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Everything posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. Excellent point. That gives me heaps more hope for this season than I had this time last week. A really really good performance.
  2. The MON and Milner week of torture. Barry leaving was one thing, but that was when it all came crashing down for us. Hope went out the window.
  3. I reckon logically it multiplies so we'd beat ManUnited 9-0
  4. A really really limp effort. Zero penetration. I'd say the limpest effort i've ever seen from a premier league team, but then I remember last season.
  5. Holman has always worn 14 for Australia as far as I can remember. Maybe he and Delfouneso made some sort of deal
  6. Okay, just saw this today. Pretty entertaining but really really dumb in so many places. Spoilers below
  7. As someone who had a circumcision 2 weeks ago at age 26 because of phimosis I can say that it is certainly not something i'd recommend if you had a wang that worked perfectly well. My phimosis was severe enough that the other treatments weren't working. I was still able to do everything you'd want to do with your schlong, but I couldn't get the foreskin over the head (and had never been able to). Obviously other than hygeine being an issue, i've had to be very careful on entry during sex to avoid potential ripping. Never had an incident but i've always been careful. For the first week or so the head of my cock felt basically like the raw skin exposed when you rip off a toenail. It's gotten a lot better but it's still super sensitive. The stitches are starting to dissolve which has made it a lot more comfortable but it's still pretty uncomfortable. Obviously in my case it was the right move, but obviously a general anesthetic, surgery, 6 weeks of painful, tender recovery before it's useable again, and on top of that the risk of infection, it's just not worth doing for anything other than a medical reason. It's heinous that they'd do it to a child, especially before the child is even able to have a say in the matter. Good on Germany
  8. If Qatar can win a vote to host a World Cup, this guy can win UEFA player of the year. Come on Journos!
  9. In fairness they absolutely had to go super safe. If we've gone from the biggest sportswear company on the planet to Macron, and Macron give us something out of left field people would be out for blood. They've given us a simple, typical Aston Villa kit without much to talk about. They've done exactly what they had to do. If their first couple of kits for us are popular, then they can go a bit more ambitious.
  10. The yellow stripe at the base is weird and unnecessary but other than that, provided the fabric is nice, it ticks all the boxes. Better than Nike's last couple of efforts. Looks like a villa kit should.
  11. I can't believe it hasn't been leaked. Where is a freaking pallet when you need one?
  12. I preferred Given. I thought Brad was amazing early on in his stint with us but faded and became more prone to mistakes in his last season.
  13. A Brisbane band i'm getting super into at the moment It makes me feel warm and fuzzy
  14. The most sickening arguments against gay marriage are from people who claim to be pro gay but believe marriage should only be between a man and a woman. Those who claim that they are right behind gay "civil unions" The rights that the union entitles them to is very important, but for a lot of these people the most important thing is just having their love and their relationship recognised by their country as being identical to a heterosexual relationship. Having the same rights is not the same as being the same thing. People who try to argue that completely miss the point and miss the reason that this is such a big issue. It's like Rosa Parks on the bus. Sure, the bus takes you to the same place whether you're sitting or standing up so a white person can sit, but simply where the bus takes you isn't the point here. I'm pretty passionate about this issue tbh. I'm a married heterosexual man, but i'm basically a single issue voter on this exact issue because i'm embarrassed that my country is so backward and bigoted.
  15. I think Holman divides Aussie fans because for years he did nothing. He seemed useless for quite a while but recently he has managed to impose himself quite well on Socceroos games. I think it's a case of reputation having not caught up with form as yet. Fingers crossed he comes good! I think he'll do wonders for the interest Villa attracts down here in Oz.
  16. Yeah i'm with you guys, there is nothing wrong with that kit. That kit has actually given me a bit more confidence that we'll get something decent from Macron
  17. Weird one as he was a good guy, but I had so many nightmares about Falcor from Neverending Story. I suppose it is a combination of a giant dog and the whole uncanny valley thing he has going but it scared the shit out of me. I felt uneasy googling the picture to post here.
  18. There have been Villa shirts fairly regularly on sale in Australia over the past decade until the last couple of seasons, where I can't remember seeing one. I bought the first two Nike home shirts we had off the shelf from a sports store in Adelaide.
  19. This happened at a T20 match involving my club, Hope Valley (in the blue), last week. It's been doing the rounds in the Adelaide media. Happy to report that the bowler avoided concussion and the catch stood!
  20. Despite kidding ourselves that they were only leaving for money, I think both of these players have been entirely vindicated in their decision to leave Aston Villa when they did. It's Chicken/Egg though. Had both of those two stayed, you'd assume we might have also kept Ash, and we'd be a shitload better than we are now, we possibly may have been able to make other signings to strengthen the squad. Maybe O'Neill would still be managing us, maybe someone better? I'd argue that we're shit because our best 3 players left.
  21. Muse - Hysteria Simon and Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence David Bowie - Rebel Rebel Regurgitator - !(Song formerly know as) The Whitlams - Buy Now Pay Later Out of ~3500 songs
  22. In a word...no, but if the situation actually presented itself im sure the discission would'nt be as straight forward. I still think i would reject the offer, but as i say, i think you would be crazy to not consider it for a second. What if she said she would be ok with it? Like i say, i think you would be crazy not to consider it. It could potentially wreck your relationship on the other hand. I wouldn't. Not if I was in love with her. If I'm not in love with her, then I probably wouldn't be with her. So no. This, absolutely. Nail on the head
  23. Gareth Bale is a terrific shout currently but i'm not sure about all time.
  24. Without the mo i'm the spitting image
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