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Everything posted by regular_john

  1. Hey all, Thanks for the contributions so far, just a few things to clarify: I'm quite skint (student in London), so can't really afford to be paying any up-front costs for phones. I use my phone quite a bit, but not enough to justify spending much more than £15 a month on a contract. I'm also fed up of Blackberrys, and refuse to waste good money on a Windows phone. All of this leads me to the (budget) Android phones. As far as networks go, it would appear that the best choices are O2 and Tesco (iPhone 4 is available for around £16 a month on Vodafone...but it's Vodafone so **** that). Essentially my choices are between the Samsung galaxy ace/ace 2, Sony Xperia E/T/SP, Samsung S3 mini, and a couple of others including some of the entry model LGs and HTCs. Has anyone used any of these phones, or know of any hidden gem deals? edit: Just found what looks like a cracking deal on a HTC one mini - £22 a month on O2 BUT the first five months are free, so the average cost across the length of the contract is around £17 a month.
  2. I'm looking at getting an Android phone after my 24 month contract with Tesco expired. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good, budget android phone? I'm currently paying around £15 a month and not looking to pay much more than that. Current contenders: - Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 - Samsung Galaxy S3 mini - Sony Xperia T Thoughts?
  3. If we're going to play 3-5-2 and try and stay tight I think we'd be better off with Gabby up front for when we break, and Westwood in the middle for his range of passing if the middle three are going to stay static. I agree with the rest though, and would like to see Helenius get a full game, I just don't think this is the right one.
  4. 28.12 I'm definitely overweight, so I can't complain too loudly, but I don't pay too much attention to my BMI as in order to be at a 'healthy' BMI I'd need to lose 20 lbs, which will leave me looking like a cancer patient (done it before, I looked ILL).
  5. We're going to get murdered. Properly, properly murdered. To death. Until we die from it. 3-0 at least (as much as I hate to say it).
  6. Poor so far. Spurs deserving of their lead. Can't see what we can change for the second half, Helenius and Weimann are the only players we have on the bench who can make a difference.
  7. Carb cycling - thoughts? Experiences?
  8. Indeed. We were fully deserving of all three points against Chavski and at least a point against Liverpool. Had we gotten what we deserved from those games we'd currently be fourth.
  9. It's pretty easy to conclude he's a poor defensive coach at this point. However, he's 43 or 44(?) (I might be off on this but) which is still young for a manager so to conclude by this Christmas that he will never be a good defensive manager seems premature. Not that how he coaches defense in ten years will help villa Why not? Who else will be managing us in the 2023 champions league final?
  10. And this is our problem. EVERY **** game is difficult. Jawdees at home should have been 3 guaranteed points but it wasn't. If we can't beat them, then every game will be "difficult". Sadly. Why the hell would Newcastle at home be 3 guaranteed points? They finished one place below us last season, and 11 places above us the season before! Yes, they're crap away but we're crap at home. Teams that finish 15th do not have any 'guaranteed wins' the season after unless they buy a load of superstars in the transfer window. There are no guaranteed wins for us this season, we're not that good (yet).
  11. I'm inclined to agree. I didn't hear a peep from either the Holte or the north stand for the whole game!
  12. Supposedly it features the Mom from Malcom in the middle, and Hal wakes up one night in bed and it was all a dream. I've had the exact same thought and I would LOVE it if they did that. Just for a laugh.
  13. I'm not going to cast a vote here, as my mildly OCD tendencies prohibit me from upsetting such a perfectly balanced poll. However, I wanted to chime in as I have what may be considered a slightly odd ass wiping habit - I believe it is called 'The Nelson'. Standing up with one foot on the toilet seat, thus granting full access to the area in question. It really is the next stage in human assessment wiping evolution, and I wholly recommend it. Glorious.
  14. Agreed. There were more than a few references to him 'visibly shaking in response to crowd hostility last year. IMO he's a decent but not spectacular young player who'll need encouragement, rather than derision, as he develops and makes the inevitable mistakes that are part of that process. For all their wealth and fame, these are still just young men who feel all the same emotions that we do.
  15. Anyone know if there'll be any coverage of this game on AVTV? There's no mention of it on the OS
  16. I missed most of the first half, but from what I saw her seemed ok. To me, it just looked like he was new to the team and didn't know where his teammates were, or where they expected him to be. We've seen far worse debuts, let's not write him off just yet.
  17. regular_john

    Windows 8

    Because they put the OS you love on desktops and laptops, where the interface goes from being quirky and cool to being retarded beyond belief. The Windows 8 interface is truly horrible with a mouse, and as it's now pre-loaded on almost every new desktop and laptop, there's no escaping it! Even worse, their UFEI system makes dual booting with another OS, or replacing Windows entirely, so difficult it's practically impossible for the average user. In short, **** Microsoft.
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