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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. Is that in honour of Swedish recording artist, Robin 'Robyn' Carlsson?
  2. Oh yes. He's already got his Ravens baby grows. Just need to get his Villa one next
  3. Little video I took last night talking to Sammy. He knows who his Daddy is
  4. Richardson, Cole, Senderos... I want to use the word 'safe' for the signings but that might be the wrong word. PL experience most definitely, and probably what we need depth wise in the squad. Underwhelming, yes, but required IMO.
  5. He's not that bad actually. Has his moments, but generally sleeps for 3 hours at a time during the night so I get up and change him then the wife feeds him. I go back to sleep when my part is done
  6. I joined the club nearly 9 weeks ago. Had a little boy, Samuel. Can't believe how much I love the little dude.
  7. Can't believe he's only 26. Seems to have been around forever, like Gabby. Still, he can score goals and has some flair about him. Won't grumble for a free signing aslong as his wages are average.
  8. Shame. Looked good when he played for us and seemed to have some energy.
  9. I, for one, would welcome Benty back into the fold this season. Unless someone comes in with a bid he's going to be on our books, might as well use him. We know he can score goals, and with Benteke out until Xmas time we need goals from somewhere.
  10. LOL @ Cowboys trading for a retired player. Rolando McClain is mental.
  11. TBH unless you're a Villa fan I doubt you want to be here either. Had high expectations of Lowton, sad to see that he's fading into obscurity.
  12. Can't believe I get married in June. Only seems like yesterday when I was telling you guys about my new lady
  13. Apparently he's handed himself in for questioning. From Small Heath. Should have known.
  14. That's far too in-depth! Could you imagine if a similar thing was introduce for football?
  15. Pfft, that's weeks old! This is the week 7 topic.
  16. Lynch not happy a passing play was called.
  17. Wilson had a decent game, 3 fumbles is unforgivable though. If you'd have lost it would have been made into a big deal, but because you've won he'll be OK.
  18. If you can't lift it raw, then its probably not worth lifting >_>
  19. You know you're getting old when you sit on the toilet and your balls dip into the toilet water.
  20. *Maddie McCann turns up at Kate and Gerry's press conference* "... I just got a double cheeseburger for 99p" *Reporters nod approvingly*
  21. more of the Ravens' credit for getting the first down goes to the running game. Running.... game?
  22. Flacco actually finished with better stats, yet was ranked lower than Rodgers. #confused
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