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Everything posted by Sid4ever

  1. Family across the road who did not adhere to any lockdown, moved their sons boyfriend in at the height due to their sons mental health, organised an orchestral Christmas lights switch on as it’s been a tough year. All planned for the 5th December, mince pies and mulled wine, neighbours on both sides have already done their decorations and lights are up and blazing, cheers me up no end. Take that you genuflecting Tories
  2. I need to go to bed there are so many times you can rewind MOTD2 to watch the comments
  3. Does the top sheet, if you put in on properly, ie over the top, feel good? Bonus points if it’s 3 ply and not that 4 ply shit from the Labrador company
  4. One does if you shop at a major member only warehouse establishment, only the odd 72 full trucks sent in this weekend, with 42 more going in tomorrow.
  5. Good lad that’s one of mine the 24 roll if it was £7, if it was cheaper than that, then with your condition you are not giving your arse the care it needs.
  6. Just coming to post the same thing, in summary we have been great and I know Leeds lost v Wolves but..... Garth Crooks and him must still draw some sort of wage from the BBC, pains me that my licence fee funds some of that.
  7. I am waiting for villareport to retweet the news on Phillips although not sure I believe them.
  8. Ollie, I am sorry I put Calvert-Lewin in. Never will I doubt you again
  9. They are not wrong, it’s just like March all over again. They were also about 2 weeks ahead of the stock piling shit storm then.
  10. Couple more packs for every villatalk member and that’s me on early retirement. I know that my main customer, similar in sound to Tesco but starts with a C, has implemented purchase restrictions already.
  11. A few miles then, just outside Garstang myself. But with a PR post code
  12. Excuse me, we are probably neighbours if you are south of Lancaster, don’t judge me on my post code
  13. I am sure my wife said the exact same words about me, that I would be marvellous
  14. What’s better than the no look pass, the no look assist, even Dean mentioned it in his interview, we’ve got a player here .
  15. I can’t do the gif magic, but WTAF, not sure if serious. Djimi Traore, wasn’t a bad player, no stats you can unearth will prove your point. Even Bielsa your hero would struggle with him.
  16. So far just another boring procession
  17. He brought me flowers in the pouring rain once
  18. As a Cestrian I know the dark side of the border past Pulford
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