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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. I moved in November and the house we're at now has about 20ft of garden behind the current fencing that is ours. It does slope down after about 10ft, but we wanted to reclaim it all and then fence it off at a safe point. It backs onto Warrens Hall Reserve in Netherton. Spent the weekend cutting trees, hacking brambles and digging up tree stumps. It was so overgrown and so much stuff had been dumped over the fence. Made a clear path now to the bottom of the slope so all the branches and stuff are being chucked over the back as it will all comp down over time and the brambles will be burned in our makeshift barrel fire pit. Once it's all clear the plan is to make the slope safe and fence it off as we don't want the slope to make it's way further down the garden. Hopefully some deep concrete posts and stuff will support the soil so it doesn't fall away. Busy bee. Tiring work.
  2. No gym this morning. Been in the garden all weekend and it's taken its toll. Knackered and achy today. Digging up tree stumps is harder than I thought!
  3. Norman v OBD x2 Norman v Dez x2 Norman v ... Matthews? x2
  4. Should have been fined every week he refused to play. I hope to McGrath we've not been paying his wages
  5. How the **** do we have nobody capable of instilling discipline into the squad? It's beyond a joke
  6. Yeah Norman is helped a lot by his surrounding players. He takes a lot of risks. Looks like the Skins are leading the chase for him. Odell v Norman twice a year!
  7. I would accuse R.Bear of being Gabby, but I don't believe he could spell half of those words.
  8. He's asking far too much for a guy who, in reality, has only had 1 good season. As great a season as it was, he's been to 1 pro-bowl and he's 29 this year.
  9. I was gonna say OK, but then I saw she's let herself go so I'm out.
  10. Just reporting based on the Sun reporting it. Nowt to see.
  11. All of my workouts are fasted. I go first thing in the morning so only have water during workout. I know probably in the long run I won't be able to sustain the HEAVY weights (i.e. 150 squats or 190 DLs) but it's working at the moment and I'm still increasing my loads.
  12. Josh Norman has franchise tag rescinded. FA. He's after 16m.
  13. Cancer is being a bastard this year more than ever.
  14. How are they able to come to terms when we've not had a bid accepted yet?
  15. That video has reignited my optimism. A sale is coming!
  16. I use the free app as I'm lazy and it helps me keep track during my workout / rest times and also automatically sorts the increased weight for the next workout. Log all my workouts on Fitocracy which is awesome. Level up, set PBs, be social with other users.. That little bit of extra motivation to have a good workout
  17. I have no words. Is there anybody at Villa with an ounce of business sense at all?
  18. Ooooooh, we can keep each other going with some friendly competition!
  19. Cougars. I still have nightmares.
  20. Nice lifts there mate. I'm nearly down to 90kg weight. Hopefully can keep losing a few kg and keep my lifts going up. Wanna get down to 85kg if I can. Will be the lightest I've been since I was 18 then I think!
  21. Woo did 107.5kg squat (5x5) second time of asking. Also did 45kg OHP (5x5) and a 132.5kg DL (1x5) Good day
  22. That's the way I read it. "He needs to sell the club and **** off"
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