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Everything posted by regular_john

  1. Forgive me if this is a silly question, but what is actually going on at Southampton? I've clearly missed something, are they in dire financial trouble or is this just a case of a chairman trying to make as much money as possible? I don't remember reading anything about them have financial issues
  2. This is a villa forum, the scales are ALWAYS tipped in favour of doom and gloom!
  3. Nope, even worse than that, he got sacked because Flair was drunk and JR failed to keep him in check.
  4. Never in the history of football has there been such a disparity between a players confidence and his actual ability, as there is with Nicklas 'top 5 in the world' Bendtner. Sod it, bring him in. He might be good for a laugh at least!
  5. Well done Macron! Home and away kits are both fantastic this year!
  6. Or maybe Okore won't turn out to be the supermegastar we've hyped him up to be in his absence?
  7. They're not always human. Sometimes they're animals that humans happen to like, like cats, dogs, and horses. Oddly enough, you never see ghost rats, or pigeons, or tapeworms.
  8. You need to boot using an XP recovery disc, the option to fix the MBR will be there somewhere. What do you actually need the computer for? Do you do any gaming? Do you need Windows specific programs? If not, why not just install the latest Ubuntu/Mint and not have to deal with corrupted MBRs?
  9. I'm not sure why we should, both he and Lambert literally said as much when he signed. Those quotes were actually part of his initial interviews on the OS.
  10. On the subject of us getting relegated if we go into next season with the same squad, I don't think we will. I think once we get Benteke, Kozak, Okore, and N'Zogbia back from injury we'd have enough quality to be comfortably safe, probably no better than midtable but certainly not relegated.
  11. Don't see why your surprised, it's thier brand logo. I think all the macron kits have them on. I'm not surprised, it's just that my reaction for the third year running has been 'that would be a really nice top if it wasn't for that stupid **** man on the shoulders'
  12. That's a brilliant pun, I Kwan stop laughing!
  13. I don't get it. Kwan me to explain it to you?
  14. For the third year in a row... ...if only it wasn't for that stupid **** man on the shoulders.
  15. Not to be pedantic, but Ellis hired MON and set the Bodymoor Heath improvements in motion before Lerner arrived. I agree with the overall sentiment though. Randy's done a lot of great things for this club and deserves to be remembered in a positive light. Thank you, Randy.
  16. No, let's not. His purchases have been mostly shocking, and his style of football even worse. Dreadful manager, and the thought of him inflicting further damage by wasting a new owner's money is terrifying. His purchases have all come from the bargain bin because of the financial restrictions placed on him. It is very, very rare to find a top quality player for the kind of money Lambert has been allowed to spend on the majority of his signings, and to expect him to find enough of these players to fill an entire squad is asking too much. Most of the lads he's signed would make very good squad members, the kind of young players you want to see gradually get more and more game time alongside more experienced colleagues until they understand the job well enough to play week in week out. Unfortunately, because of financial restrictions, we've had to fill an entire squad with those players, with very little in the way of experienced team mates to help them out. As I said previously, he's managed to keep us in the premier league using only inexperienced, young players, which to me indicates he's done a decent job. It would be a shame to sack him off at this point having given him no chance to build a proper premiership side. To put it into perspective, the money Lambert has spent building the entire squad would buy less than half of one Gareth Bale.
  17. I may be in a minority of one, but I'd actually like to see Lambert given a chance with a bit of money to spend. He has worked miracles to keep this club in the premier league with 22 year old league one players, and I can't help but feel that for a load of major injuries this season we'd be comfortably mid-table, which I'd be happy with given the circumstances. Get some new owners in, give Lambert a bit of money to add quality rather than quantity to the squad and let's see where we go from there.
  18. I don't anticipate anyone particularly caring about this but sod it, I'm pissed right off and I need to vent. I'm in my final year at medical school and am *this* close to becoming a doctor, which is a dream I've had for as long as I can remember. I've just sat my finals and passed all of them...except one. For the first time in my medical education I've failed an exam, and it happens to be right at the end. Technically it's not a big deal, I'll just do the resit and hopefully start work as planned in August. But...it's ruined. That one, glorious moment I've worked so hard for has gone and I can never have it back. I can't join in with the current celebrations, and I won't be able to celebrate properly when/if I pass because it will be tarnished with the stench of my initial failure. It's like finishing a marathon 3 hours after everyone has gone home - yes, you did it, but you're dead last and you've missed the party. Not to mention the £500 I've pissed away on a medical elective placement that I now can't go on. My friends are having the time of their lives in all sorts of far flung places and I'm holed up in my tiny flat revising for resits. AND I have to watch my girlfriend leave for Toronto, a place I love, to go on a holiday she booked to pass the time while I was away on my now nonexistent elective. AND due to my universitys retarded exam coupling system, I also have to resit an exam I passed because it's linked to the obe I failed. I'm furious, pissed off, and utterly gutted. And the worst part? There's no one to blame but me.
  19. I'm with BT and the router is absolutely terrible. It has no range whatsoever and struggles to connect to anything that isn't a Windows OS (i.e. phones, ipad, linux etc.)
  20. Try Mint if your laptop struggles with ubuntu, it's every bit as feature rich as ubuntu and quite a bit snappier
  21. One of the best pops ever was Bret 'returning' to Montreal when Shawn Michaels was doing his heel run against Hogan. The crowd go absolutely mental only to be completely let down...twice! Heel Shawn was awesome.
  22. I think Holt and Gabby could be a good combo up top actually
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