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Everything posted by saturdaygig

  1. To me, it seem preposterous and rather self obsesssed to imagine that life has appeared so abundantly here on earth, and yet nowhere else. Even if the conditions required for life are vanishingly rare, that still makes for millions of available planets. Plus of course, it might be that all sorts of different forms of life can evolve in entirely different conditions, although perhaps so different we wouldn't recognise it as life. Outside of our visible spectrum, for instance.
  2. In big bang theory, the bang isn't the beginning of time. Hawking said you might was well call it the beginning of time because nothing is carried over from one bang cycle to the next, so its trivial to talk about what happened before. But the universe has always been here....the fact that its hard or impossible to understand that doesn't stop it from being so.
  3. Cancer ward is a masterpiece. Most writers would make 3 or 4 novels out of that much material.
  4. Interesting. It looks like quite a departure for him.
  5. I'm really enjoying the new series of The Bridge, there's just so much content. Its still available from the beginning on iplayer if you missed the start.
  6. I watched the first episode, it's bizarre. Sal speaks English, but seems to understand all Norwegian, half the Norwegians speak English, half speak Norwegian. But the language barrier seems to be fairly irrelevant to everything else that happens. I'll watch a few more episodes to see how it goes but it's a bit nuts to me. Its really cheap TV. Not recommended at all as far as I'm concerned.
  7. It takes a lot of edits though, CED, to get a decent product. First draft is just to get the ideas down, I don't show anyone before draft #3.
  8. I've written a few short stories, although my attempts at novels have all failed at birth. I hadn't noticed this thread before, although it seems to have wandered off the original point a little. Mine are mostly around 2500 words.
  9. Dead right. And Jodie Foster being bad, delicious.
  10. I love Solzhenitsyn, First Circle and Cancer Ward are both fabulous. I'd start with A Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich though, its short and very accessible.
  11. I've been to carcraft and didn't think much of it. They were very high priced and most of the cars had cosmetic issues that they weren't prepared to fix. The one we talked to them about had a service history that they 'couldn't find' and would send on later. I said how much for it without the history (which you can be dam sure will never turn up) and they wouldn't budge. Didn't buy, hardly needs saying.
  12. Hooray, the new X Factor thread has arrived. I've been waiting.
  13. Zooey is cropping up a lot. Sure she's very pretty, but sexy? Have you ever seen her legs, great tree trunks of things.
  14. As it happens, I'm on that at the moment too. Fairly unlikely, given its relative obscurity. Kelly then made a low noise and opened his mouth, and covered the small man from shoulder to knee with a coating of unpleasant buff coloured puke. I rather like the implication that some puke is neither unpleasant nor buff coloured.
  15. They're screened up to episode 7 in the US, they used bigger storylines this time. I've been enjoying it.
  16. Jag's are good fun, reliable, comfy, full of toys, fast, 30mpg. What about this. I've had a couple and they very fine.
  17. Must admit, I have idea what you mean. But I did go to see Elysium and I rather enjoyed, only real drawback being one fight too many at the end. We all knew that baddie wasn't going to stop the hero from saving the work, so knocking 7 bells out of each other for 10 minutes was utterly pointless. Aside from that, good movie, and Jodie Foster was pretty hot - haven't seen her in a baddie role before.
  18. That's just an excuse though. There's no chance at all of such interference happening, or they wouldn't let 300 people onto a plane carrything them, and rely on them following instructions to turn them off. If there was real risk they just plain wouldn't be allowed on the plane.
  19. It always amuses me when people say they don't want to earn more because they'd pay more tax. I can fix it so you don't pay any tax, don't earn over £10k. I'd rather pay a million in tax though. People often think overtime is taxed at a higher rate than regular pay. If they earn 20k, the first 10k is tax free, then 20% on the rest, making £2k of tax. That looks like the overall rate is 10%. Any more you earn is taxed at 20%, so it look like its double taxed. I think this will be what's behind the story OP has heard.
  20. I've been watching The Good Wife. I know its been around a while, but I haven't noticed it mentioned much round here. Every episode is an enclosed story line (a legal case) with a slowly building back story. The classic structure for a series. Its started well, but the back story build is slow going, and part way through series one it got a bit samey - every episode = unwinable case which they heroically win. Series two has been great though, there so much back story the enclosed episode stories don't matter, an irritation almost.
  21. I accidentally watched it not realising it was a remake. I really enjoyed series one, but two left me cold. A good reason for watching the original is that then you have more series to go at.
  22. I've been watching a fair bit of tennis this week due to my current between-jobs status. I've found the womens much more watchable than the mens. I watched the murray deciding set but four sets to get there is too long for me, specially when the games are so much about the serves. Both Lisicki and Radwanska have been really enjoyable this week so the match between them today was a must-see.
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