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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. Oh God.. I had blanked those Sherwoodisms from my mind
  2. Faild 107.5kg squat today on the 5th set. So close. Just couldn't get going on that 5th set. Will try again Monday after a better nights sleep hopefully.
  3. He had the chance 4 years ago. He was a nipper then. Are you saying he doesn't deserve a chance now based on performances from back then?
  4. OMG RAMS TRADE RAMS TRADE! Titans have walked away with a haul and a half. Silly LA Rams. Wentz or Goff aren't worth 2 1sts, 2 2nds and 2 3rds.
  5. The club won't hire a manager based on where his house is.
  6. I don't think we'll end up getting rid of half as many as people are talking about. Probably need to, but it won't happen.
  7. Eh? He played about 15 games for us in 2011/12. Injuries and loans have kept him out of our squad so to say he's been given a chance and he wasn't good enough is spouting crap tbh.
  8. Stretch before and after my friend, helps considerably.
  9. Regardless of what they said, if it was my niece and I was earning a considerable amount of money like a Premier League footballer, I'd insist on paying for the treatment.
  10. Remi is no where near as hard as Pearson. Pearson will tell them what he thinks and how he wants things to go, if they don't like it they'll be off, not still in the squad.
  11. If Pearson comes in by the weekend then I'd assume he'll soon stamp his authority on the squad and we might see a few disgruntled faces on the training ground!
  12. Vote for Adama to show him how much he is loved. Hopefully he might stay then.
  13. 105kg 5x5 squat, 42.5kg 5x5 OHP and 130kg 1x5 Deadlift today. Feeling good since that little stutter I had a week or 2 ago.
  14. I'm looking forward to Suicide Squad, and I'll watch it for what it is, not for what it SHOULD or SHOULDN'T be to comic fans etc... It looks entertaining, that's all I want.
  15. That's why I put my protein powder in my morning NutriBullet smoothies
  16. Veretout, Amavi, Gana and Ayew we need to keep IMO. Young players who have just played their first season in England, and from all reports earlier in the year they weren't integrated very well. They have talent and potential, and given some good signings in the summer they will have their part to play next year.
  17. Is this the new Gearbox game? (Borderlands guys)
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