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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. It's treated me well over the last few years. Occasionally throw in 5/3/1 every few months to shake things up.
  2. It was a bit tough to get into to begin with, I'll admit, and it was bloody difficult and required a bit of luck to win the tournament at Luca, but I stuck with it and absolutely love it. I have played Blitzball for hours on end. Recruiting Brother from the airship really helps out a lot. FFX will always hold a very special place for me. First half just pass, pass and pass, then shoot just before halftime using Tidus' special shot. Should level up a fair bit then in the second half get the ball and go for the quick goal using Tidus' special shot again. Should win 2-0 / 2-1 as the scene kicks in. Easy once you got it down.
  3. Bench press is great for triceps, so as it's a chest exercise I do triceps on chest day. Legs / Shoulders Chest / Triceps Back / Biceps That's if I did 3 separate workouts a week. Still sticking to; Squats / Bench / Rows Squats / OHP / Deadlift
  4. I thought Ralph was brilliant. I caught Brave the other day too and laughed my ass off.
  5. Supernatural S8 at the moment. Love it. One of my all-time favourite TV shows.
  6. Adam Sandler films are great fun. Zohan, Big Daddy, Mr Deeds, Billy Maddison. Loved them all. Saw 'Now you see me' at the cinema on Saturday night. Very entertaining. Also, on Captain America and Thor.. fantastic films. The Avengers rule!
  7. This! Yeah totally agree. Other then okore and maybe luna, are any of these signings going to be regular first teamers?!? No. Helenius could.
  8. Canty gets to keep his too following an eye injury in 2005. Ravens sign Dallas Clark and Brandon Stokley. Happy with both those on 1 year deals. Great 3rd down guys and will provide some vet experience on the offense.
  9. Black Ops 2 is taking up all my gaming at the moment. Loving Kill Confirm game mode.
  10. I think people are dismissing the Patriots too quickly. They'll still win the division, I have no doubt - But I do think it will be closer than it has been. Miami have definitely upgraded this off season, and I have them above the Jets and the Bills.
  11. Decker a dark horse? The guy who got over 1000 yards receiving with 13 TDs last year? The guy who was targeted 120+ times and hauled in 85 grabs. The guy who has already had a full season with Manning? Something tells me he'll be pretty much covered on the field.
  12. Currently making an awesome Baltimore Ravens emblem.
  13. You say the words Villa and Beard, and you think Olof. No contest for the #1 spot IMO.
  14. We have 72 users representing 26 franchises so far.
  15. LOL no chance. If Atlanta win the Superbowl in the next 5 years I'll donate £20.00 to VT.
  16. The NFC West will be one of the hardest divisions this year. The Rams are looking very good defensively, so you have Seahawks, 9ers and the Rams who will be hard to score against... Then the Cardinals. LOL. BUT, they're looking more polished offensively this year and Palmer to Fitz will be a lot better than what they have had since the Warner era. It'll be closer than people think, and I wouldn't write off the Rams, Stefan. They've got a solid, young offense. Tavon Austin looks explosive, they've got the 3 headed running game going well in practice and Jared Cook is an upgrade at TE over Kendrick (who had some teething problems). It will all come down to how Bradford goes this year. He's had the potential for a while.
  17. So it's basically vote for whoever you want and the top voted players go, then they are picked by 'Captains' to make a squad? It's like being in the playground at school! Wonder who's picked last?
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