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The Fun Factory

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Everything posted by The Fun Factory

  1. Well Kalinic is deficiently surplus to requirements and Heaton is above Steer as the second choice. Depends if he thinks that is good enough for him at this stage of his career.
  2. Whenever I think of Gary Megson I just think of a meat and potato pie with 2 jug ears.
  3. Well he is if the remit is to keep them up while Ashley finds the right buyer. In terms of progressive attractive football er no.
  4. It's a bit of a stretch to see Birmingham become Bergamo though.
  5. In a little over two years (with help from the board) he has transformed a unbalanced squad mired deep mid table in the Championship, to one of the best teams in the country. And a cup final thrown in. And he hasn't finished yet.
  6. Whilst I really want to agree with you, the growing tv/internet audience is mostly made up of Asian football fans who almost exclusively support the said teams. They would not want to see teams like Villa threatening to break up the big team monopoly. Same in Spain the only teams with a global brand are Real and Barca and so on. The system wants the same brands to be competing with each other year after year after year hence the demand for a expanded European super league.
  7. Yep during his time at Arsenal they won the league 5 times in 3 different decades and got to the Champions League final. Since then 0.
  8. They are probably just grateful that they haven't done a Birmingham or Coventry. Yet.
  9. Most Baggies fans I accidentally end up speaking too seem forever happy to be bouncing up and down the divisions. I don't think they are a particularly ambitious bunch. Perhaps they are just realistic considering they are sandwiched between Wolves and Villa for support, they are always going to end up 3rd in that league.
  10. Arsenal have never been the same since David Dein was forced out. Its mostly been downhill ever since apart from the odd good season and FA Cup.
  11. Yes I saw that I thought it was a typo! Welcome back big sam.
  12. Having the 2 in hand makes us go under the radar a bit and I kind of like that. On a good day we look like a top 6 side again.
  13. Pleased for the lad as he has had to wait to get a chance in the team. Seems a likeable fella and he will always be in the plus column for me with the playoff final goal.
  14. Another away win, 3 clean sheets in a row and we have up to 2 games in hand versus a lot of the teams around us. Whisper it quietly but we could be having a very good season. Albion are going down and Fat Sam only took the job on as he was bored.
  15. Hopefully not in France.
  16. Didn't actually realise he is back and playing for the reserve. Obviously his knee injury was not quite as bad as Wes's one esp when you take into account he is about 10 years older. Do you think he will go out on loan in Jan to get game time or our we happy for him to be number 2? We have too many keepers on the books. Heaton would be one we could actually sell for a bit of money (4-5 mi maybe) even though he is in his mid 30s.
  17. Getting top 10 at this stage would be a minor miracle. In seasons gone by that would be a 'disaster'.
  18. From the bbc website report 'There is no threat to Arteta's position - he won the FA Cup last season after all - but there is a sense of dangerous drift about Arsenal, who have now gone seven league games without a win'. Er they look absolutely dire and are steaming towards the bottom 3. Nobody cares about winning the FA Cup. If that was the case Wenger would still be the manager. I would says its 50-50 he will last the season at the moment.
  19. I didn't realise he is still without a club. Unrealistic wage demands?
  20. 2 cleans sheets and 4 points versus Wolves and Burnley is not a bad result. We are creating chances on another night we would have won this. We are building a solid foundation and it is going to take a bit of time for all of it to click. If we finish 11th come May I would be delighted.
  21. He showed flashes of promise before the injury but as I have said before I don't really think he fits Smith's system. I will be delighted when he gets back as I don't wish a injury on any player and will improve our options up front by 50%. However long term I am not super confident he will be with us.
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