sign he is in it for the long term and the board believe in him.
  21. My boy is 4 months old he has had it drummed into him from his first breath so time will tell if that trick works!! Hope we are back in the prem by the time he is old enough for me to take him! on topic if we can get 3 points tomorrow there is a very slim chance we could do the impossible but lose or draw and that slim chance goes.
  22. A boycott ain't gonna work if they are willing to give up on the 100s of millions being in the premier league gets you. i am in the support the team and get behind Remi camp he is in agreement with the fan base that what is going on is not good enough and we should support him so his press conferences continue to undermine those above him. If they sack him they alienate the fans further. You don't need a great team to be promoted and we need him here next season.
  23. They were quoting his press conference earlier. He should stick it out and stick it to the clearings in the woods above him big time for the rest of season. The fans will back him and love him if he does that.
  24. It's all part of a master plan save on transfer fees and wages and bung the opposition £1.5M to throw each game between now and the end of the season! 41 years of supporting this club and it's never been this bad
  25. Losing in a semi to Man City is hardly Bradford!!
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